Three's A Crowd

Three's A Crowd - Myungsoo

Myungsoo and Hunter were roommates, but also both your best friends, but Hunter was your boyfriend, more like your ex. Hanging out there more than you did your own house made the three of you feel like family. Just a small well knit family, but something was about to tear your stitches apart.

Walking into the boys’ apartment, the weight of the groceries pulled on your arm as you lifted them up onto the counter.

"Ah! _____, your here!" Hunter wrapped you in a hug as you began to put their groceries away.

"I am glad to see you too." You finished putting away all of the food as Myungsoo came out with the camera around his neck. "Myungsoo, did you shoot any good pictures lately?" You asked as Hunter began to devour some of the food that you had just brought to them.

"Hmmmm, I had a photo shoot with the park the other day." Myungsoo said as he hooked up his camera to his computer to extract the files.

"Oh~ Can I see please?" You slid into the spot next to him moving as close as you could to him; he blushed as he nodded. Telling you about each of the pictures in great detail you gave him compliments and just sat in awe of his talent. Spending a couple hours looking at his pictures Hunter began to feel left out.

"Hey ______. What do you say about playing some video games?" Hunter teased you to get away from Myungsoo.

"Sure only if we can play the ones I am good at." You giggled as you stood up walking into Hunter’s room. Myungsoo watched you go into his room as he mumbled your favorite game as a smirk came onto his lips.

Hunter held no hard feelings after you broke up from him, things were already comfortable between you two that is why you broke it off with him, but also that you had new found feelings for Myungsoo. You had feelings for both of them really but Myungsoo was so different from Hunter, almost polar opposite. You were really confused about your feelings for both of them now but you knew that your heart would show you which one you would enjoy.

Myungsoo worked on his secret project that he was going to use to ask to be your boyfriend, jumping on the chance that you were single now. He heard giggling from Hunter’s bedroom as you pushed him away and ran out the door, hiding behind Myungsoo.

"Myungie save me~" You playfully called as you held onto him tightly. Hunter tickled your sides from behind as you clutched tighter to Myungsoo.

"Why don’t you call for me?" Hunter’s hands wrapped around your stomach

"You are the one tickling me." You said as Myungsoo started to feel very awkward about the situation.

"So you run to Myungsoo now instead of me?" Hunter started to become defensive of himself.

"He wasn’t tickling me." You said as you gently let your grip loosen on Myungsoo. Myungsoo turned around as he saw that passion behind Hunter’s eyes.

"Maybe he should be your boyfriend then you could forget all about me." Hunter yelled as he stood up, as you eyes widened at his sudden outburst.

"Hunter, where did this all come from?" You asked as you folded your legs up under you.

"You never wanted to be with me, you just wanted to be with him. He is all you wanted, you just used me." Hunter said as he covered his eyes with his hand as you got up and tried to wrap your arms around him. Ripping out of your grip, his strong movements flung you to the ground as you hit your hand on the table as your wrist began to hurt. Myungsoo quickly came to your aid as you just had a really big red mark on your arm where it hit the table. He looked at your wrist as Hunter came over and grabbed him by the collar.

"How dare you try and take her away from me." Hunter snarled.

"I didn’t the choice is up to her, not me." Myungsoo slightly winced. Hunter looked down at you as you tried to rub the pain away from your wrist.

”_______” Hunter let go of Myungsoo and walked over to you towering over you, “Me or him.”

"W-What I have to choose?" You got up as Myungsoo grabbed some ice for you and handed it to you. Hunter nodded.

"Him or me. If you choose him I will let you go for good, but if you choose me. I will marry you like I promised." He got closer to you as Myungsoo kept his distance.

"Well, you both are great guys…" You started, "B-but if I have to choose one I will have to choose… Myungsoo." Hunter’s was inches from yours until he retreated to his bedroom.

"D-Do you really like me?" Myungsoo said as he took more attention to your wrist, checking it out for you.

"I do, Hunter is just a little violent and not as sweet." You said as Myungsoo’s warm hands heated up your cold wrist and your cold heart.

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Chapter 1: Tttttttt I don't like such situations where I have to choose between the two.. It's hard for me and for them, but there's no room to escape and I should be honest eventually.. Glad this didn't happen to me hehe
Back to the story. Hunter was weird, it seems that he's the violent type even when he love so deeply. But what caught my attention is that they were a couple before but broke up nicely.. Hmmm I don't think it's easy to break up nicely, I just can't really understand how they decide to

Myungsoo was very innocent in this story, he deserves to be chosen <33
Thank you for this one.. Good night <33
Chapter 1: omg i cant believe hunter dared to ask her to choose after how he treated her; physical abuse. eeks. and he sounds as if hes her current bf =S they broke up and he says he still wants to marry her? weirdo.
Chapter 1: Myungsoooo ~!!! Good job !
Chapter 1: Please update soon:)