Chapter no.8- Last day of suffering


" Morning guys!! time to wake up!!" Yong hwa said trying to wake up the two

" Yah hyung isn't it to early to wake us up?" Jung shin said

" And what's with you why wake up so early?" Min hyuk said

" I am happy because this is the last day of suffering!!" Yong hwa said happily

" Good for you hahahha.." Jung shin and Min hyuk said

" But what are we doing here this morning it is still 4;00 am" Min hyuk asked yong hwa

" Excersice, Jugging to make us healthy and strong...!!" Yong hwa said 

" What I am too tired and you'll make us excersice!" Min hyuk said

" WE are excersising because it makes us strong and you want to join or not you'll come with me!!" Yong hwa said

" How about  school hyun." Min hyuk said

" Excersising is not slow it is fast so after we excersice we go here again and fix our thing then go to school.!!" Yong hwa said

So they went out to excersice they first did is streching then went to jugging.

" Hyung I am so tired I am about to faint!!" Min hyuk and Jung shin said

" Do you think I am not tired huh!?" Yong hwa said

Then suddenly they saw a girl who fainted, so they went to the girl. They were schocked when they saw the face.

Yong hwa's POV:

" Park shin.... hye!?" Yong hwa said

" Why so early this morning!" Jung shin asked

" Can't you see she is wearing a pants for jugging and for excersice!!" Yong hwa"  said

" So what are you guys planing to do to her?!" Min hyuk said

" She will stay at our house then we will till she wake up!" Yong hwa said 

So they went to there house. It is still 5;00 am

" Hyung what will she wear?!" Jungshin asked

" I will let her borrow my clothes for a while!!" Yong hwa said

" Hiehiehiehie.... I smell something chessy!!" Jung shin said teasing Yong hwa

" Yah stop and take care of her I will just get some clothes for her!!" Yong hwa said

Then Yong hwa went to his room and said:

" HUH!! PARK SHIN HYE WHY SO EARLY!!!" Yong hwa said\

So Yong get clothes then said


" Yah I knew it!! You love me right!" Shin hye said

" Yah are you here a while ago?"Yong hwa asked

" oy... don''t change the topic please!" Shin hye said

" I don't know!" Yong hwa said

"YAH!!!" Shin hye said playfully then suddenly she was on top of me

" Wews I thought WILL KISS!"Yong hwa said

Then Jung shin saw them and tease them, suddenly was out of balance then puch shin hye's lips over Yong hwa's.








Sorry chingu bev. Time to sleep

I'll update tom hehehe!!





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stalla #1
Chapter 9: hehehedz chap is so funny, thank u chinguya, updt soon plzz HWAITING!!!
stalla #2
Chapter 8: thank you 4 updating!!!!
stalla #3
Chapter 7: wooow thz chap is so intense, hope every1 will calm down, cnt wait 4 ure nxt chap!! HWAITING!!!
stalla #4
Chapter 6: i love thz friendz support 4 shinhye n yong, waiting 4 d continuation of thz chap, HWAITING
stalla #5
Chapter 5: ooh yong is so pissed off rite now, plz calm dwn n thnk straight dnt lt her go, fight 4 her n luv hr with all the lov u cn give
stalla #6
Chapter 4: thank u chinguya 4 ure updte, shinhye is confusing right now, YONGSHIN FIGHTING
stalla #7
Chapter 3: kekeke i luv thz friends helping the YONGSHIN COUPLE discover their feelings, updte soon chinguya
ananda23 #8
Chapter 2: Cnnt wait 4 yongshin moment~
stalla #9
Chapter 2: thanks 4 the update authornim, shinhye is a very gud person standing up 4 some1 even though they dnt say it out loud, FIGHTING
Chapter 2: I hope you can tag YongShin separate.:)
YongShin fighting !!