
trainee!au series

She's hard to miss.


The first time they meet, he trips down the stairs.


"I'm okay," he says, eyebrows twisting to bear the pain. He manages a grin but it is a wince instead, Sunyoung knows, because the impact made a sound even the trainees in the other room could hear. She tiptoes to check his upper torso, his neck, and finally his face. She notices a slight bump. It's near his jaw, she concludes, but thinks that wont be much of a problem.

"Do you need an to the nurse?"

He opens his right eye and sees hers, staring up into his. She seems concerned, her hands gesturing to steady his frame but is afraid to go any further. He's seen her around actually, bustling in between classes. He hasn't seen what she does, but hears it to be amazing. It takes him a while to realize that he won't need to, judging from what he's looking at right now. She shines, and he's not sure whether it’s the hallway lamps or the overwhelming twinkle in her eyes. 

"Do you remember your name?"

 "Of course," he replies, with effort. 

"Tell me." She insists.

He raises an eyebrow, before whispering "Chanyeol." It's barely audible because this is a stupid question, and she might have lost her mind already.

She hasn't.

"I'm glad you remember."

Sunyoung drags his other arm, half the energy she's made up of, across the hallway and past the studio where he was supposed to meet Jongin and the others, but leaving this girl was something he felt he should not do. 

Chanyeol follows, footsteps heavy. She's putting a bit more pressure now, hastening in each step. 

"You know who I am, right?"


She turns to face him, forcing him to stop in his tracks. They are only a few centimeters away from each other, and looking down on someone that quickly made the bruise on his jaw sting. She meets his eyes and he squints, trying to hold back the pain. 

He sighs, and says it out loud. "Park Sunyoung."

She responds with the widening of her eyes, a smile slowly creeping up her face. Tousled dark hair frame her small face enough to show a scar, obvious near her eyebrow, two lines intersecting her socket.

It’s completely contagious. He bites his lip down to maintain his demeanor.

"Can we hurry?" He says, scratching his temple.

And she turns, swiftly. Before he could take a deep breath, they are in front of the infirmary, his hands moving from warmth to the startling cold. The nurse's hands feel like ice, and he tries to smile.

"I'll see you around?"

He never said anything back but a part of him knew they would. Because the second time they meet eye to eye, they are standing on the same stage. 

f(x) doesn't win a weekly award, but Chanyeol is there, along with his other members. It becomes an impulsive obligation to bow to all the artists at the end and so he does, to all the other idols. She bows next to him and when she lifts her head, he manages to avoid it. He directs his gaze to the audience, but Luna is familiar, even where the bump was on his chin. 

"It’s been three years," she says, voice louder than the mass of cheers. Chanyeol looks her way and sees real twinkles of light and it's probably the make up, but he smiles at the thought. There is a nod and she disappears in between Victoria and some other people, watching her bow as he bows, until the stage disappears and all he sees are the letters "exo-k" plastered on the white door. 

"What are you waiting for?" Sehun interrupts, and he is lightly shoved to the side as the door opens to the waiting room. Baekhyun pats his back and they embrace each other's shoulders, like they always do.

He peers over their heads and immediately searches for someone, he's not sure why. When she appears out of the corner of his eye, he turns his head making sure he sees her off. She smiles, not really for him, but the sight is not something to miss. It's stupid, he thinks. But worth it.


• • •

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Chapter 4: Your one-liners were what drew me into your fics :)
I cant believe I havent read any of these because it's really good and it's slice of life!!! I'll leave a comment in each chapter next time I swear. This is just brilliant!
Chapter 3: I like that you use sm members.They produce amazing stars.And I also like those one-liners that u have at the beginning of each chapter which gives you a hint about the chapter
Kyuna9 #4
Chapter 3: I love your stories so much!!!
Pls keep on writing<3