
Sea Foams

The sun shone brightly on a normal day. The beach was filled with people. A girl was sitting on the beach, her ankle was bleeding and she winced when the sea watered washed up her feet. 

"Noona, are you okay?" A little boy walked closer to her. The girl shook her head and smiled. The little boy stared at her. "do you need a bandage?"

The girl shook her head again. The boy looked at her strangely. "Noona.. Can you speak?" The girl shook her head. The boy nodded and ran away. The girl sighed. If only I was more careful..... She recalled the moment a few minutes ago. She was just sitting on rocks, enjoying the wind. But when she heard voices she panicked and when she was swimming away from the rocks she accidentally made a gash on her tail.... 

"Are you alright?" She turned her head back to meet a young man. Staring at her bleeding foot. She waved her hands signaling that she was okay. "Man that must have hurted... I'll get you a bandage. Wait here." As the man ran away to get supplies. "Yah hyung! Why are you taking away the last bottle of water I bought! Now I have to buy again!" A young man with tanned skin yelled at his hyung.

"Um... A girl's injured.. And her injury looks really bad." The older man explained. 

"Great... Now I have to go a long way to the chemist to buy bandages!" The young man rolled his eyes and ran to find the store nearby. The older man walked towards the girl. "Let's go somewhere.. Your wound can't be touched by the sea water." The girl stared at him. She pushed herself up but failed miserably. She fell onto the sand and winced. When she tried again she felt a strong arm pulling her up. She glanced at the tanned man next to her. 

"Geez.. Girls are so weak..." He rolled his eyes. Excuse me? Well it's not my fault I wasn't borned to get use to walking on the ground! The girl glared at him. 

"Alright alright... Let's just get your wound bandaged up." The older man sighed and poor water onto her injury. The girl hissed at the pain. 

"Be quiet will you? It's not that painful." The man next to her rolled his eyes at her again. If she could stand properly, she would've took her chance of smacking him in the head. When the older man finished bandaging she smiled at him.

"I think a 'thank you' will be appropriate." The man next to her commented again making her feel like she could kill him right now. She kneeled down on the sand and wrote the words.

Thank you.

The older man smiled at her. "It's fine. My name's Joonmyeon. Kim Joonmyeon. Call me Suho if you like."

Heejin. Seo Heejin.

"........ She can't speak?" The man next to her widened his eyes at her. She rolled her eyes. 

"Where do you live? I'll send you home." Suho kindly offered. But the Heejin shook her head.

Someone will pick me up later.

"I see...."

Thanks for the offer.

"It's nothing. Well.. I'll be leaving then." He waved at her then left. She looked at the tanned boy next to her. She glared at him once again. Throwing a small shell at his head.

"What was that for?" The man rubbed his head and looked at her. Heejin shrugged and tried to stand up, she fell down again and again. "I think you didnt only injured your foot, you broke it as well." He rolled his eyes and helped her up. "Where do you want to go?" She pointed at the shore. He helped her there.

"Hey." Heejin turned her head. "I'm Kai." She nodded and turned back to face the sea. Kai took another look at Heejin before he left. What a strange girl... He shook his head.

Soon there was no one on the beach again. A tail flashed on the surface of the ocean then disappeared. Phew... Thank god no one saw me... Heejin shook her head. Great.. First time out and what? I got injured. She sighed. Kai's comments rang in her head. What a jerk... 


"What took you so long?" Suho asked.

"That girl probably broke her ankle instead of scratching it on something. She can't even walk..." Kai looked back to where Heejin once sat. Surprise that she was gone. And I thought she broke her ankle. He shook his head. How on earth did she disappear in a matter of second when her foot was injured? He shook off the thought and left.


Kai yawned and picked up his phone. Who the hell messages him 6 in the morning?

Did you watch the news? There was a mermaid at the beach yesterday. XD


Waking me up at six o'clock in the morning just to tell me that there was a mermaid? I shall hate you forever Park Chanyeol. He groaned and turnd the tv on. The news reporter blabbered his way through the morning news as Kai sat on his bed nibbling on a piece of toast. When the photo showed up his eyes widened. What in the world? That's that Heejin girl yesterday! That explains why she couldnt stand properly.... Kai shook of the thought of the girl. It wasn't possible for mermaids to exist in his point of view. They only belong in fairytales. But it didn't stop him from connecting her sudden disappearance and the mermaid thing together. 


"Ahhhhhh! Ottoke? I got caught and went on the human news.,, Nooooooooooooooooooooo!" Heejin screamed in horror as she heard it from her friend. 

"Geez... No need to panic... I'm sure they'll forget it soon." Her friend patted her on the shoulder and assured her that everything was okay.

"But... But.. But... There was two guys that helped me with my injured foot yesterday..." Heejin said in a whisper voice.


"No....  Of course I didn't speak, I'm not stupid." Heejin rolled her eyes at her friend.

"Well... Now there's only one choice left." Her friend looked at her making her uncomfortable.

"What now?" Heejin groaned.

"You must prove to the population that you are human!" Her friend clapped her hands together. Heejin nearly fainted hearing that idea. Was her friend mad? They can't even walk properly on land. "I know... Were the guys that helped you trustworthy?" 

"Um.... One is.. I think... The other?" Heejin remembered Kai and shook her head is disapproval. "No use."

"Great! We shall go to the first one then!" And when Heejin heard this sentence, she nearly hit her head on a rock. She's impossible. 


{A.N: First chapter....... I'm not sure if this makes any sense to you guys -//////- comment if you have questions because authornim is so useless that she fails to let her subbies understand what she's trying to say.

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