19 ~ Reveal

The Simple Things

19 ~ Reveal



It wasn't until a few moments later did Sujin come back to her senses and tried to push him away. But Youngjae wouldn't have any of it. Once she pushed him away, she would run away and avoid him all over again. And there was no way he was going to let that happen.


Youngjae stubbornly held her in his arms and very gently continued kissing her. Her resolve wasn't very strong to begin with, so it was no surprise that she eventually caved in and returned the affectionate gesture. He noticed this and smiled to himself, feeling as if a boulder had been lifted from his shoulders. But he was again stricken with panic when Sujin's body suddenly tensed and she tried pushing him away again. He refused to budge, but this time she continued fighting against him. And that's when he realised something.


He wasn't right for him to be doing something like this to her if she refused him. He would only be hurting her if he did.


Youngjae hastily pulled away and pressed a palm to his face, not noticing how Sujin was gasping for breath as she leaned forward in her seat. "I'm so sorry, Sujin. I… I shouldn't have done that."


"Of course you shouldn't have!" she snapped.


He flinched and lowered his head. He had gone overboard this time and he knew it.


Sujin frowned. "You weren't letting me breathe, you pabo!"


Youngjae blinked a few times before whipping his head up to look at her questioningly. "I… I wasn't?" Images of a few moments ago flashed in his head and he groaned at his own actions. "I wasn't…"


Sujin turned her head away to hide her flushed expression. *What was I thinking when I did that before… I wasn't thinking at all.*


"Hang on…" Youngjae began, breaking her out of her thoughts. "So you were only pushing me away because I wasn't letting you breathe?"


"Uhh, yes?" she answered a little uncertainly. *Where is he going with this?* Her question was answered when he flashed her a playful grin.


"So that means that you weren't pushing me away because you were refusing me." His grin widened. "In fact, you weren't planning to stop at all if it wasn't for you running out of breath."


Leaning in close towards her, he huskily whispered into her ear, "Right, Sujin-ah?"


She let his words sink in, and her eyes became as wide as saucers as she realised that… he was right. Feeling embarrassed, she planted her hand on his face and harshly shoved him away from her.


"No!" she denied. "Y-you're wrong!"


Youngjae smiled knowingly in a way that infuriated her. "Are you sure about that?"


"O-of course I'm…! I-I'm…"


She trailed off and stared at her nervously wringing hands. A wave of emotions suddenly crashed through her entirety and the next minute, she found herself sobbing as tears brimmed at her eyes. Instantly, the grin on Youngjae's face disappeared and was replaced with a panicked expression.


"I-I'm sorry! I was just teasing you, but I didn't mean to upset you like this. I'm really sorry Sujin-ah, so please don't cry!"


She continued sobbing into her hands with her shoulders all hunched up.


"I'm sorry! I was just teasing you because you were too cute... Please don't cry..." he pleaded.


Sujin lifted her tear-stricken face from her hands and sniffed a few times before speaking in a shaky voice. "You really are a pabo."


Youngjae hung his head in shame, feeling extremely guilty for making her cry. "Yes I am... I'm a big pabo."


"Why! Why do you have to do this to me?!" she continued wailing. "Why do you have to make me...



... like you so much."



Youngjae froze at this. *Did I just hear... what I thought I heard?* He was sure he didn't hear it wrong.


Slowly, he lifted his head to gaze at her in wonder. She was staring at her hands again, trying to pretend that she didn't just say what she just said. But Youngjae knew better.




Again, he held her by the shoulders and turned her to face him. He tilted up her chin and stared into her eyes. "Do you really mean that? Do you really like me too?"


She remained silent and avoided looking at him. He smiled and felt his heart drown in happiness. Sujin wasn't denying it, which meant that it was true.


Youngjae felt a sudden desire to capture her lips again, but he didn't want to scare her so he stopped when he was a few centimetres away from her. He carefully watched her reaction, and saw that she wasn't moving away or resisting his advances.


Slowly, very slowly, he inched himself closer and closer towards her lips. There was only a millimetre's distance between them when he noticed her fluttering her eyes closed. He, too, felt his eyes closing before he finally leaned in the remaining way and closed the gap between them.






Mihi eyed the roads they were passing by from where she was seated in the passenger seat of Daehyun's car.


"This doesn't look like the way to my apartment."


"Because it's not," Daehyun sheepishly replied. "We're going to the hotel to see your brother."


"Oh, okay. But why so suddenly?"


He hesitated a little before replying. "Yongguk-hyung said he has a few things he would like to talk to us about." Which was still the truth, but he left out the fact that he had intended to ask Yongguk about how he knew Myungsoo. When Daehyun called him, Yongguk had asked him to bring Mihi along to meet up with him so that he could clarify a few things.


Mihi hummed in response. "I wonder what it is."


*Could it be about Myungsoo-ssi?*


Meanwhile, Yongguk was taking a walk in the garden area outside the hotel as he waited for their arrival. He needed the fresh air to help clear him of his worries.


But all of those thoughts came flying back when he heard that familiar, hateful voice.


"Fancy seeing you here, taking a little stroll in the gardens."


Yongguk whipped his head around and glared at Myungsoo, who only smirked back at him. His expression suddenly turned serious.


"I would never have imagined that Mihi was your sister. It's unfortunate that she is, but I'm not going to avoid her just because of you."


Yongguk felt his blood boil at this blatant disregard of his warning for him to stay away from her. "Don't you dare mess around with Mihi," he growled. "Leave her out of this."


"She never was a part of this. And I have never loathed her like I do to you," Myungsoo spat. "My reasons for staying by Mihi are personal, and they stand. I don't care how many threats you throw my way..."


He walked right up to him with determination.


"... because I will NOT stay away from Mihi."


Yongguk clenched his hands in fury. They were itching to punch Myungsoo across the face, but that would only do more harm than good. "Mihi is not a toy for you to play with!"


The younger sent him a condescending look. "Of course not. Mihi is special to me. And I don't care who she's with because I will not give up."


Yongguk didn't know how to reply to that. Was this guy serious? Was he really saying what he thought he said? His sister was already happily with Daehyun, and here was this scumbag suggesting that he will stop at nothing to be with her.


Dread settled into his stomach. He should have known Myungsoo's intentions when he was eyeing how Daehyun and Mihi were together. And what's worse, he's the CEO of the company Daehyun works at. Initially, Yongguk feared that Mihi would bump into Myungsoo because Daehyun worked there. But now, he was worried how he would fare at work. What if Myungsoo jeopardised Daehyun's position at the company because of his relationship with Mihi?


*That lowlife wouldn't even hesitate to do such a thing* Yongguk thought in disdain.


His thoughts were cut short by Myungsoo's next few words.


"I just thought that I should let you know that your mother doesn't miss you at all."


He smirked at Yongguk, who had tensed up at his snide remark. "When I told her that you'd come back, all she said was 'I can't wait until he leaves. Then life would be so much better again.' What a thing for a mother to say, right Yongguk?"


The older's expression darkened even more than it already was.


"She is NOT my mother. She's yours."


Myungsoo laughed scornfully. "That's right, she already disowned you, didn't she?"


Yongguk was about to retort back when his eyes went past Myungsoo and landed on two new figures. His eyes met with Mihi's, and saw that she was gaping at him with shock. Daehyun was with her and he, too, had the same expression.


Myungsoo noticed how he was focusing behind and turned around to see the two together. His eyes immediately flickered down to where their hands were intertwined before bringing his attention back to Mihi's face. Noticing the look she wore, he swore in his head when he realised that she must've heard them talking just now.


"Yongguk-oppa…" Mihi whispered, only just loud enough for them to hear. "Is it true that your mother is also… Myungsoo-ssi's mother?"


Her brother opened his mouth as if to speak, but then averted his gaze to the ground without an answer.


She tightened her grip on Daehyun's hand.



The silence had only affirmed the answer.





I think I've finally revealed one of the secrets :P 


And Sujin has finally admitted to her feelings, hurrah! :D


Thank you all for reading ^^



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Noobynoobster #1
Chapter 29: This is wonderful ^^. This brings back all the feels from reading your story a while ago. Such beautiful writing. Oh how your writing makes me happy
jtwakaraniii #2
Chapter 28: Yay!! You updated! I was worried you'd discontinue this story so when I saw an update, I was mentally preparing myself for the end LOL but it was a real update!! :) :D I'm glad Daehyun is back and Mihi saw Myungsoo's real intentions...
Chapter 28: Gosh the relationship between Mihi and Daehyun is just so cute and nice to read. I really love it. Curious about how this story will end. ♡
Caramelatte019 #4
Chapter 27: This story is so good ☺️ Please update when ever you can, I will wait for your future updates hehehe
jtwakaraniii #5
Chapter 26: Daehyun knows innocent Mihi too well... but I'm glad he found out through her even if it was his instincts and not Mihi coming clean... it would've been worse if Myungsoo mentioned it to him then it would've been a slap in the face for Daehyun... I can't wait for Daehyun's business trip to be over already! He needs to be with Mihi... Thank you for updating!!
Chapter 26: finally he knows!!!!
Chapter 25: Daehyun got some good instinct there as a boyfriend tho lol
Chapter 25: oh gosh she should have just told him honestly, what if he jumps to conlcusions oh gosh
jtwakaraniii #9
Chapter 24: Daehyun is just too cute when he's in love! And I'm sure his colleagues love that he's in a relationship since he's more...approachable and warm...? LOL I can't help but be suspicious of the business trip Daehyun has to go to in place of the CEO who happens to be free to ask Mihi on an outing... am I reading too much into it? Hmm... but Mihi loves Dae so I don't doubt her... if anything, it'll be an insecurity/trust issue... Thank you so much for updating! With school so hectic, this gives me a small small break :) Looking forward to more!