
Letters To A Sasaeng

My stomach is fluttering and my heart is pounding as I stand in front of the door. This isn't stage fright, though. The concert ended long ago. This is a fear that I shouldn't need to have- a fear of my fans. 

What awaits me outside of this door? There are thousands of fans to whom I am greatful to, but are there some I should be fearful of? I love my fans, but who are these people called "sasaengs" who are only out to hurt us? Do you understand how much damage you do?

That member you just called fat?

They're suffering from bulemia because of your comments.

That member you gave the laced drink?

They injured themself because of your foolishness.

I want to love all of my fans to the best of my ability. I'd be nowhere without them. So why do I fear my fans? I don't want to see my group mate bent over the toilet as their bile rises. I don't want them to think that your words are true. I don't want my friends to suffer through pain. Your words, your actions- they all hurt. 

There are so many questions I want to ask you. Why do you do what you do? What led you to think that this is okay? Can you ever find it in your heart to put yourself in our shoes?

You hurt my friends; you enrage my fans. I don't know what to do. It's beyond me how I can solve this. I just want to see the best in my fans. I want to be able to accept their gifts without worrying if I may get sick from them. I want to be able to walk around comfortably without fear of being attacked. I want to be able to protect my fellow members from hurtful words.

Wherever you are, I want my words to reach you. I want you to hear my cries. I want you to hear all of our cries. Most fans don't know that many K-pop idols suffer from depression. Your words only deepen those wounds of a dark place no one wants to be in. Your actions make us fear doing what we love most. For what? What do you get out of this?


I want to know.

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Chapter 2: owh.. it's kinda sad.. I knew about kara exchanging members, i knew about those two left u-kiss almost a year after they did.. I didn't even know about it since I didn't search any information about them at that time.. and when I saw their group in one of the kpop magazine in my country, I thought someone was missing.. no.. two people were missing.. but the number of members is still 7.. just then I searched about u-kiss after a very long time and got to know that those guys left.. at that time I didn't really recognise their faces other than kevin.. and wondergirl? disbanding? this is the worse.. I didn't even knew about this!!! no one of my friends who loves kpop said this to me...
PerfectlyImperfectxX #2
Chapter 2: U-kiss, Wonder Girls, and Kara fighting! ;U;
kawaii-gizibe #3
Chapter 2: Hit me right in the heart ;A; U-kiss, Kara and Wonder Girls; be strong!
PerfectlyImperfectxX #4
Chapter 1: I don't understand sasaeng fans. If they love their idols, why do such things? I just don't understand. Yes, it would be a miracle to be able to communicate with our idols. It would be a dream to get a hug or a kiss on the forehead or cheek by them. But they're still human. They need their privacy, like everybody else. We want them to love us and be able to talk to us with no hesitation. Not make them afraid and ignore us. It's not the whole fandoms fault, it's only the ones who takes things too far. I can't blame idols who rethinks about fans being sasaeng though. The experiences they have gone through would make them think back. It may hurt our feelings being thought of a sasaeng(when your really not) by your idol, but they're not to blame. I pray for the idols who experiences sasaeng activities. I really hope, in the future, any sasaeng activities will be ban. I can't stand hearing about our idols getting hurt all because sasaeng! >~< They don't deserve any of it. Why can't they just be normal fans?!
Crap, mistake there... *><*

*words from my heart. From the real me. And if this were a real physical letter...
Chapter 1: ((Continuation...))

I know you are aware that not all fans are sasaengs and for that I am very thankful. But I also know that it’s hard to keep differentiating between the two when the only ones you hear from are the sasaeng fans.
That is why I decided to write this letter. So that you’ll hear from a “normal” fan, too.

I am a fan who fell in love with your music before she even saw your face. I am a fan for whom being a fan is only part of her life. Like how for you being an idol may be only a part of your life, as well. Although probably a big part… ^^ I am a fan who has preferences; songs and people I like better than others. Preferences you are entitled to have as well. I am a fan who came to know you through your songs and public appearances. I am a fan who has never seen you in real life.

And still, I think of myself as a fan of yours. I still cheer for you when you were successful or when you weren’t; I still squeal when you did something cute or handsome.
I still hope you will not be discouraged.

And I wish you all the best.

Your always faithful (sane ^^) fan,

PS: I seriously debated on whether I should sign this letter with my true name. Because, after all, these are words from my heart. Real me… And if this were a real physical letter sent to an idol directly, then I would definitely have signed it with my real name. But as this is still the internet, I decided, for my own privacy (ironic, is it not?), to go with my user name. I am sorry about that.
Chapter 1: Answer from a (sane) fan:

Dear Idol
Let me say the most important thing first: Thank you so much for all the awesome word you have done!
At least once, this needs to be said seriously and sincerely, with a big smile and without any screaming, squealing or shrieking accompanying it. Because it is the truth and you deserve it.
Listening to your music calms my heart, seeing you smile makes me smile too. You may not know how many times you saved me, but that’s okay; I don’t expect you to.

And, you know, I also don’t expect you to smile always. I don’t expect you to be perfect and I don’t expect you to be fearless. The only thing I wish for is for you to live your life the way you want to.
So please, don’t hesitate to voice your thoughts in fear of being hated. If you feel scared, please say so. If you feel wronged, please say so. If you feel sad, don’t keep it all bottled up inside.
I’m not saying to hold a press conference and tell the whole world. But don’t keep it all to yourself and wait until it destroys you. Please.

Because the people who truly treasure you and your work will understand and they will stick by you! People who feel sick and horrified and sad when they hear these stories about sasaeng fans. People who feel ashamed that the ones doing such horrible things call themselves “fans”, too. People who wish they could do something to stop this madness.

((To be continued... ><))
Chapter 1: gosh saesangs these days are so rude. they ruined baekhyun's brother's wedding. i kinda understand they want to see their fave band, but now days they are going too far.