Why now?

Once the grief is too big!


You opened your eyes and looked into your husbands sleeping face.

You smiled and his cheek. You had been married to him for four years now and you had a daughter that was three and a half  years old. You lived in a small but cozy house in Seoul, Korea. You moved there from Sweden when you were eighteen years old and you met Park Chanyeol, the love of your life and the most happy person in the world he was your happy virus. You were twentyfour and your life was perfect except that you were sick and couldn’t work. You had been sick since you were fourteen. Chanyeol knew that but he wouldn’t let that come between you and him. The sickness didn’t have any cure so you’d have to live with it your whole life. The doctors still doesn’t know what the sickness is but it makes you really tired and you cough a lot, you can faint if you move around to much while your doing things at home and then wake up and get a slight memory loss.

You looked around in the room and noticed it was a hospital, then you remembered it was your monthly checkup you had to do so you could see in wich state you were in.

You sat up and Chanyeol woke up.

He smiled at you and fixed your pillow so it would be more comfortable.

The doctor came in and Chanyeol took your hand, it was a very serious moment. It’s now you knew how your state was and if it had gotten worse or better.

The doctor looked at you with sadness in his eyes and your heart sank.

”I’m very sorry to say this but your sickness has gotten worse and you can die anytime soon. We have no idea how long you will live.”  

Tears started to burn in your eyes.

‘Not yet’ you thought.‘I’m not ready yet. I knew this would happen but not so soon.’

The tears started to fall and Chanyeol hugged you while crying.

”You are allowed to get out of the hospital, but if anything happens you must come right away so we can at least try to keep you alive. I shall leave you alone” he said and left.

You looked at Chanyeol. Your tears wouldn’t stop and neither would Chanyeols.

”How are we going to tell Min Hee” you asked Chanyeol through the tears. ”Will she understand or will she deny it?”

”We’ll have to see when we tell her” he said and sighed. He looked devastated. ”Even if she will deny that you won’t live any longer and try everything to keep you alive we still have to tell her.”

”She’s so young but she still have to go through all this. You have to promise me that you’ll take care of her. If she’s sad then you’ll have to cheer her up. Don’t become too depressed or she might blame herself. And promise me that you won’t blame yourself either. It’s neither your or our daughters fault. No one in our family is at fault.”

You meakly smiled and kissed Chanyeol on the cheek and saw that the nurse came in with your crying daughter.

”She missed you” the nurse said and put her on the white hospital bed and walked out again. Min Hee crawled over to you and hugged you.

”Mommy” she whispered.”Why are you crying?”

”Min Hee” you started.” Mommy has to go soon.”

“When?” she tilted her head.

“I don’t know” you smiled at her.”But it’s soon”

“Are you coming back?”

Your smile faded and you sighed.

“No I won’t. I can’t.” you said while looking your daughter in the eyes.

Tears started to form in Min Hees eyes.

“Why...?” she said almost crying.

She looked so sad that you couln’t talk. You couldn’t form any words.

Chanyeol noticed and talked instead.

“Mommys going to die..” he said while taking your hand.”She’ve gotten really sick and her body’s giving up..”

Min Hee started crying. She threw herself into your arms.

“No!” she whispered.”Don’t go.”

“If I could stay I would. But I can’t.” you said finally able to talk.”But let’s make the time I have left the best time ever.”

She nodded and sat up already done crying.

You looked at her.

‘She really is a strong girl’ you thought.’She will grow up to a wonderful woman.’

“Mommy” she said with a little smile. “Is there something you want to do before you die?”

“Yes actually there is” you looked down afraid to see Chanyeols reaction to what you were going to say. “I want to go to Sweden again”

Chanyeols grip of your hand tightened.

He let go of your hand and made you look at him.

His eyes were full of fright.

“No. He said. You can’t.” he grabbed my shoulders. “You’re sick. What if you die on the plane? What would happen then? It’s too riskfull, plus you’re scared of flying and so is Min hee.”

“Chanyeol” you said with a sharp voice wich made Chanyeol flinch. “You’re talking to much. I want to go no matter what you tell me.”

“I wont let you!” he retorted. “I don’t want to risk you dying earlier than said.”

You were starting to get irritated.

“I am going!” you glared at him. ”If you say I can’t go then your saying that I can’t go see my family and friends before I die and…..”

“They can come here” Chanyeol interrupted you.”

“Don’t interrupt me!” you were real angry now. ”I won’t be able to see my house, I won’t be able see my favorite place in the world that I used to go to when I were little. I won’t be able to feel free for the last time in my life.”


“No,  I’m not going to have this argument with you when Minhee’s here”

Chanyeol sighed and walked out of the room.

“Mommy..” Minhee said and looked at you. “Are you and daddy mad at eachother now? Are you going to hate eachother now?”

You smiled at her.

“No. It’s just a small argument, it will be okay soon. I promise.”

It didn’t get better when you got home and you put Minhee to sleep you decided to talk to Chanyeol again and the argument started again. You were arguing about it the whole week.

“No! No way!” Chanyeol almost screamed.

“Why! I haven’t felt free for such a long time. I need to go!”

“Why! Your family can come here and if you want to feel “free” we can go to the countryside”

“No! God why are you so persistant? I have to go. I have been here because of my sickness ever since I moved here. I haven’t been able to go home since I were eighteen! I’ve missed it so many times! Now that I’m going to die I really need to go so I can die in peace!”

Chanyeol sighed.

"If you won't let me I will go alone and.... End this relationship!"

Tears formed in your eyes as you said it. You didn't want to but still you did. This argument was to much for you and he were being really unfair. It might sound stupid but you've had so many fights recently that you finally had enough.

Chanyeol looked at you.

"I can't stand this anymore I'm tired of fighting all the time. Minhee have already noticed that somethings wrong even though she's asleep when we argue. You're so unfair and I'm tired of it."

Chanyeol quickly wrapped his arms around you and cried.

"I'm sorry! I'm just so scared. I don’t wan’t you to die! I wan’t you to be with me forever not dying in an aeroplane. I thouht that I could persuade you to stay but it just ended up wrong.” he took a small pause. “Everytime you asked I wanted to say yes. I wan’t you to go because that makes you happy but I were selfish and wanted you to stay so we could be together more.”

“Chanyeol. I won’t die on the plane. I promise and we will be together since you’re coming with me.”

“You promise you won’t die on the plane!” he said and looked at you with big puppy eyes.

“Yes I promise you, little baby!” you said and pinched his nose.

He tutted cutely and then smiled.

Time went by fast and it was already time to travel to Sweden and Chanyeol had gotten really nervous.

You smiled at him as he were standing and checking if he had taken everything from water to medicin.

He wanted to make sure that you wouldn’t die.

He even made you promise not to do anything that could make you the slightest bit tired.

Chanyeol turned around and smiled at you.

“The plane has arrived. Let’s hurry.”

You started walking while holding MinHees hand.

When you got on the plane you quickly found your seat and sat down. You took a deep breath and closed your eyes. You hated flying, it scared the out of you. The take off is horrible and when you’re flying and a turbulence occurs you freak out inside.

But the worst part of all is when the plane is landing, you think it’s going to crash. You can’t breath you can’t move you can’t even open your eyes. You just sit there and shutting your eyes and hold your breath and tries not to panic.

Luckily you have Chanyeol with you, he knows how to make you calm down.

You opened your eyes when you felt a small hand on your leg. You turned to left and saw MinHee sitting next to you. She miled a heart warming smile and you couldn’t help but to smile back even though you were scared.

“MinHee” Chanyeols dark voice called. “Let me sit next to mommy.”

“Kay” she answered and kissed you on the cheek before moving over to the other seat.

Chanyeol sat down next to you and grabbed your hand.

“Are you okay?” he asked with a worried voice.

“I’m fine, but I don’t look forward to the take off.” you answered with a sigh.

And just as you said that the plane started take off. You quickly shut your eyes and squeezed Chanyeols hand in fear.

Chanyeol suddeny started moving and let go of your hand. He stopped moving and started to make some weird sounds. You hesitantly opened your eyes and checked what he was doing. He were looking for something in a small bag. He picked up a box with sleeping pills.

“Here have these. I bought these so you could sleep on the plane.” he smiled his killer smile and gave you two pills.

“Why two?” you looked at him with a questioning face.

“So you can sleep longer!” he happily exclaimed with a goofy smile.

You smiled at him and took the pills. The plane started to move faster and you were close to start flying. You grabbed Chanyeols hand again and closed your eyes.

As you closed your eyes you started feeling drowsy. You felt the world slip away. You knew you weren’t dying but you were still scared.


Sooo~! First part up!! ^^
Hope you like it! Sorry for any grammatical errors! 

-Potatochip! \(>_<)/


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