Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday Kyung!



Humming a tune, Lee Minyoung gradually stirred the cake batter with a whisk. Five minutes went by before she decided that the mix had the perfect texture. She grinned proudly and looked through the cabinets of her kitchen for a cake pan. After making sure it was clean, she slowly poured the batter into the non-stick pan.


Minyoung took the spatula and pushed any remaining batter into the pan. She spread it evenly and made sure the surface was flat. She was about to place it into her pre-heated oven until she heard a sound. She froze and listened further.


Her eyes widened at the familiar jingle of a set of keys. Other than herself, of course, he had the key to her small, cozy apartment. She recognized the sound that the small amount of keys played as they rattled against each other. It was her boyfriend. The reason why she was even baking a cake in the first place.


She snapped to her senses when she heard the door open and his charming voice ringing throughout the apartment.


"Baby~ I'm here!" He called out and she quietly panicked. "Uh, in the kitchen!" She quickly said and stuffed the cake pan into the oven. 


"Kyung oppa!" She jumped into his outstretched arms. He laughed and gave her a short kiss before resting his forehead on hers. "I missed you." Minyoung grinned, "I missed you too, oppa."


"What were you doing?" He questioned breaking his gaze away from her and looking around the somewhat messy kitchen. "C-cooking?" She stuttered out. He walked up to the counter where she had mixed the sweet batter. He quirked a brow. "What were you cooking with flour, eggs, butter, milk, and sugar?" He listed what he saw on the counter.


"Erm, breakfast?" She smiled sheepishly. "Uh huh." He was unconvinced as she expected. "Breakfast at 7PM. Yeah, that sounds right." He chuckled before walking back to her and wrapping his arms around her small waist. 


"Could it be…" he trailed off looking at her with a teasing look, "you're baking a cake for your one and only?"


"Aniyo~" She smiled playfully. "Oh really? Then whats that in the oven?" He asked. She glanced at the rising fluff in the oven. Minyoung looked back at Kyung who was smiling smugly. "Silly," she lightly pushed his chest, "it's a turkey! What else could it be?" 


"A cake." He told her. "Should I open it and confirm?"


She pouted, "Fine. Fine. Its a cake." Kyung laughed and kissed her a second time. "Cutie."


"Why did you have to come so early~" She whined. "Why not?" He replied.


"I wanted to surprise you." She told him looking at the ground in disappointment. 


"Aigoo, mianhae. We finished practice early. I just wanted to see you as soon as possible." He pinched her cheek. She scowled and hit his hand away. "Is my baby mad?" He asked while giving her a pout. She looked away with a pout of her own.


"How about we finish the cake together and I can act surprised for you? How's this?" He feigned surprise. She looked at him as he widened his eyes and placed a hand on his cheek with his mouth agape. She giggled and wrapped her arms around him. He smiled and returned the favor. 


"Birthday kiss." Kyung puckered his lips. Minyoung laughed and kissed him. 


"Happy birthday oppa." She murmured against his lips before giving him another kiss.



Yeah, it was short. But I liked it. I guess... ANYWAYS

I just had a thought.

WHAT IF Kyung reads fanfics? I mean, he's already trolling around Tumblr. He could be secretly reading these stories and and and oh my god sun x_x


Cough...hope you enjoyed...err



Yeah, I know. I should've put a kyung gif. Sorry, 

I'm entitled to U-Kwon and B-Bomb.

(I still love you Kyung ;D)

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Such a sweet story!! :)
;D UKWON!!!<br />
BBOMB! HAWT. HAHA :D Anyways, I LOVE YOUR STORYYYYYYYYYYYYY! ;) Make a Bbomb one as well ;) Haha <3 :)
KimOffy #4
awww that was cute >0<