The Question

Double Date

"Yobseyo?" answered Seohyun.  "Ah Seohyun, can i ask you a question?" said Yonghwa.  "Yonghwa oppa!!!" said Seohyun.  "Um, how do i say this? Will you go on a date with me?" asked Yonghwa.  "Really oppa really." said Seohyun.  "Dae" answed Yonghwa.  "When, what time?said Seohyun.  "Dae. on Friday after school. Meet me behind the school" said Yonghwa.  "Sure, but what about homework?'' asked Seohyun.  "Aigoo, no more questions, meet me behind the school. See you then." said Yonghwa.  "But oppa!!!" said Seohyun.

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circusbunny1oL #1
hi i am still looking for a co author for those i will not continue posting until i find a co author because i kinda am pretty busy with music school art classand others
circusbunny1oL #2
i can have 3 more authors write with me thank you
circusbunny1oL #3
Hi i am looking for a co-author writing the stories all by my self is hard i'm not sure if we are allowed to add co-authors but reply to this and i will email you the stories just give me your email or i can give you mine and i'll email about every night if your not going to be available for a few nights tell me the night before we can work out a schedule if you can not access anything that lets you see your email thats fine i will tell whoever is authoring with me to read all conditions (they arent so bad ) thank you
circusbunny1oL #4
hi does any body know how to add characters