
your love is just so sweet

Chanyeol was an idiot and Baekhyun’s best friend.






The idiot was literally throwing tiny rocks at his window at this ungodly hour.


Baekhyun hastily threw the white sheets off his body, taking the black jacket hanging on his chair , he swiftly pulling it through his arms and rushes down the stairs to open the front door.


He wants nothing but to slap that cheeky () smile from the tall idiot’s face, who was causally leaning on the door frame with keys in hand.


“What the actual , Chanyeol. It’s four in the morning.”


Baekhyun is expecting a sly remark but Chanyeol only smiles even more before gesturing the elder to follow him to the parked car.


And Baekhyun can’t do anything but roll his eyes as he complies.





“Where are you taking me?” Baekhyun finally asks after two hours into the drive.


No words are spoken for a good couple of minutes and Baekhyun can’t help but resign deeper into the seat, head passed against the window as he watches them pass through other tunnel for the umpteenth time.


“Somewhere special.” Chanyeol finally says.


Baekhyun blinks, turning his head away from the window to take a glance at the driver.


He wants to ask why and why now of all times does he want to go there but there is something in Baekhyun’s throat that stops him from asking.


Instead, Baekhyun slowly moves his left hand, lacing his fingers over the other’s unoccupied one (ignoring the gold band).


“Let’s hurry then” Baekhyun says in a hushed voice, going back into position near the window, not letting go of Chanyeol’s hand.




When they arrive, Chanyeol parks not too far away from the beach and leisurely sits on top of his car. Baekhyun follows suite and sits close to him, but with a few inches between them. Chanyeol notices so he moves an arm around the older male’s waist drawing him in, closing whatever personal space they had between each other.


Usually, Baekhyun would shy away from affection like this. He would pull back and giggle nervously at the younger’s advances, but instead he allows this and cranes his neck towards Chanyeol.


“You are a liar, you know that?” Baekhyun says, with a tiny pout tugging at his lips. “I thought we decided we were going to stop this.”


Chanyeol chuckles, “You must not know me at all after these years, Baek.”


He peers towards his side at Baekhyun with that boyish grin and the sun shining so bright in the background that it makes it impossible not to look away.


The smaller male feels the heat rise in his cheeks and stirs away from the other’s gaze.


“Idiot.” Baekhyun says, unable to keep away the smile that captivates his lips as his ears are filled to the brim with that deep laugh and the ocean roaring around them.




They leave the beach soon after and head to a nice family run motel down the road. Chanyeol books them a room for one, and the lady at the counter only smiles as she hands him the key. Baekhyun blushes while Chanyeol doesn’t bother to notice, already busy holding the other’s hand in his as they hastily make their way to the room.


 Its not the first, or the second, or even the third time this had happens.


Slowly Baekhyun learns not to deny or feel uncomfortable when he shifts out his clothes and climbs in bed, Chanyeol following suite as he hovers over him.


Baekhyun learns over time, that he must separate himself and only think of this moment, think of only those large slightly calloused hands as they roam his body. Sometimes its easy and he can reciprocate back. Baekhyun will lean over and kiss him with a strong animalistic passion as he grinds and cries out for more.


Sometimes, Baekhyun will lean over and kiss him but as he is kissing Chanyeol, he will slip his fingers in the latter’s hair and pull him closer. There is no fight of dominance in this kiss, but he lets Chanyeol win him over and caress him all over as they slowly get to know each other deeper and longer.


Then, they lie on bed for a little bit. Baekhyun’s hand clasped in Chanyeol’s, limbs wrapped around each other draped in white covers and the sweat that was once glistening on their bodies dries.


Baekhyun will toy around with the golden band on Chanyeol’s finger, slowly pulling it off without the other noticing to admire the detail.


There are three simple words engraved inside and Baekhyun bites his lip, fighting the guilt down.


“We should get back, Chanyeol.” He says after a long moment, placing the ring back in the other’s palm.


Chanyeol nods, gently pulling away a strand of hair from Baekhyun’s face to behind his ear.


“Say it.” His voice is low, deep against the Baekhyun’s ear. “Say it and I’ll call it all off,” he repeats quietly. “Say it, please.”


Baekhyun bites again, fighting the tears.


“You know I can’t.” he says, and shivers against the other’s touch when he brought in closer to the man’s body.


Chanyeol exhales and Baekhyun can only hope he understands as he closes his eyes.




Its been five hours and they are heading back in the car once again.


Chanyeol pushes Baekhyun against the passenger’s door and leans down to kiss him.


Baekhyun lets him, hands fisted so tightly against the other’s chest. He feels it, those simple words in his throat, on the top of his tongue.


Don’t go back to him, Chanyeol. Please -


 Only Baekhyun is falling again, falling for that deep voice, those soft chapped lips and everything all over again. He is falling in love with his best friend all over again.


Baekhyun starts grasping on Chanyeol’s shoulders like he doesn’t want to let go, just a little bit longer, and in a way Chanyeol understands as he moves his arms around Baekhyun’s waist, drawing him closer.





They arrive at the house and Chanyeol glances at his watch, before coming out of the car following Baekhyun to the front porch.


Baekhyun opens the door and Chanyeol settles leaning on the frame of the door, looking down at the other with a soft smile that doesn’t reach his eyes.


We will be okay. Baekhyun says, noticing the tiny bit of insecurity in Chanyeol’s eyes.


He uses both of his hands to cup the taller one’s face, bringing him down for a tiny quick kiss.


“You’ll be there for me, right, Baek?” Chanyeol says in that deep hushed voice, his lips just a few centimeters away from his.


Say it, Baekhyun. Say it and Baekhyun thinks he really can at this moment. He can feel it, he is falling in love and he can’t back away this time.



“Of course.”



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9gagger #1
asdfggjklll I love it
Chapter 1: what!?
plez T.T I...WHY
Nice storry
lucachristina #4
Chapter 1: NO T.T
menikkey #6
Chapter 1: NOOOOOOO!!!!!

but i love the idea. i'm tired of baek being the one who get cheated...T T