Surprise meeting

Love Rekindled
Heechul sighed as he followed his manager out of the dressing room and down the hall. It had been a year since he’d finished his service, and he was still trying to get used to being back in the public eye. Not that he didn’t like being there, social as he was. Still, there were the mornings when he’d jolt awake with his alarm, fully expecting to find his uniform waiting for him. Those were the mornings when the shock of being with s in the dorm was the greatest, and took hours to adjust to.
Seeing Siwon and Henry together was another adjustment. He was happy for them, of course. Siwon smiled a lot more with the maknae, and Henry had the uncanny ability to make him seem more human. Besides, the relationship between Siwon and Heechul had never been that serious. It was more for comfort than any real love. That was probably why they’d been able to remain such close friends without arousing jealousy from Henry. The younger man knew there was nothing to worry about.
“Good work today, Heechul-ssi!”
He nodded and smiled in the direction of the voice, but wasn’t entirely sure which staff member had said it. There were so many milling around outside the studio it would have been a miracle for him to know who spoke. 
The trek to the van was a long one. The studio he’d been filming in was on the second floor, and the van was waiting out front. However, there was a large collection of fans outside, all bunched together and just waiting for the chance to scream their support for their idols the instant they appeared. The journey through the throngs would be slow and very loud.
He kept his head bowed for the most part once they were outside, following behind his manager while other members of staff and security created a path through the screaming fans. Most of them were girls, which meant their cries were ear-piercing. Heechul glanced up now and then with a small smile and head nod in acknowledgement, but he didn’t dare stop or the staff would have a hard time.
Once in the van, he rolled down his window and buckled his seatbelt before smiling and waving a couple of times. Overall, he was pretty tired from filming, but it had been a great day just the same. As they pulled away from the curb, he leaned his head back and sighed, closing his eyes. 
“Donghae texted your phone again while you were changing,” his manager said, barely managing to veil the tension in his voice as he spoke.
“Mm.. He’s such a worrywart,” Heechul murmured lazily, then chuckled. It was so like his dongsaeng to text again even after Heechul had reassured him that filming was going well and he would see him at home. How Eunhyuk never got irritated by his constant worrying was something Heecul would probably never figure out. 
Still… it wouldn’t do to have Donghae so concerned. Heechul opened his eyes and looked at his manager. “Can we stop somewhere, hyung?”
“Here you go, sir!”
Heechul took the bag and smiled his thanks at the girl behind the counter. It was obvious she knew who he was considering her overly bright smile. Then again, it was hard for anyone to mistake an idol these days. “Thank you.”
“Oh! Your milk!” The girl held out a couple of the plastic bottles, looking sheepish as he took them from her. “Sorry about that.”
When he turned away to head for the door and get back out to the van, he bumped into a solidly built body. Immediately backing up a step, Heechul bowed a little and murmured an apology before looking up to see who he was apologizing to.
In moments, the hum of activity in the little café ceased as those present realized the kind of showdown they were privy to. Behind him, the girl gasped. 
Heechul stared silently into the face of his former boyfriend.
“Hankyung says you’ve been teaching him curse words again.”
“I am not!” Laughing incredulously, Heechul looked over at his roommate.
“Did too! You taught me-”
“YAH!” Leaping onto the couch beside the younger boy, Heechul clapped a hand over his mouth and turned his head to smile winningly up at Leeteuk. 
The group’s leader shook his head. “Don’t you smile at me like that. You’re not out of trouble, Heechul.”
Donghae’s call had a familiar whine to it, and had the leader scurrying away without a second thought to the two boys who still sat on the couch.
Heechul slowly took his hand away from the other boy’s mouth, pouting as he looked over at him. “That wasn’t funny.”
Han grinned smugly. “Maybe next time you’ll share your ramyun with me.”
“I said I would!”
“I know,” the younger chirped, shrugging one shoulder. He watched the television for a few moments, then sighed and leaned over, snuggling into Heechul’s side.
Heechul blinked and looked down, effectively drawn out of his pout. “What are you doing?”
“I’m cold.”
“Grab a blanket.”
“Don’t wanna.”
“Well maybe I’m cold. Ever think of that?” Heechul asked, frowning a little as his pout threatened to come back. 
Han looked up at him and sat up slowly, expression turning skeptical. “You want a blanket?”
When the older boy dove for him, Han let out a surprised yelp, but Heechul just settled in against his side and smirked. Han looked down at him and chuckled when Heechul grabbed the remote. “What are you doing?”
“Keeping you warm.”
Han’s voice snapped him out of the flashback, and Heechul was suddenly all too aware of the eyes on them. The bottles of milk had made his fingers cold, and beads of condensation popped up on the outside of the plastic. In his other hand, the bag of cookies was clutched tight enough to make his fingers ache. 
The Chinese singer frowned, looking every bit as uncomfortable as Heechul. “Are… Are you okay?”
“He’s fine. Hyung, we’ve been waiting for you for ages!” Henry’s voice cut through the quiet. In seconds, he was at Heechul’s side, grabbing the milk from his fingers and taking hold of his arm. 
“Henry?” soft and a little shaky, Heechul’s voice was barely audible. 
The maknae just smiled at him briefly before turning his gaze onto Han. “Good luck with your debut.”
“Thank you..” He murmured, frowning. 
Henry’s smile lasted only a few seconds before he tugged Heechul by the arm, heading right for the door. Heechul followed quietly, feeling oddly numb as his dongsaeng hurried him to the van and climbed in behind him. He barely heard the manager’s worried inquiries, and was still staring at the café as they pulled into traffic.
Han was in Korea?!


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chapter "rekindled love" is screwy because I had to post from my phone. sorry for the wall of text!!!


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_hekochin_ #1
Chapter 35: My fangirl feels we're crushed and beaten to a pulp so many times in this story >u< There were so many ups and downs and twists and turns that I was left guessing what would happen next, and you left us hanging with the big question of "Will they or will they not?" until like the very end and that just made it so much better~ Thank you so much for writing this story, I can safely say that it is one of the best HanChul fanfics I've read thus far ^w^
rinonori #2
Chapter 35: Beautiful... with all the ups and downs of their emotions, you kept me wondering what would be the end. Though I suspected for a happy ending
kyuwonfan #3
Chapter 35: im wondering if this fic become reality...elf will become crazy....anyway great story.....
Chapter 35: hanchul ♥♥♥ happy ending
Chapter 35: And so it ends!

It's been a roller coaster of emotions with these two. But then, that's Love for you with it's ups and downs.
Glad they managed to sort things out and gave their relationship another go. I'll give it to Hangeng for waiting that long for his Love. But I guess, they are both in a happier and healthier place with their lives and careers right now, they'll be able to deal with whatever life throws at them. Especially, HeeChul!

Kyuhyun and Henry: What's going on between these two? What are they upto now? Hmmmm!

Great story. Thanks for sharing it with us!
amuse_otaku #6
Chapter 34: Never let go! We demand kiss for HanChul, hahahaa ..
Chapter 34: aww hanchul ♥♥
thz to dongsaengs
Chapter 33: Ah, HeeChul! Now that your man Hannie is here, what are you going to do? Are you going to keep holding on to your heart and not give in? Or just take a chance and give LOVE another go?

Love the update. More whenever you can, please!
Chapter 33: i m always waiting for this time
Chapter 31: Aww Heechul, don't let FEAR ruin your life. Fear, is just treacherous emotion that will hold you back and stop you from living and enjoying life.
You Love Hannie and he Loves you. So forgive, forget the past and give the two of you a chance and see where it takes you.

Siwon: I mean, you can tell he's still inlove with HeeChul, so surprised when he agreed for Hangeng to rejoin them again. Hmm! What's he upto? Maybe, he just wants Heenim to be happy?

Also, noticed how close Kyuhyun and Henry are becoming? Things are going to get interesting.

Thanks for the update.