Chapter 6

I Wish He Loved Me -contest entry


“Do you know him?” Yoogeun asked him while they were on their way back.

“Lee Taemin? Yes,” Minho answered briefly.

“Mind sharing with me?”

“There’s nothing to share.”

“Really? I want to know about him. I mean the camp was fun, I’m thinking of going back next summer. He said he has been volunteering for that camp since God knows when so that means there is a possibility for me to meet him again. Ugh, I don’t think I want to meet him again, he looks unfriendly and weird and-“

“No, he’s not,” Minho cut him off.

“Really? But he looks like that,” Yoogeun lied.

“Yes, he’s a kind person. You aren’t close to him?”

“No, not really. I mean not personally.”

“But you seemed to be having fun with him when I picked you up.”

“That was because he was the only one who was left and I forced him to accompany me. And it was the first time I talked to him out of camp’s activities.”

“Oh, I thought you’re close with him.”

“So, what’s the story?”

“Aish, this kid-“

“You know you can trust me,” Yoogeun cut him off. “Just tell me what the story between you and him is. You look like know him well.”

“Yes, I know him. But I’m not sure I can tell you about it.”


“Okay, okay, I’ll tell you.” Yoogeun smirked secretly, celebrating his victory deep inside his heart.

Minho’s version was almost identical to what Taemin told him, except several things from the vacation part, the breakup part, the Grandma-monthly-visit, and the time they met again.

“I still remember what he said to me every night during the vacation. ‘Can you tell them now? I hate this. I hate you. You’re annoying. Let’s end this now. It makes me sick.’ I tried to give him more affection, I tried to make it as obvious as I could but he seemed to not notice it. If only I could tell him how much his words hurt me...I really wanted to tell him that I love him, but I could not… Do you know what his Grandma told me? She told me he likes ice cream, he likes getting back massages, and he won’t go home when he has a serious problem. The first thing that crossed over my mind when I heard that was the memory when we met at the lift and I asked him to go out. He didn’t go home that day. He did it too, after a family dinner before the vacation. From there, I knew that he hated this so much… And that day, I was very happy I could meet him again. No words can describe my feeling at that time, Yoogeun-ah. He surprised me when he said he hasn’t married yet. I really wanted to know why but I had no time to ask him. But, at least I was relieved when he said he still kept the bracelet I gave him. Even though I want to see him wear it, but knowing he still kept it is already enough for me. So, yeah, that’s the story,” he finished.

“What’s with that bracelet?”

“It’s just a silly superstition. That bracelet represents your heart. It’s like giving your heart to someone else. It’s silly, isn’t it?”

“Yeah,” Yoogeun commented. “What a sad story,” he added.

“No, it’s not a sad story. It’s not a sad memory Yoogeun-ah. You don’t how much I thanked God for bringing him into my life and making him mine even though it was just a month. I really thanked Him for it.”

“You loved him that much, huh?”

“Yeah, I love him.”

“Oh, you still love him till now?”

“Yeah, I love him.”

“Which one do you love more, Auntie or him?”

“Yaah, what kind of question is that? I love your Aunt. She’s been with me for years.”

“That’s not the statement I want. You know you can tell me anything. I always tell you anything, why don’t you do it too?” He sighed. “Uncle, you made no sense. You told me how much you hate your work, Auntie even doesn’t know about it. You told me you want to be a photographer, Auntie also doesn’t know about that. You told me every single thing about you that no one knows. But why didn’t you tell me about this earlier?”

“Don’t pout like that. It makes me want to pinch you.” Minho chuckled.

“The hell you will.”

“Alright, alright, I’ll tell you, little brat. They have different places in my heart. I love Taemin so much. But, without your aunt, I don’t think I could be the way I am now. She healed me.”

“She just fills the emptiness in your heart because you don’t have him. I’m not sure you would still love her if you had him. I’m very sure you would run to Taemin if he loved you back.”

“You’re very mature for your age.”

“I know, he told me so.”



“Back to our conversation,” Yoogeun continued. “If Taemin loves you, will you leave Auntie for  him?”

“We’re going to far, Yoogeun-ah. Let’s end this here,” Minho replied.

“I take it as yes.”

“Yaah, this kid is really…ugh, okay,” Minho groaned. “I’ll stay with her. I can’t leave her.”

Yoogeun tried hard to stay calm, but honestly, he felt sad for his appa. He wished his uncle knew how much his appa loved him.

“Did grandpa get very mad at you so you decided to leave Korea?” Yoogeun suddenly changed the topic.

“He was mad at me, of course.”

“That’s not the answer I want.”

“It’s my answer. Why do you seem to want to know about this huh?”

“Because it’s interesting. I didn’t expect that you ever had such a sad time like that.”

“I’ve told you it’s not a sad story-“

“Yes, yes, you thanked God for it,” Yoogeun interrupted. “Then why did you leave, my dearest uncle?” Yoogeun brought the conversation back to the way he wanted it to be.

“It hurt so much Yoogeun-ah.”

“Did it? How much?” Yoogeun asked hesitantly.

“If only I knew a word to describe it.”


“Yeah, if it helps you to understand how much it hurt.”


Silence. No one talked. They just drowned in their own feelings...till Yoogeun remembered about one more thing.


“May I ask you something?”Yoogeun broke the silence.

“What else now?”

“Why did you do it?”

“Do what?”

“Lying that you cheated on him, why did you do that?”

“Because I love him, and that was the only way to stop our parents.”

“I promise this is the last,” Yoogeun reassured when he realised that it wasn’t the last question he wanted to ask. “Does he love you?”

“I don’t know. I wish I knew it too. And, I wish he loved me.”

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Chapter 9: Such a beautiful story!god I love this!really!(*^_^*)
XxCutenessOverdoX #2
I'm gonna read the sequel noe!
Gonna go read the sequel now :>
So beautifully bittersweet story... Thank you!!!! Do continue... TT____TT
I guess you can mark this as completed then?
OH!! is it... end??? ><<br />
i need sequel, please pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! *sobs
chonochan #8
oh, no, no, I have to post immediately, that's hot :)). They said why 2Min are so old :)). But it's okay. They hope it will be happy.
chonochan #9<br />
Hey Ai, this is the link as I promissed, 5ting <3333!
Sequel <3