
eхoѕнιdae on oмegle?!


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You are now chatting with a stranger. Say hi!

You both like Bubble Tea.

You: Hello.

Stranger: What goes on, yo?

You: I don't even know.

You: Do you like EXO

Stranger: What is that.

You: How can you not know?!

Stranger: BeCaUsE. I am only here for bubble tea lovers. 

You: I like bubble tea.

Stranger: Clearly.

You: What?

Stranger: I have bubble tea right now ^.^ In your face cx

You: Can you show me the bubble tea?

You: My bubble tea senses are tingling.

You: It's strawberry isn't it.

Stranger: ...

You: I can see the neon green straw from the cup.

Stranger: It is strawberry. 

You: Can you hold the cup up so I can my screen?

Stranger: Are you human? Freak..

Stranger has disconnected.

Thanks for reading if you did.. c:









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