Only girl!

Our Destiny!

*At School*

Hebe's at her locker getting her books out.She hears girls yelling and shout "Oh My Gosh, its them.AHHHHHHHH! Aaron, Calvin, Jiro we love you!" Hebe turns around to look and sees Aaron coming toward her! "hey, what happened last night? how come you didn't pick up the phone?" said  Aaron.

"Oh! um...I was busy with the whole spring photoshoot, that's coming up! Sorry, Sweetie." replied Hebe. She closed her locker and kissed aaron on the cheek. " meet me, later. k?" Aaron looking annoyed. "promise me?" cried hebe. "fine! catch you later" replied aaron. Hebe smiled and walked to class. Aaron watched hebe walk and thought " Dammmmmmmm, i am lucky guy!" Calvin's cellphone ringing broke his thoughts off. "Hello?" said calvin. "oh? ok. i'll be there in a minute." cried calvin.

"what's up?" asked Jiro. Calvin hesitated and said " My parents are fliyng in today. i gotta go, home and get ready for their welcome party.You guys coming?" Aaron and Jiro looked at eachother and nodded. "ok! see ya, tonight! oh? bring hebe with you, too!" shouted calvin and left.

*With Gui Gui*

"Oh no! I'm late, AGAIN!" cried gui gui. Gui gui putted on her school uniform, grabbed her books, and ran out of her bedroom door.She got downstair drank some orange juice and her dad came out of his bedroom. He gave gui gui a disgusted look. "where's our breakfast?" shouted Mr. Wu. "our?" said gui gui. Then she saw a striper come out of her dad's bedroom. Ever since her mom left them, her dad became an acholic, a gambler and abusive towards her.He started bring some stripers and prositutes every night.Gui Gui swallowed her spit and said " dad, I'm gonna be late for school. I didn't woke up early enough to make breakfast. I'm sorry." gui gui bowed.

Then her dad grabbed her by her hair and slammed her to wall. The striper was sitting there smoking and laughing. Gui gui started crying and fell to the floor. "you stupid . you're just like your mother.I wish i never had a daughter like you " shouted her dad. Then he spitted on her hair. Gui Gui thought "why? why am i the only girl to feel this miserable?" While she cried silently.


Hope you liked the first chapter. Sorry about the whole cursing and stuff. But stay tone for the next chapter. Please leave a comment! :)

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