
Fire surrounded me on every side. The beautiful red and orange light filled the whole world. I didn't feel any fear, only curiosity and fascination as I reached out, trying to touch it.

The flickering tongues were close, but they couldn't burn me. I could feel someone's presence behind me, protecting me. But there was nobody there. A melancholy echo entered my ears, whispering as I felt a rush of air ghost close to my face.

"Don't play with fire, my child. Or else you will be burnt."




I woke with a start. Beads of sweat were visible on my skin, some dripping down my forehead. I could only remember the heavenly red light closing in on me. I looked at my hands, half-expecting them to be charred and blackened, perhaps my fingers were disintegrating into the dust.

Of course, there was none of the sort. It was only a dream.

I turned around, lazily pulling the clock within my vision.


For one fleeting moment, I went into panic. I'm late.

But then I relaxed. Today was Saturday, a day of rest. I released the tension in my muscles, slumping on the bed, letting out a sigh of relief.

After a few minutes, I folded my legs and sat up. Grabbing a set of clothes, I trotted to the toilet.

I removed my clothes, feeling self-conscious every time I saw my own body. I saw numerous scored across it, and I flinched as I remembered where they had come from.

I trailed my fingers down the scar that was on the left of my chest, right above my heart. I had no idea how I survived such a wound, how I could still be walking on my own two feet when a knife had impaled it at such a vulnerable spot. Well, if God wanted to keep me alive longer, I would happily abide.

A long, cool shower distracted me from my memories of the past. I walked out, ruffling my hair upwards, so it looked like some mother cat had it the wrong way round.

A sudden knock on my door made me straighten up. Pushing my hair back into place, I opened it to a tiny crack.

I almost slammed it shut, if not for his foot that stuck into the gap.

"We need to talk."




Two people intruded my peaceful home on a Saturday. Though I admit, my mood would be much better on Saturdays and Sundays, where almost all of my dark thoughts would fly and perish to the clouds for a moment. I wish.

"So what are you planning, Taemin? You'd better be honest with me."

An angry pair of eyes met my calm ones.

"What are you talking about, diva?" My voice was flat, and he flinched at that nickname.

"I am talking about you and that Minho, Taemin! You would never ever smile, or be kind to any person. And you're acting like Mother Teresa around him. Give me a break and spill the beans before I strangle you!" He howled, and I raised an eyebrow at him. He lunged forward, but I swiftly flipped backwards while Jonghyun wrapped his arms firmly around Key's waist.

"Calm down, Key." Jonghyun murmured. His eyes, were filled with confusion. Well, figures. He was a new student as well, by quite a few months earlier than Minho, actually. He didn't really know me, nor did I about him. He was no threat to me, anyway. I only knew he was someone who stuck to Key like a caterpillar on a leaf.

Key sat down, blowing his bangs off his face as he put a hand on Jonghyun's.

"Go and take a walk, Key. You will only end up fighting if you go on like this."


Jonghyun stared up at Key, his eyes wide and pleading. Key seemed to melt under that gaze, then he glared at me for a moment longer.

"I will be at the cafe across the street. I will wait for you there, but if you take longer than an hour, I will come up for you." He then flicked his bangs, stalking out in a huff, and I winced as he slammed the door. I didn't even want to imagine the repairing costs.

"I'm sorry about Key. He's always like that." I turned my attention towards the boy who sat in front of me. He was rather short, considering his age was probably similar to Key's. His brown hair was tousled and messy, but it seemed to suit him in an odd way. His warm brown gaze seemed to make my legs feel like jelly, but I forced myself to be strong.

"What do you want with me, in such a delightful morning? Okay, I won't describe it as delightful when you both so conveniently ruined it." I hissed. He blinked at me, his brown gaze still studying me from head to toe.


"I don't understand." Jonghyun's head cocked to one side. I stared at him, quizzically and annoyed.

"I don't understand why such a sweet-looking boy would be said to be such a cruel person."

I almost bursted out in laughter, but I chose to satisfy myself with a chuckle.

"Sweet? Which part of me seems like honey glaze, my dear stranger? I am nothing sweet, I assure you."

"But you're not a cruel person. At least I think you're not." Jonghyun murmured. A rush of pity suddenly came to me, and something drove me to take his hand.

"Listen, Jonghyun. I don't want to hurt you. I can see you are kind and gentle. But I warn you now, I can be cruel." I whispered. He looked up at me, his eyes sad.

"Do you want to hurt Minho?"

I was taken aback. I bit my tongue. There was no way I could tell him about the past. Especially since he was a stranger, and Key's best friend.

Seeing me hesitate, he let out a sigh.

"Look, I can see the way you look at him at school. You act like you two have just met, but I can see that you act differently. Your gaze is filled with a strong emotion, I don't know, either hatred or care. I hope the latter.

"I believe you have known each other in the past. Now you listen to me, Taemin. I may not know what happened, but if you really feel hatred for him,  because of the past, you have to learn to forgive. You have to let go."

I drew away, bristling.

"You don't understand! You can't tell me what to do! And you can't protect him either, you practically don't even know each other" I snarled. Jonghyun sighed softly, before standing up, brushing his jeans with his hands.

"I know I can't tell anybody what to do. I can't protect them all." He murmured, heading for the door. But at the last second, he turned back, staring straight into my eyes. I flinched at the strength of his gaze, when his whisper reached my ears.

"But I'll always try."







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Chapter 6: is that really Minho? hmmm more questions….
im glad Taemin has Key back. He can't go through this alone.
Chapter 6: What minho really doing that... His character in here it's not feel like what taemin description...
Chapter 5: Well, better not doing what ever in your mind taemin and back to your old self... Being bitter it's not taemin style...
Chapter 5: ow, isn't this a JongMin moment?? :)
Tae is so ed up in his mind.. I hope he'll sort this out soon! :)
Chapter 4: Well life is not like fairytale tae.... it's far from that but to dream one it's okay sometimes...
Chapter 3: Jonghyun really sweet... And the reason behind taemin hate to minho because minho ever betray him... But, i think it's impossible when i see how soft minho... Maybe what happen in the past just misunderstanding??? I don't know but i hope taemin wouldn't doing something he will regret...
Chapter 3: wow wait wait wait so tae was some rich kid? :O and minho betrayed him hmmm xD 'two-faced liar' ahahahaah xD update soon hwaiting ^^
Chapter 2: wah omg jonghyun's such a sweetie here ^^
goojayhee #9
Chapter 3: did he really torn his back to taemin and leave him in the fire?did he really betrayed him???
goojayhee #10
Chapter 2: why?what happened in the past between taemin and minho?!
omo could taemin seriously hurt minho??