001/001 (Agree to Disagree)


* i make embarrassing typos pmsl i wrote this in like 2AM or 1AM idk*


The morning sunlight peered through the windows of the apartment, shining on his face. He fluttered his eyes open and smiled as he saw the sleeping figure beside him.

“Good Morning, Channie.” The guy wearing such a bright said in a whisper, wanting to bury himself more into the other one’s warmth. It’s a rare occasion that Himchan let’s Yongguk slip into his bed for one night tangled in each other’s arms, silent breaths, and pure sense of what they are made of as Yongguk tries to catch something that he seldom hears from the other one. When Yongguk responses with ‘I love yous’ Himchan would always settled for ‘Good Nights’ and the older one is just not satisfied. He never doubts Himchan, no. But there would be times in which he could ask maybe a pull of a string from him because Yongguk feels like he is the one dragging the relationship.


Himchan’s paperwork has just been recently given, and here he is, burying his nose through the messy, thin surface of white with several things printed on it. He has been working diligently, and he aims to finish all of the signing tonight. Being an author was a tough job, considering that you had to submit manuscripts after manuscripts, and revising too many things to the point where you just want out. Himchan sighs as he scribbled his initials at the blank on the bottom of the last page, and he quickly retreats to his own bed after a long session of locking himself in his room.


“.” He mutters under his breath as he soothes his aching head with a massage on the temples. Stress has been eating up so much of his everything. His time, his thoughts that usually result to overthinking, and . Just what he needed. He hasn’t even been spending time with his boyfriend, not that he hasn't been giving every single thought in his mind about him.


Come to think of it, he barely even remembers their last contact. Himchan didn’t want to think about it now. He propped himself up with his elbow as he stares on the bedside clock flashing an inconvenient 12:21 a.m. He groans, running a hand through his hair before flopping back again, sprawling his limbs on the expanse of his bed.


It felt too peculiar.


It wasn’t until he heard three knocks, and the doorknob turn, revealing a Yongguk dressed in an oversized shirt. (Mind you, it’s either he purposely wore miniscule boxer briefs under that shirt or just the shirt. Himchan prayed for the latter, he was in a point of exhaustion that even the idea of having Yongguk lure him didn’t even faze him.) “Chanie? Chanie, are you sleeping?” Yongguk’s tone was careful, as he knew that it was a never in his book to disturb his busy boyfriend while working.


“My eyes are open. Does it look like I’m sleeping? Ah, really.” Himchan turns away from him, and inwardly smiles, but soon wipes it off his face when he hears Yongguk clear his throat. “Chanie..It’s cold in my room.” Himchan could hear the rustling of a comforter on the hands of Yongguk, and he knew what was going to be requested next. “Can I sleep here? With you? I mean..It’s been awhile and—“


“Who wouldn’t be cold if you’re wearing that, Bbang?” Himchan chides in and cuts him off, and he noticed a small smile that was turning bigger by the second painting on Yongguk’s face. He tilts his head as a signal saying ‘yes, you can sleep here, idiot’ and Yongguk’s smile was just brighter that the starts shamelessly shining upon them while he happily strode his way next to Himchan’s tiredness.


“Chanie..Have you been sleeping? You’ve also lost some weight..” Yongguk comments when he places his hand on Himchan’s waist whilst the younger’s back was against his chest. “Ah, Don’t worry! Next morning, I will cook for you.” There was glee dripping off the voice and Himchan chuckles. He chuckles and he could’ve sworn he already forgot how to because work just the ability off him. But then again, when it was with Yongguk, things seem lighter and nothing seems to dark for him to handle. “Alright, Bbang. Try not to poison me, though. My fans will kill you.” Himchan turns to face the older and Yongguk’s eyes just grew surprised. When was the last time they slept together? When was the last time he got to feel secure hearing the beat of Himchan’s heart agaist his ear as he sleeps peacefully with his head on the younger’s chest? When was the last time? “You know my cooking is the best, Chanie~” Yongguk bites his lips, attempting not to break into another split of gummy smile.


“Don’t hold back. I miss seeing you smile.” Himchan said with a slight grin tugging at his face because he loves it when Yongguk gets all flustered, and when he gets too worked up about Himchan showing these affections. It’s not that he was having a difficult time loving Yongguk, no. In fact, he loves Yongguk with all his heart. All of his stories were inspired by the man. Affection isn’t just something that comes off naturally from Himchan. To everyone dear to him, he scarcely remembers even saying the important three words that they yean to hear.


“No need to be cheesy..Chanie.” Yongguk’s breath was but a whisper, and there is a silence between them that when broken, could shatter a big block of self-control.


“I love you, Chanie~ Thank you for letting me sleep here.” Yongguk accommodates himself to the warmth that is Kim Himchan. This man just completely hazes his thoughts into this big cloud of nothingness until there is a split on the grey that bursts with iridescent colors, and he knows for sure that it’s because of the author beside him.


“You don’t need..to ask you know.”




Yongguk was already feeling very sleepy because every time he is with Himchan he just feels calm and protected.


“I love you too, Bbang.”


Yongguk, however, was still awake to here that.



Yongguk is now hovering over the dining table, trying to make the breakfast look as presentable as possible. As much as he didn’t want to pull away from Himchan, he knew he had a promise to keep. Here he was, decked out on a frilly pink apron (Just so Himchan could maybe appreciate him and consider him as a breakfast if ever his cooking might (and will) fail in the taste department.) trying to make the vegetable omelet appetizing. He smiles to himself when his eyes wer seeing a good looking breakfast, and he thinks that this might just work. As he was fixing the utensils, a familiar pair of arms snake on his waist and then Himchan’s chin was on his shoulders. “Leaving me before I even wake up? Now that’s unfair, baby. Didn’t I warm you enough? That you had to leave me waking up cold in the morning?”


Yongguk’s face was flushed because why in the world was Kim Himchan going all author-nim on him and he hates it when he does that because Yongguk has no control over his emotions, especially with sweet words. “Chanie-ah!” Yongguk turns around abruptly and pushes him off. “Will you m-mind? I’m trying to be a good boyfrie—“

“Girlfriend.” Himchan is almost keeping himself from laughing because Yongguk was too cute in the apron, and the blushing face, and the mess of hand gestures just so he could keep himself forming seemingly coherent sentences.


“Chanie!” Yongguk whines. “I am trying to be a good boyfriend by making you a healthy breakfast..A-and I won’t ever leave you..ever.”


“Yeah, right.” Himchan raised an eyebrow as he starts to close the gap between them before stealing a peck from Yongguk’s lips and setting himself on the chair parallel to the food served on the table.


“You’re the worst!” And Yongguk says this with a big grin as he grabs a cup of black coffee for Himchan. The younger just starred at the food, then back at the anxious Yongguk who is standing stiffly beside him. “W-well? You should start eating, Chanie..” Yongguk urges him on, and yet he feels like his cooking was still overdone, like always.


Himchan slices a part of the omelet and pokes his fork at it before placing it in his mouth. He was chewing slowly and Yongguk was on the edge because this was a break it or make it moment. Himchan swallows and he once again gives Yongguk a glance.


“Well, it wasn’t burnt.” Himchan starts, and Yongguk already threw his hands in the air while his eyes sparkled in triumph. He didn’t screw up! He was literally on his way to becoming the best cook until Himchan cleared his throat. “It wasn’t cooked either. Gukie, the vegetables are raw.” Himchan laughs when Yongguk’s face fell from his high mountain of I am master chef material make way to a leave me alone I am the worst.


Even so, Himchan still continued to cute through his breakfast with a smile, not before Yongguk snatches the plate away from the younger. ‘No way! There is no way you’ll be eating the bad stuff I make.” Yongguk was upset. It’s not the first time that he screwed up in cooking, but there was just this feeling id dissatisfaction because he wants Himchan to see him as the best.


“Bbang, you are over reacting..” Himchan sighs as he locks Yongguk against the counter after the latter placed the plate down. “Ch-Chan..I am the worst. Why do you even put up with me?”


Himchan just rolls his eyes, and simply kisses Yongguk on the lips, and like magic, Yongguk is a smiling chaos of everything because every kiss from Himchan makes him feel like a giggly school girl.


“Guk, you know I haven’t really been that busy..with work.” Himchan confesses, and Yongguk his head to the side.




“I just needed..some thinking and..” Himchan pauses and Yongguk’s world literally stops. “What I’m trying to say it that, Bang Yongguk, you are perfect to me. I don’t care if you give me burnt breakfast or raw dinners. I know I rarely even convey my feelings, but you know why I chose you, and you know that I love you so much, and too much to even think about parting from you.”


Yongguk is just on the verge of tears and he helplessly wraps his arms around Himchan’s waist as his smile is just becoming bigger by the second.


“And..these three days..got me thinking more and…” Himchan trails off, and Yongguk is blindingly searching for the words.


“..and?” Yongguk asks and there is this glint in Himchan’s eyes that cannot be missed. It was as if it’s the first time they met back in college when Yongguk was busy calculating the total revenue for his accounting work sheet whilst Himchan was already drawn to his oddly lost expression.


“And..Bang Yongguk, are you listening?” Himchan only wants to do this once.






Himchan pulls out something from his back pocket and places it just in front of Yongguk’s eyes. His vision sharpens at the object of interest and he is dumbfounded because his eyes registered a sliver ring with a small diamond engraved on it. “I won’t take no for an answer, you know that.” Himchan’s voice was commanding, and Yongguk was feeling very light headed and all of the butterflies just ate of his system. He is an incoherent sobbing mess, and he just wants to punch Himchan because all of it was so sudden, and Yongguk didn’t even have time to think. Himchan cups his face and thumbs away the tears leaking out of the older. “Ch-chanie! W-wha..Ahh!” Yongguk was wailing as he nestles his head on the crook of Himchan’s neck whilst sobbing relentlessly. “I do, I do, I do…forever..I..Kim Himchan…I hate you!” Yongguk is smiling and crying and he is so sure he is the luckiest man because Kim Himchan is the unplanned, the unexpected and the best.


“Tsk, now stop crying..You look like a little sissy.” Himchan scratches the back of his head, and Yongguk thumps him on the arm. “A-after proposing and y-you can’t even c-call me something s-sweet..You definitely are the worst!” Yongguk say in between short breaths, as Himchan places the ring on his finger. Himchan just places Yongguk’s hand against his lips and kisses it, smiling at the sobbing mess before him.


“Ah, how did I even get into a mess like you?” Himchan smiles and pulls Yongguk to his chest.


“I love you, Chanie..”


“Love you too, stupid.”
















cough unedited yo

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Chapter 1: OMG! So cute! Sissy bbang is adorable
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Fave!!! Fluffy giggly bang is the best, hahahaha! Love thissss!<3
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( ノ ーิㅂーิ )ノ ♥ ♥ ♥
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