Chapter 10

Breaking the Walls

Sungyeol POV


We stared after Sunggyu for a while before we started heading to class. Dongwoo hyung looked worried but acted like he was happy. L started walking to his class and I followed behind him. After each of his classes I waited for him to walk with him to his next class. I don't think he even saw me because he would just walk past me and I would just follow. I didn't really know why I did it. I guess I just didn't want him to be alone. I'm sure he didn't care but I didn't care if he did or not, I just followed my heart. When lunch came, I waited for L again and again followed him as he walked past me. We walked to the cafeteria together and he stopped outside of the door.

"Thanks for being with me today. I have to go somewhere else so I'll see you later." I watched L walk away in the direcetion we had just come from.

I was shocked. I had not expected him to even notice me all day. Also, if he had to go somewhere else, why did he walk with me to the cafeteria. I felt something weird in my stomach. It wasn't a bad feeling, just something I had never felt before.

I pulled myself out of my thoughts and continued into the cafeteria and sat at our table. I told the guys that L had to go somewhere but that he'd be here for supper. Dongwoo told me that Sunggyu had not shown up to to their meeting place. They were probably together anyways. Woohyun had not shown up to lunch either. I was a bit worried about him but knew he would tell me if something was wrong or if he needed anything. He was probably just upset about what had happened yesterday.

Lunch was soon over and as I walked out of the cafeteria I saw L standing in the hallway leading to our classes. I walked up to him but he didn't notice me until I touched his arm. He flinched away from my touch but relaxed when he saw it was me. He turned away and started walking to our class. I just followed behind him. During class he seemed to be distracted. I wanted to ask but respected his privacy. 

Our last class of the day was the class we sat next to each other. After watching him all day, it was really hard to just ignore him and not ask what was wrong. Something inside of me wanted to know what was wrong and make the frown on his face go away. I wanted to make him smile and worry about anything.

I sighed a little too loud and everyone turned to look at me.

"Sungyeol-shi, is everything all right?" Our teacher Heechul seongsaengnim looked at me worried and annoyed at the same time. 

"Yeah. I just..." I glanced over at L then looked away. "Yeah. Sorry."

"Okay. Please pay attention to the class and worry about your private matters outside." 

He resumed the class and I tried to pay attention. I could see L looking at me from the corner of my eye. His face had confusion written all over it. When class ended he began to gather his things together while I sat in my seat. I thought he would leave but instead he looked at me for a minute before starting to put my books together and into my school bag. When he finished, he pulled me to my feet and began to pull me towards the cafeteria while holding my arm. I could feel something like electric currents running up my arm to my heart and making it beat faster. I stared at his back (which was very y, I mean manly) in confusion. All of these feelings and thoughts were confusing me and I didn't know what all of it meant.

He dropped my hand when we entered the cafeteria and I followed behind him still deep in my thoughts. When we got to our table L pulled out a chair and pushed me into it, then he sat down in the seat between me and Sunggyu hyung who was looking at him like he had grown a second head. Dongwoo was already pestering Sunggyu about why they had not gone to each lunch. Sunggyu explained to us that there were some things they needed to finish for their registration to enter the school. After Dongwoo was satisfied with Sunggyu hyungs answer, he finished eating his food while bugging Hoya. I decided to join in. It was better than being lost in my thoughts and questions which I had no answer for. I was in the middle of teasing Hoya because he was blushing while Dongwoo was making cute faces at him in order to get his desert (they totally have a crush on each other), when a blood packet was dropped on the table in front of me. I turned to look at L who was on his own blood packet. He turned to look at me and shrugged. 


He looked away from me and turned to Sunggyu hyung who was commenting on how silly Dongwoo and Hoya looked. I began to quietly my packet. When we finished our food we went our seperate ways. I went to my room to do some homework then went out to meet Woohyun to go on one of our runs. He didn't like running on his own so he usually went with one of his wolf friends but I ocassionally joined him. He liked competing with others to see who was faster. Of course I always let him win because otherwise he would be upset and demand a rematch until he won.

Durring our run he was acting weird. He was quiet and running slower than usual. When we got to the clearing we stopped to rest. Woohyun shifted to human form and grabbed some clothes he stored at the clearing. He layed down on the grass next to the creek and I shifted and lay down next to him. 

After a while, I couldn't stand the silence anymore and asked him what was wrong.


"Then why have you been acting weird?"

"I haven't been acting weird."

"Yes you are. You're usually competing to see who's the fastest when we run and bragging about your recent conquests or something you won in."

"Geez. You make me sound like I'm a selfish narcissist."

"You kind of are."

"No. I just think the world should be allowed to bask in my glory. I'm such a nice person."

"Okay. You just made yourself look like a complete narcissistic jerk. I don't even know why I'm friends with you."

"Cause you love me."

"No, I don't think that's it."

"Whatever. You're the mean one. I don't know why I'm friends with a bully like you."

"Oh shut up."

It was quiet for a while as we just gazed at the stars lost in our own thoughts.

"Thank you," I heard Woohyun softly whisper.

I didn't know why he was thanking me and wanted to ask him but something told me to just accept it.

He got up, took off his clothes and shifted back into his wolf form. I decided to not shift and just followed as he ran through the forrest to the school. We went up to our rooms and said our goodnights as we went to our seperate rooms, Woohyun still in his wolf form.

As I entered my room, I shrieked a little when I heard Sungjong's cheerful voice saying hi.

"What are you doing here? How'd you get in?"

"The door was left open so I just let myself in. Don't worry I haven't been here long," he said from where he was laying across my bed like he owned the place. I guess I had forgotten to close the door when I left with Woohyun.

"So what do you want," I asked him as I sat down on my desk chair.

"What makes you think I came because I want something?"

"You usually never come unless you want something."

"I just wanted to see how your doing but if thats how you're gonna be then I'm leaving."

"Okay bye."

"Hyung," he whined, "Why are you so mean."

"I'm not mean. I'm just being a hyung."

"Whatever. Anyways I'm here to talk about my handsome prince."


"...Anyways, I saw him last night! He looked so handsome but he was with a really cute adorable guy and they seemed close. Anyways, I was with Dongwoo hyung and Hoya hyung and then I saw him and froze. Then I ran away. I didn't want him to see me cause I looked hideous. Ok well not hideous cause I could never be hideus, duh, but that's not important. What is important is that I ran away so he might think I'm a weirdo and he has someone he's already close to." He began to cry a little and sob. Seriously, he was such a drama queen.

"How do you know he saw you running away? And who cares. If he did, he probably didn't even notice or remember."

Sungjong stopped crying and turned to glare at me. 

"Wow. What a jerk. You're supposed to make me feel better not make me feel even worse than I did before."

"Sorry. I'm just saying the truth. It's not like you were glamorous enough for him to notice you. You should be glad. You can meet him later on and not worry about him remembering you as the ugly weirdo who ran away from him."

Sungjong thought about what I had said for a while before beginning to smile.

"Yeah you're right. Oh my goodness this changes everything. I have to start planning my wardrobe everyday just in case I run into him. He's a vampire so I should be able to see him soon."

He started to talk about the different ways he could do his hair and the outfits he would wear when he didn't have to wear his uniform. I started to tune him out until he mentioned L.

"So how are things going with your roommate? Are you guys talking now? Have you started to seduce him?"

"What!? No! Of course not. I told you it wasn't like that."

"Oh yeah. Then why are you blushing?"

"I'm not. I just want to be friends that's all."

"Just friends? Are you sure?"

"Yes. I mean he is really handsome but there's more to people than what they look like. I'm not you."

"Hey, no need to hate on me."

"Sorry, I didn't mean it like that. Yes he's handsome and I'm very attracted to him but I want to get to know him first. There's just something that tells me that he's worth getting to know."

"Well if that works for you, though it wouldn't hurt to flirt and maybe get somewhere with him." 

"Thanks but no thanks."

"Then can I have him?"


Sungjong looked at me in shock. Even I was shocked at my outburst.

"Sorry I didn't mean it like that. I was just thinking about the guy you like. It wouldn't look good for you to chase after both."

"Yeah okay whatever you say. I'll just keep my thoughts to myself."

I could tell Sungjong didn't believe me and even I didn't believe myself which only confused me even more.We changed the subject and talked for a while more. It was mostly Sungjong complaining about everything and I just listened. After he left I was left alone since L had not come back yet. I took a quick shower and got ready for bed. Just as I had lied down, L walked into the room. He walked to the restroom and showered, then got ready for bed. He turned off the main light and got into his bed.

"Thank you for today."

I turned to look at him. "Thank you too."

Even in the dark I could see him smiley shyly at me before turning away. I could feel my face flushing red. That was the first time I had seen him smile like that and it was super cute. I turned away and fell asleep with a smile on my face.


And I'm back with another update! I hope you guys like it. More Myungyeol a bit of Woogyeol and a little bit of dive Sungjong. Please leave comments and let me know what you guys want to see more of. I really enjoy reading your comments.

Okay now I'm gonna fan girl about Woohyun's solo!!! OMG it is freakin amazing. His voice is so beautiful!!! The first time I listened to it I was so shocked because his voice was so different from what it sounds like with Infinite. In some parts I had to like make sure it was Woohyun and not someone else. Both his voices are amazingly beautiful (or maybe I'm just crazy and need to get my ears checked haha). And did you guys see his Vapp showcase??? I was like WOOGYU!!! It was too cute, and then when he cried during Gravity... so beautiful. I squealed like a million times throughout the whole thing. Good thing I was alone when I watched it lol. And Sunggyu is going to be in a musical! I wish I could see it!!! Maybe someday I will!

Anyways I hope you guys have an awesome day and I will see you again on my next update!!

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sha_alina19 #1
Chapter 13: Cannot wait till your next update...
Chapter 12: Woohyun you will not make it right? please dont make sunggyu mad at you.. jaebalyo..
Chapter 12: eyhey woohyunnie you'll change your mind halfway through implementing this plan of yours right? right?
burgersteak #4
Chapter 12: Woohyuuunnn plsss abandon your stupid plan D: :(((( tho angst may be good too lol

Thank you for this update authornim:)
khasabat #5
Chapter 12: Yeah, woohyun feeling., they so cute. The most i like is, when Dongwoo said yeol is his son. It's very cute, i think
Chapter 12: Thanks for the update .... Its gpod
MissPanda16 #7
Chapter 10: It's a great story, I hope to read more soon^^ hwaiting!!
See you~
Chapter 12: i just read your eunhae fic! since its only got 2 chapters so far i think it wont be too hard to change it into a woogyu fic ^^ if you could add myungyeol in that'd be great too hehehehehehhe. fighting for both fics authornim!!
(btw i also used to be super into eunhae. not as much these days but still like them!)
nataliawong #9
Chapter 12: Please update this story soon.
Chapter 12: Definitely give it a WooGyu version!!~~~