Falling In Love

A Comfortable Den For Two
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chapter two; 
  ☆ falling in love



It had been almost two years since Yesung built the extension to the coffee shop. It was a much bigger success than he originally anticipated. He had developed many friends that helped him invest in specific brands and upgrade parts. Some customers were even donating their old ones to him, or giving daily reports on their quests/adventures that were more fun playing on the games here than their slower computers at home.    The best part about all of it was how beautifully his friendship with Kyuhyun had bloomed because of it. He had only been seventeen when Yesung first met him, but the age difference was no matter then nor now. Their six year age-gap made him feel even more like an older brother.  There were newer customers who would even mistaken them as such.    "Hyunggg~" Kyuhyun called to him, and he turned to the smiling boy (now nineteen) who was very excited to talk to him today.    "Hey," Yesung greeted back. "I was wondering when you were coming in today." He done a large smile, putting down the papers he was holding and walking up to the front of the counter. He reached over the surface to give a quick hug to the younger. "Happy Birthday."    "Thanks!" Kyuhyun replied, giving back a happy grin because Yesung remembered. "Do you want to come out with me and my friends tonight?"    Yesung laughed hard. "And babysit? Nah, no thank you. I'd be the boring chaperone."   Kyuhyun pouted, as he always did when he didn't get his way. "But I really wanted you to come."    Yesung considered for a moment. Then he shook his head. "I'm too old for that. Maybe another time we can. I don't think your friends will like it, either."   Kyuhyun's pout deepened into a frown. His voice lowered into a sad mumbly-tone. "I don't care what they think. I think it would be more fun."   They had hung out and had lunches together before, though then it was over nothing special. They played computer games and Kyuhyun taught him all he knew regarding them. Yesung showed him how to work a bunch of the other machines in the store, and began giving more privileges. It wasn't like he needed to watch Kyuhyun's time card since it was connected to the same as his own.    "We can get dinner tomorrow if you want," Yesung offered. "My treat."   Kyuhyun sighed, but nodded all the same.     


"What do you mean he's not coming?" The blonde asked Kyuhyun, who had just announced Yesung had bailed.    "I don't think he was comfortable about the age difference between him and us." Kyuhyun muttered.    The blonde snorted a disapproving sound and rolled his eyes. "It's only by a few years."   "I know," Kyuhyun retorted. "I really wanted him to come, too."   "Have you told him yet?" The blonde pried, trying to change the subject to more what was becoming a pressing deal for him. He loved the dramatic gossip that had become his best friend's life the past year. It was more entertaining for him than the romance novels he sped through reading.    Kyuhyun made a "pth" sound with his lips, blowing his bangs out of his eyes and turning away from his friend.   "No."   "Why not?"   "I told you already, Min. He's not looking  at me like that. It's just a stupid one-way crush."   The blonde sighed dramatically; similar to that of his friend mere moments ago when he arrived to break the bad news. He took a sip of the Cola in the glass in front of him, but said nothing to reply. Kyuhyun already knew what he was thinking anyway. This wasn't the first time the subject was brought up.   "Stop looking at me like that," Kyuhyun snapped. "I can't tell him!  It'll ruin everything." He slid his own glass across the table closer to himself so he could pick it up and bring it to his lips, angrily.    "But what if he likes you, too?" Sungmin wondered. "And you're both just feeling like that, thinking the other doesn't feel the same?  It's really sad, because you're both too good a pairing for one another. It would be disappointing if you never even tried."   Kyuhyun shook his head, not responding.    Five to ten minutes of silence later, another pair bombarded their way into the booth Kyuhyun and Sungmin shared, both laughing and talking about something that had happened between them. They were another couple, and they were both good friends to Kyuhyun and Sungmin who had come out to celebrate.   "Man, what a hike here!" Announced the one with the short hair, dyed blue. His smile was blinding as the shorter brunette slid into the seat after him, scooting close enough that they were pressed against one another in the shared seat.    "Hey Hyuk, hey Hae," Kyuhyun greeted, a very small smile plaguing his lips. The couple blinked between him and Sungmin, then looked around at the rest of the ice-cream shop.   "Where's you-know-who?" Hyukjae whispered, hand to the side of his lips to cover the fact he was asking such a "secretive" question.    "Who?" Donghae asked, blinking at his boyfriend, eyebrows raised and mouth round as an O. He had been looking for a familiar face in the crowd without even knowing who he was looking for.   "God, Hae, you're so slow sometimes." Sungmin scoffed, taking a sip of his Cola and rolling his eyes. "He's talking about—"   "He's not here." Kyuhyun angrily snapped, looking at Sungmin with a burning in his eyes that stopped his older friend in his tracks from continuing that sentence.  He didn't want the entire world to know he was blown off from celebrating his birthday with the only person he really wanted to be enjoying it with.   Hyukjae raised his brows in surprise, sitting back in the booth to stare across the table at his two friends. He blinked a few times, then looked to his right at his boyfriend, who exchanged the look.   "He didn't feel comfortable with it, and I'm okay with that. We're going to get dinner or something tomorrow." Kyuhyun confessed, his lips twisting together as the words left bitterly from them.   "I still don't get it. He's only like, what, five years—"   "SUNGMIN—"   Kyuhyun and Sungmin were turned toward each other in the booth now, both pair of eyes narrowed and angry at each other. Kyuhyun really didn't want to discuss it, and felt Sungmin shouldn't want to gossip about it to their other friends, since they didn't understand it beyond the fact that it was a one-sided crush.   "I didn't even know you liked someone, Kyu," Donghae whispered, his lips forming into a pout. "Why didn't you tell me?"   "It was pretty obvious." Hyukjae replied to his boyfriend. "I just called him out on it when I saw them together at the café. Kyuhyun has never been that cheeky and cute to anyone else."    Donghae turned to Hyukjae and smiled. "It's nice to hear that," He turned to Kyuhyun then, whose cheeks were turning pink at this bit of information leak. "You should try to pursue it if he makes you feel like that. I don't remember the last time I saw you give a real smile."   Kyuhyun groaned and turned away from the kind looks his older friends gave him.    


The arcade was small and dark, littered with kids yelling and blasting with music from the consoles. The air was musty and thick and reminded Kyuhyun of a club's atmosphere. Too much adrenaline. Too much sweat.    He sat in a corner table with a bottle of water and his handphone, hammering away at the keyboard. He was trying to think of a good way to guilt Yesung into coming out even though it was nearing 11pm.    >> Hyung! I'm bored! You should meet up with us! ^^ >> Can't. Have to open the shop tomorrow morning. :( >> But it's not fun w/out you! T-T >> I'll take you out for dinner. I'm taking the early shift so I can. >> ㅠ______ㅠ >> Try and have fun!! It's your night!! :)   Kyuhyun sat back and sighed, frustrated with how hopeless his attempts were. He would easily leave here and ditch the guys if Yesung offered his company. He wondered if he should go to his house now or wait until tomorrow evening to pester him.    "Kyu! Come play DDR with us!" Hyukjae called to him, giving a frantic wave. "It'll get your mind off things!"   Kyuhyun sighed an angry gruff,
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Lunayaa #1
Chapter 2: Update plssss
Liza_Blessedx2 #2
Chapter 2: Noooooo please update.... please please please, I'm begging here authornim, please come back to this awesome story. My Kyusung Heart waits in anticipation!!!!!
402 streak #3
Chapter 2: aaaaah~ you!!! don't stop here, hanging me like this T^T
Chapter 2: I really want to know what will happen next~~~~
Chapter 2: Oh authornim you just know how to give a heart attack to your reader,,,why did you stop here,,

Waiting for updates,,,my kyusung feels
Chapter 1: Nice chapter authornim,,,,
Why are you soooo evil that you left me hanging like this?
Please, don't quit this story. I like it.
Chapter 2: You really need to continue this story. I need to know what will happen next!!
Please, just like “Thr hunger” :( don't leave me hanging. ;3;
Authornim??? You cannot just leave us with a cuddling kyusung in bed huhu. Please comeback and update T_T
Chapter 2: Omg continue this story please! Please! I'm soooo into it :))