
More Famous Than I Expected?!

"Charice's POV

"Because I am, madly, deeply, truly in LOVE with you."

Those words, kept going through my head last night. Is this a dream, who said that. I couldn't sleep that night either so I took out a journal on one of the shelves beside my bed and I found an empty page and I just started what I was feeling. He I'm assuming said that he wanted to protect me, claim me and be by my side no had ever said that to me, ever. I looked back at what I wrote and I thought to myself that, these words would be a great concept for a song so I rearranged the words, put in some of a rhyme  to make it flow and I took a final look and I was satisfied with myself only to be brought down by the fact that, I can't use it because, the songs I'm supposed to sing has to be in Korean. But, I remembered that I have the Korean lesson with Key and Amber today so maybe I can ask if they could translate it. I looked at the 7AM I just woked up and I took a quick shower and put on my clothes


 I also, wore Taemin's sweater that he left here. I thought I could give it back to him when he gives me the tour today.


I just left my hair naturally today. I got a text froom Jenny saying that she's downstairs waiting for me. So, made took one last look at myself and grabbed my bag.


I went downstairs to the lobby and saw a Jenny and she gave me a big hug.

"I'm so sorry, that I left you alone on the streets of Seoul"

"It's okay, I wasn't alone Jonghyun took me back the apartment."

"Really! So, you weren't mad at me right?"

"I was little bit annoyed, but not mad."

"Yay! Okay, enough with the chit chat let's go!"

Jenny and I got into the van and we were off to SM. When, we got there I saw Key and Amber waiting inside the lobby of the building. Before, I got off the bus Jenny, told me that she has to talk with the President and that it might take a while so, that it was okay for me to go home alone again or if I want, I could stay and wait. But, we'll see, when, I went inside Key and Amber gave me a mini group hug. Then we made to the cafeteria because they say that eatimg stimulates the brain, which I find it it hard to beleive, but teachers know best right? 

So, basically what they taught me is the polite ways to talk to certain people and now we were reviewing everything. But, Key interuppted the reviewing by well, saying this.

"Amber-ah! Why are you looking at her diary!" I wasn't that mad because she was just reading my jou- WAIT WHAT!?!?!?!? I looked at Amber and she was reading my journal. I tried to grab it from her but she put it up in the air.

"What, are you trying to hide from us, these are good lyrics. Look, sunbaenim." She, then passed it off to Key and he started to read all of it too. I was so embarrassed, I buried my head in hands.

"Why, are you trying to hide from this. It's, a really nice song." Key said while, giving me back my journal.

"Thank you" 

"But, the only problem is that it's in English not in Korean..." 

"Yah, we can translate it for you and then you we'll write it in a way you can pronounce it and you can practice it and give it to the President so you can use it for you debut! So, what do you think?" Amber just splurted her idea in one breath. After, thinking about it and Key shaking me was a hint that I should go for it, so I nodded my head in agreement, and they instantly started to translate everything and I was sp happy that, I have friends like these to encourage me to do great things. When, they were done both of them sat on one side of me and taught me the pronounciation and every time I messed up Key would give me, not really a hard hit on my arm. I looked at my clock on the cafeteria, it was 11AM already and I had to go back to the lobby and wait for Taemin because he was going to show me around the building. I bid my farewell's to them and I went to the lobby.

After, twenty minutes waiting I still don't see any signs of Taemin coming. Twenty minutes turned to, fourty minutes and then an hour. Then, I finally got a text from Taemin, Sorry! I can't make the tour 2day I had a surprise schedule 2day! :( Great, I spent an hour of my life waiting here I got my bag and I guess I had to give myself a solo tour of the building and just when I was about to start I bumped into a hard a figure and when I looked up to see who it was, my heart started beating faster then usual.

"Are you okay?" Jonghyun's presence made my day a little bit more brighter. To be honest he makes my heart flutter whenever I see him or even a glimpse.

"I'm okay." 

"Oh, right you had your Korean lesson. Right?"

"Yeah, I did."

"Aren't you supposed to have a tour with Taemin today?"

"Yeah, I did, I waited for an hour and then he sent me a text that he had a packed schedule. So, since no one was around at that time I decided to give myself my own tour."

"Aw, well I have to go. Have fun with that." Then, he just left me there. I thought he would be more of a gentleman and would offer to show me around. Well, I guess I have to do the make do without anyone's help. When, I just took a few steps forward I felt someone behind me and when I turned around I found Jonghyun's face an inch away from me, that was a sign for me to take a step back.

"Did you really, think that I was going to let yourself get lost somewhere in the building."

"I wouldn't get lost."

"You wouldn't get lost because I'm going to show you. Let's go" He grabbed my hand and we were off. We went to the recording studios and then the dance studios and for some reason he was looking at my bag. 

"Well, I think that's it."

"Yeah, I think so. No offense, but this place is pretty basic."

"By basic, you mean small? Right?"

"Yeah, no offense."

"None, taken. It's lunch want to get something to eat."

"Together? Wouldn't your fans see us and immediatly think were dating?"

"You got a point there."

"Maybe, we shouldn't eat together"

"I know a place where we can eat."


"You just have to find out. 

Jonghyun's POV 

I grabbed Charice's hand again and led her to my car. We got in and I just can't feel to control myslef around her, she is just so sweet. I started the car and I started to drive, I noticed that my hand was still interwined with her's but it looked like she didn't mind so, I kept it there. We finally got there, and by the looks of her face she did not look satisfied.

"Jonghyun, I thought it was clear that is was a bad idea to go anywhere public together." 

"No, we didn't make that offical."

"Jonghyun!" She began to whine and complain and she took her hand back to bury her face with.

"Yah, were friends right?" she nodded

"Friends trust each other, right?"

"Jonghyun, what does this do with anythin-"

"Shh, just answer my question."

"Yes, they do trust each other." I grabbed her hand.

"Then, trust me. Okay?"

"Okay. Let's go"

I got out of the car and I went to go open her side, and when she got out made it to the door and I opened the door alson. So, basically I was being a gentlemen. We got a table for two at one of their booths of course at the back and I sat beside her rather then across since, I wanted to get close to her, she was a bit confused about what to do, since I brought her to a Korean BBQ place, I explained that we get to grill the meat since, she didn't know how to grill the meat I had to take over. 

"You seriously don't know how to grill meat?"

"No, all I know is how to roast pork." I saw a couple of girls looking at us and they were heading on their way to us. Charice, was panicking a little when she saw them, I calmed her down to make sure she's fine and relaxed.

"Annyeong, oppa!" One of the girls said.

"Oppa, can we have a picture with you?"


"Can you take it for us, please?" She asked while giving Charice her, her phone

"Han.Dul.Set" Once, that camera clicked I thought they were about to leave but then I heard their voice again.

"Before, we leave you alone I have one question."


"Are you two dating? Because, it looks like you are."

"No, we are not dating, we are judt having lunch together. That's all there is."

"Okay, oppa annyeong" 

The girls finally left andI get to be alone again with Charice, then convietly the meat and vegtables came, I grabbed the tongs and I maned the grill station but Charice didn't look impressed.

"What, you don't like your impressed."

"Maybe, because I seen men roasting a full size over live fire."

"Well, you may not be amazed about the preperation, but how about the taste" 

"We'll see."

I grabbed a peice of meat that was finished and I cut it up and I dipped it in the sesame oil and I was about to feed it to Charice.

"Say, ah" 

"Ahhh" She opened and I put the meat inside and she was chewing it like collecting her data on it.

"Well, what do you think?"

"MMM. Yummy!" Her eyes, became more bright then usual.

"I knew you'll come around."

"I'm not saying it's the very best, but it's a close second."

"Second, can always become first."

"Based on who your asking." 

"Okay, before we eat more of the meat, you have to say jalmukesumeda! It means I'll eat very well."

"So, if I don't say it, I'll eat poorly."

"Well, I don't know why I say it, you just have to."


"Well, you'll work on your pronounciation."

I guess, you can say that was how, our fun outing together started. I kept on feeding her meats and vegtables and we got to know more about each other, and she kept talking about how excited she is to work with SM and getting to see everyone there, almost everyday. Which means, I get to see her everyday things are going to be more fun these days. 

"Jonghyun, I have something to tell you."

"What, would that be?"

"Well, you see...I just...Nevermind." She looked down on her lap.

"What? Tell me." 

"It's just that I heard something yesterday. That, someone had confessed to me, and I don't know how to respond back mostly, because I don't know who confessed to me." Oh no did she heard what I said last night?

"What does a guy do to make your heart flutter, does he make you laugh, or anything that relates to be happy?"

"He should makes my heart beat faster, want's me to do my best also he makes me like I died and gone to heaven but I'm holding back because what happend to my mom. But, I want to give him an answer."

"When you find the guy who makes you do those things you'll find your guy."

"You think so?"

"You should atleast try. Right?"

"Okay, I'll try your advice."

"It's getting late we should probably go back home." I payed the bill and and we went back outside and headed to the parking lot and then I ran to a face that I did not want to see.

"Hi, Jonghyunnie!" 


Well I think most of you guys know who it is. 

OR DO YOU?!?!?

Sorry, but I had to do that so leave any comments or complaints about what's going to happen annyeong!


AsianPersuation <3








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joannexo23 #1
Update please
I hope she collaborate with other pop stars
Chapter 27: This chapter was good! But I felt like there was something missing...maybe some Jharice fluff!?
backpackkid #4
Chapter 24: This chapter is...heaven. but that does make me wonder..what would happen with taemin? I almost forget about that kid *sorry tae*

But, seriously though.

I just want you to know that you deserve this. I mean, comments and whatsoever. I appreciate the updates, despite all the oddness this story's been through (and does that include the all-of-sudden-the-plot-changed). So, good luck for whatever you want this story to be. Just letting you know i am willing to wait on the next chapter.

I blame Star King, Suju, Shinee, and Charice for this.
Chapter 17: Oh, authornim, did you know you could ask people to PM you, aka private message which is a lot safer that giving out your own email. Did you read the new affhelper blog? You can be targeted for identity theft.
Chapter 16: Yeah!~~ Fighting! authornim jjang! :)
Chapter 21: Charice and Jonghyun pls
backpackkid #8
Chapter 20: yes yes yes!!!!! charice and jonghyun is just sounded so heaven to me. thank you for this update, though :)
AsianPersuation #9
Chapter 19: I'm so lonely does anyone wants to friend me
backpackkid #10
Chapter 18: Hey, you finally updating! Been waiting for this hehe :) thank you so much