they're really all just circus freaks

Circus Freaks

  Broken was the right word to use that explained them fully, completely, and wholly.

  See, it started when they got what they wanted. They were standing on the stage; their dreams had come true – their dreams were reality yet –

  Getting through the days was harder than he ever thought it would be. It was like being in a circus – and they were the freaks.

  The world held the whip and if they ever let their guard down, they’d be beaten: to death or insanity, they weren’t sure either.

  (but then again, they were already a little mad)

  It felt like being locked in a cage too small and the key was thrown away right in front of their eyes. They live in a world of nothing. Living was perhaps the wrong word to use. Existing, surviving was more accurate. And oddly enough, they had given up. Their lives had already been overturned time and time again. Pretending that everything was alright could bring them farther.

  (or were they moving backwards?)

  They were scared beyond belief – he was scared – and as much as the acted happy and carefree, they were just frightened of the murky future. Reality wasn’t something they liked anymore. Whether they liked it or not, though, mattered not. It was a one way road.

  But they were together.

  At least that was better than being alone.

  Alone meant shadows and the dark. The dark wasn’t just black – it was everything and nothing at the same time. It was like trying to grasp their hearts desires only to catch the hollow sky.

  And sometimes they wondered that if they weren’t like that, that if they weren’t so desperate…would they fade out?

  It was something that bothered him to the ends of the Earth, yet he dared not speak about it. It was sort of an unspoken rule to stay silent about such things that could tear them apart. It almost made him wish that he was dead. It could certainly be a better fate than waiting for their master’s orders.

  But as long as they were together, maybe they could hide their cracks… 


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