Duck Soup

My Lovely Cook

"Wookie ah!" YeSung's tired voice was heard through RyeoWook's smartphone.

"Hyung, what's wrong? It's already so late, why aren't you back yet?" RyeoWook's voice, equally tired, was laced with concern.

"Sorry, sorry. Did I wake you up?" YeSung asked.

"No, of course not. I was waiting for you..." RyeoWook shyly admitted.

A chuckle was heard from the other line. Then, YeSung complained: "Wookie it possible for you to cook something for me? I'm sooo hungry...Manager hyung is really crazy, making me work from morning till now!"

At this statement, RyeoWook's face brightened. "Hyung, I will make a dish so delicious all your fatigue will be gone once you eat it!" RyeoWook chirped confidently.

"Hahaha....alright, I'll leave it to you then. I'm on the way already. See you~" YeSung made a kissing sound, causing RyeoWook to giggle.

Once YeSung hung up, RyeoWook ran to his beloved kitchen. He looked through the fridge and to his dismay, he found that the fridge was as bare as a baby's bottom. Just then, a dark container caught his attention. RyeoWook took the container out and looked into it. He shuddered when he found that it was indeed duck meat. Apparently, RyeoWook was okay with chopping beef, chicken and pork meat, but for some reason, he seems uncomfortable with cutting any other kinds of meat.

However, it also happens that his weird lover particularly enjoyed duck soup. Left without a choice, RyeoWook fished out all the ingredients he could find in the fridge to make the duck soup. Everything was prepared, except the meat. RyeoWook stuck out his tongue in concentration as he tried his best to slice the meat in equal propotions. In the process, the knife slipped from his hand so many times that numerous cuts began to from on his fingers. Luckily, the cuts aren't so deep to the point that blood will seep out, so RyeoWook ignored them and continued making the soup.

The door to Super Junior's dorm creaked open and YeSung dragged himself in, just in time to see RyeoWook carrying a large bowl of soup from the kitchen. YeSung ran to his lover and immediately kissed him on the cheek. RyeoWook blushed and placed the soup on the dining table.

"What's this? It smells so familiar~Wait...Don't tell me...DUCK SOUP?!" YeSung beamed when RyeoWook nodded silently. YeSung hugged RyeoWook tightly and when he let go, RyeoWook excused himself, saying that he's exhausted and will go to sleep first. Of course, YeSung didn't mind at all. He thanked RyeoWook with a kiss on the lips and bid good night to his cute lover.

Once YeSung started to drink his soup, RyeoWook quietly ran to the room he shared with YeSung. He frantically searched for a first aid kit. Here's what happened. Remember the cuts on his fingers? Well, they didn't hinder RyeoWook before, but he started to panic when he saw drops of blood starting to form on some of the bigger cuts. After he used some plasters from the first aid kit he found, RyeoWook used up all his energy into climbing on his bed.


YeSung went into the room he shared with RyeoWook. He directly went to his boyfriend's sleeping form and pecked his nose lovingly. Before he walked away, YeSung noticed the numerous plasters on RyeoWook's fingers that were peeking out from under his blanket. YeSung sadly pecked at the fingers and whispered 'sorry,' to RyeoWook.

*The Next Day*

RyeoWook: Hyung~ Sunggie Hyung! Did you like the duck soup yesterday?

YeSung: Yeah, I did. Thanks for making it for me.

RyeoWook: It's not a problem, hyung! Should I make more for lunch today?

YeSung: No!

RyeoWook: ...Eh? B-but you said it tasted good..

YeSung: I didn't say it tasted good. I only said I liked it because I was hungry yesterday. You know what, just don't cook at all. I hate the food that you cook everyday. They're so tasteless!

At this, RyeoWook started to tremble. He stared at his feet and bit his lower lip, trying his best not to break down at that moment. "O-okay, hyung..." RyeoWook dejectedly walked back to his room. KyuHyun, who just woke up---I mean, KyuHyun, who didn't sleep for the whole night, came out of his room and saw the whole scene. Well, not that HE cared, but yeah.

Being the kind-hearted maknae that he was, he waited with amusement until RyeoWook left, then he walked over to YeSung, who was trying to focus on the script that he was reading.

"Hyung, RyeoWook's hurt. Why are you so mean to him? You should follow my good-natured examples instead. I, the great Cho KyuHyun, who is known among monks and bunnies---" YeSung abruptly stood up from his position on the couch and walked away from SuJu's maknae, who was shining like an idiot, making large hand gestures to plain air while giving a speech about how great of a creation he is.

YeSung opened the door to his shared room and softly locked it behind him. He cringed in pain when he heard sobs coming from under the blanket on RyeoWook's bed. YeSung walked over to the trembling lump and sat next to it, the outline of the lump. "Wookie ah...bianhe...I didn't mean what I said earlier...your cooking is amazing, and I only insulted you because I didn't want you to hurt yourself anymore," YeSung kindly explained.

The lump started to shift, and soon, RyeoWook's petite face peeked out from under the thick blankets. "W-what do you mean?" YeSung reached into the blanket and pulled out RyeoWook's hands. "This," He kissed one of the plasters on RyeoWook's fingers.

RyeoWook had stopped sobbing by then. "Y-you knew?"

"Yeah. Please stop hurting yourself, Wookie ah. If you're not up to the challenge, then you don't have to do it, you know."

"But hyung, you said you were starving..."

"I'd rather starve than see you hurt youself like this. Don't do this again, okay?" YeSung joked as he lightly kissed RyeoWook's lips. RyeoWook, who by now have already came out from under his comfortable blankets, hugged YeSung tightly. "Okay...thanks for worrying about me, Sunggie hyung," RyeoWook smiled sweetly. YeSung hugged his lover back and tenderly kissed the top of hos boyfriend's head.

"Of course I'll worry about you, pabo. Saranghae, Wookie ah." RyeoWook snuggled closer to his boyfriend. "Saraghae, Sunggie..." RyeoWook shyly mumbled.

*2 weeks later*

"YAH WOOKIE AH!" RyeoWook ran away from his furious boyfriend. Apparently, RyeoWook tried a new recipe again because YeSung accidentaly told him his list of favourite foods. This time, a bandage was wound around his hand. YeSung was worried sick after he found out what happened from his manager. When he finally came back to the dorm that evening from his schedules, he started to hunt RyeoWook down. It seems like RyeoWook is in for a punishment. One that he probably won't mind as much as the other members of SuJu that night.

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sushjsjonly13 #1
Chapter 1: I wish I would have a boy friend like YeSung (just as same as Yesung cause i don't wanna make my Wook sad ;-). He's so sweet that I can't believe it. A boy friend who.always take care of his darlin, Ryeowook.
It's hard to say this but do you mind if i translate this fic into Vietnamese please?? I promise that I will take this with full credit, if i have your permision. ;-) I am also an author, so you can trust me about this. :-)
this is my home, where I post my Yewook fic You can visit it if you wanna know more about me
Hope that I can recieve your answer soon, I hope that you will accept me.
Have a nice day ^^
that was cute:)
Chapter 1: that's was really sweet. when yesung said that he doesn't want ryeowook to cook, i was really shocked. but then it came to me that he didn't mean it as an insult, he was just too worried.
i enjoyed your one-shot so much, thank you~