The Call

Love Rekindled
The sun was just coming up, turning the sky from a purple and blue hue to various shades of red and orange. It was the same sort of sky one could see nearly anywhere, he supposed, but from the eighth floor of an apartment building, the view took on a different perspective. Down below, traffic was slow, but in about an hour it would pick up considerably as people traveled to school and work. The streets would be teeming with life.
Han sighed heavily, rubbing the bridge of his nose with his fingertips. It was going to be a long day, and he’d not slept a wink. There had been nothing on his schedule after arriving in the country yesterday so he should have been able to go to bed early and get plenty of sleep.
So why hadn’t he been able to?
He’d spent the night restlessly, constantly moving around the apartment. Unable to settle down, he had watched television, surfed the internet, done situps, pushups, taken a shower, eaten, cleaned, and finally made tea. He should be exhausted, but even as he sipped his hot tea and watched the city slowly wake up, Han still felt wired.
It didn’t help that the media had gotten wind of his little interlude with his former members. Fan accounts and cell phone camera footage had made it to the news stations in less than an hour, and things had exploded from there. Of course, his old label had been quick to give a plausible explanation for Henry and Heechul’s rapid departure from the little café. Han wondered how many of the fans had bought it. Not many, he’d bet. His own agency had jumped to make statements as well, doing their best to diffuse the situation.
Sighing, the singer glanced toward the clock on the living room wall. He’d have to get dressed soon and be ready for pick-up. With several interviews and a press conference later in the day, he was going to be pretty busy until late afternoon. 
He drained his tea and set the cup in the sink in the kitchen before heading down the hall into his bedroom to get dressed.
Around eight hours later, Han was finishing up a press conference. There had been quite a few questions regarding his Korean album, which was slated for release just after midnight. So far, nothing about Super Junior or the gossip about the café. A few more questions and he’d be home free for the day. 
“You ran into Super Junior’s Kim Heechul and Henry yesterday. Sources are saying it was an uncomfortable meeting and you were given the cold shoulder. Is this true?”
Or not. Han inwardly groaned, casting only the briefest of glances in his manager’s direction before carefully formulating an answer. 
“We did happen to go to the same café, but the rumors are false. Heechul-ssi and Henry were very polite. They had another schedule to attend to so they couldn’t stay. That’s all.”
There. Hopefully that would satisfy the media vultures.
“Do you talk to the members?”
Damn. So close…
He chose not to answer, merely smiling a little at the reporter who’d asked the question. It would only fuel the rumors if he gave a definitive “no”, and to answer “yes” would likely be met with a fierce denial from SM and Super Junior, which would add gasoline to the fire. So Han just smiled and let his manager use it as an opportunity to end the press conference, citing time constraints when Han didn’t actually have anything to do the rest of the day.
When he was driving back to his apartment, his Bluetooth notified him of an incoming phone call. He tapped a button on the earpiece, keeping his eyes on the road as he navigated through traffic and weaved his way toward home. 
“We need to talk.”
“Hello?… Hello?”
“Hankyung-hyung?” Siwon’s voice sounded alarmed in an instant, and when he spoke again he was barely above a murmur, probably covering the mouthpiece of his phone too. “Why are you calling? Shouldn’t you be-”
“I am,” Han said quietly as he reluctantly got into the car with his manager. He paused, hesitating as he looked up at the building where he knew he was no longer welcome. 
“Hyung?” Siwon sounded really anxious now. “Hyung what is it?”
Han swallowed and closed his eyes as the car pulled away from the curb. “It’s Heechul…”
“Hello? Are you there?”
Han sighed as he pulled to a stop at a traffic light, fingers tapping on the steering wheel. “I’m here. When?”
“Now, preferably.”
“Fine,” He checked his mirror and eased down on the gas pedal as the light changed, starting the flow of traffic again. “Where?”


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chapter "rekindled love" is screwy because I had to post from my phone. sorry for the wall of text!!!


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_hekochin_ #1
Chapter 35: My fangirl feels we're crushed and beaten to a pulp so many times in this story >u< There were so many ups and downs and twists and turns that I was left guessing what would happen next, and you left us hanging with the big question of "Will they or will they not?" until like the very end and that just made it so much better~ Thank you so much for writing this story, I can safely say that it is one of the best HanChul fanfics I've read thus far ^w^
rinonori #2
Chapter 35: Beautiful... with all the ups and downs of their emotions, you kept me wondering what would be the end. Though I suspected for a happy ending
kyuwonfan #3
Chapter 35: im wondering if this fic become reality...elf will become crazy....anyway great story.....
Chapter 35: hanchul ♥♥♥ happy ending
Chapter 35: And so it ends!

It's been a roller coaster of emotions with these two. But then, that's Love for you with it's ups and downs.
Glad they managed to sort things out and gave their relationship another go. I'll give it to Hangeng for waiting that long for his Love. But I guess, they are both in a happier and healthier place with their lives and careers right now, they'll be able to deal with whatever life throws at them. Especially, HeeChul!

Kyuhyun and Henry: What's going on between these two? What are they upto now? Hmmmm!

Great story. Thanks for sharing it with us!
amuse_otaku #6
Chapter 34: Never let go! We demand kiss for HanChul, hahahaa ..
Chapter 34: aww hanchul ♥♥
thz to dongsaengs
Chapter 33: Ah, HeeChul! Now that your man Hannie is here, what are you going to do? Are you going to keep holding on to your heart and not give in? Or just take a chance and give LOVE another go?

Love the update. More whenever you can, please!
Chapter 33: i m always waiting for this time
Chapter 31: Aww Heechul, don't let FEAR ruin your life. Fear, is just treacherous emotion that will hold you back and stop you from living and enjoying life.
You Love Hannie and he Loves you. So forgive, forget the past and give the two of you a chance and see where it takes you.

Siwon: I mean, you can tell he's still inlove with HeeChul, so surprised when he agreed for Hangeng to rejoin them again. Hmm! What's he upto? Maybe, he just wants Heenim to be happy?

Also, noticed how close Kyuhyun and Henry are becoming? Things are going to get interesting.

Thanks for the update.