Chapter 7

This is Our Story

I trudged down to the kitchen. I was still feeling dizzy and sick. Mom was on the phone, talking lowly. She smiled at me as I sat down. She passed me a plate of eggs and toast.


“I made you an appointment for later today. I talked directly with my doctor, so no one else knows. I'm not ashamed of you, Jaejoong. I just don't want other people judging you okay.”


“Okay. I should get ready for school.” Mom placed her hand on my shoulder.


“I already called the school. You're staying home today too.”


“Is Dad really pissed off at me?”


“No, JJ. He's just confused. I'm confused too. It's not everyday that a parent finds out their 15 son might be pregnant.”


“I'm sorry. God! I'm so stupid!” I dropped my head to the table.


“How were you to know that you could get pregnant? Most men can't. We need to look at this like a miracle.”


“What's going to happen to me?”

Mom sat down across from me. “Well, the doctor is going to confirm you're pregnant and then we can discus things further.”


I took a deep breath, scared to ask my next question. There were options for girls who were pregnant and they didn't want to be. “Do I... I can get rid of it right? If I don't want to have it, I can get an abortion.”


“If you want to. That's a big decision. And a hard one. But if you feel like having a baby is going to be too hard for you, we'll talk to the doctor about that too.”




Mom drove me to the doctor's office. Most of the other workers were on their lunch break. I sat on the table in the exam room waiting for the doctor. Mom took the chair closest to the table.


The doctor walked in with a large file folder. She was pretty and younger than I expected. “I'm Jang Miri. After taking to your mother this morning I want on a research mission to find out everything I could about male pregnancy. But first I want you to take off your shirt and lay back for me so I can examine you.”


I nodded and laid back. Dr. Jang pressed down on different parts of my stomach.


“It's important to make sure nothing else is wrong you first. Does it hurt anywhere when I press down?”




“Okay. The only way we will know for sure is a blood test and an ultrasound.” Dr. Jang pulled out a needle.


“Mom!” I shouted, a little too loudly.


“I'm right here.” Mom took hold of my hand and squeezed tightly. “My Jaejoong is afraid of needles. He might pass out, but that's normal for him.”


I managed not to pass out, but I was very dizzy. I stay laying down while Dr. Jang ran off to get my blood tested.


“You're doing good, JJ.” Mom kissed my hand. “How are you feeling?”


“Scared. And worried.”


“I know. You'll be okay,” Mom said kindly. I wanted to go home and pretend none of this was happening.


Dr. Jang knocked on the door once before coming in. She pushed in a large machine. “Blood tests confirm. You are pregnant. We're going to do an ultrasound now to see how far along you are.” She squeezed a glob of cool gel on to my stomach. She moved the wand through the goop while staring at the screen.


“This is odd,” she said slowly.


“What?” I sat up quickly. The wand slipped off my stomach. Mom pushed my shoulder down.


“Calm down, JJ. What's wrong Doctor?” Mom voice shook, but she was calmer than I was. I gripped her hand tightly.


“Lay back, Jaejoong. I need to get a better look.”


I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. So many things raced through my mind. What if something was wrong with me? Or with my baby? Did this mean I shouldn't keep it?


Dr. Jang moved the wand across my belly. “Everything is fine. Here, look.” She turned the screen so Mom and I could see it better. “These are the amniotic sacs, where your babies will grow and develop.”


“Wait. Wait. Sacs? Plural? As in more than one baby?” I couldn't breathe. I couldn't think. I tried to stand. “I need to go. This is crazy. I just need to leave.”


I tried to step off the table but my legs gave out. I crashed to the floor. Mom and Dr. Jang were at my side in a flash, lifting me back on to the table.


“Jaejoong, I know this is a lot to take in. I think you're having twins. Which apparently isn't that uncommon with male pregnancies. Everything is okay.”


“Jaejoong and I were talking this morning. About his options,” Mom said. She was staring at the screen. Two dark circles floated there. They didn't look like anything to me. I pulled my knees up to my chest and stared at the wall.


“You have several options. If you want to terminate the pregnancy, there are pills. They haven't been tested specifically on men, but have been used effectively for male pregnancy. At this stage it's the best option for termination. The longer you wait, the more difficult it will be.”


“JJ? Did you hear what Dr. Jang said?”


“Yeah...” My voice sounded hallow.


“My next question is very sensitive and I don't want to upset you. Do you know who the father is?” Dr. Jang asked.


“Yeah. My boyfriend.”


“They've been dating for about a month and a half now. JJ? Are you okay?”




“I take it the boyfriend doesn't know yet. I can give you the pills to take at home. You'll be sick for a couple days then everything will go back to normal.”


“Jaejoong? Is this what you want?”


I looked at the screen with the picture of what would become my children. “I don't know. Mom, what should I do? I don't know what to do.” I buried my head in my arms and cried.


Mom climbed on the table next to me and pulled me against her chest. I cried harder and she rubbed my back as she spoke with Dr. Jang. I didn't hear what they said.


Mom led me to the car. The drive home was a blur. I climbed the stairs to my room and crawled into my bed. The picture Dr. Jang printed off of my ultrasound was in my pocket. I cried again, coughing and wheezing into my pillow I tried to calm my self down. I fell asleep in my darkened room.



I woke to someone laying down on the bed next me. I rolled over into Yunho's arms.


“Hey,” he said softly. He pushed my bangs off my forehead. “Your Mom told me to come up and talk to you.”


“Yeah...” I really didn't want to tell him. I was terrified f being a freak in his eyes. “It's weird.”


“Your Mom told me it was important. Are you sick? Are you hurt?”


I sat up and shook my head. “I'm not sick or hurt.” I pulled the ultrasound picture out of my pocket and held it to my chest. “I'm... It's so complicated and weird. I don't...”


“Jaejoongie? What's in your hand?” He pulled my hands away from my chest and took the picture from me. He stared at it for a long time. “Jaejoong? What is this?”


“It's an ultrasound.” My voice cracked. “I'm pregnant.”


The color drained from his face. He stumble back off the bed. He was breathing rapidly, clutching his chest.


“Yunho? Are you...”


“Stop!” Yunho shouted. “Just... Stop.” He stepped away from the bed. He tried to run for the door but tripped over his own feet.


“Yunho!” I scrambled to his side. “You okay?”


He sat back against the wall. “I'm... I'm... And you're... Jaejoongie, I don't understand. How?”


“It's rare. Here, read this.” I handed him the article and watched him read it. “I don't have to be. We can end this whole thing and it can fade into our memories like a bad dream.”


“Is that what you want?” He turned to me. I couldn't read his face.


“I don't know. What do you want?”


“It's not my decision, Jaejoong. It's yours. I can't tell you what to do.” He reached out for my hand and kissed my wrist. “I'll support any decision you make.”


“Will you be mad at me? If I get rid of it... Them?”


“Them? What?”


I hand the ultrasound back to Yunho. “Dr. Jang thinks it's twins.”


“Come here, Jaejoongie.” Yunho held his arms out of me. I crawled between legs. He wrapped an arm around my waist. “So these are our... Tiny floating beans.”


“That's what they look like. I don't have to be pregnant.”


“You keep saying that.”


“It's true.”


“But I don't think that's what you want. I think you want to be a Papa.” He rubbed my stomach.


“Do you want to be a Daddy? We're still kids, Yunho. This could ruin our lives. And I'm scared.”


“I'm scared too. But I think we'd be good parents. And we have your parents and Dad and Michiko to help us.”


“You'll stay with me? You won't leave me because I'm a freak.”


“You're not a freak, Jaejoong. And I love you and I'm not gonna leave you.” He kissed my cheek and hugged me tighter.


I let out a deep sigh and relaxed. “So... We're going to keep them? We're going to become parents?”


“If you want to. Want to go talk to your Mom?”


“Yeah. I'm ready. I'm scared, but if you're with me I'll be okay.”


We walked down the stairs. Mom was in the kitchen, making dinner. “Are you feeling better, Jaejoong?” She handed me a glass of juice.


“Yeah. We... I made a decision.” I took a deep breath. “I'm going to keep them. It's going to be hard, but we're gonna be okay. Yunho's going to help me and stay with me.” Yunho squeezed my arm as I spoke.


Mom dropped the plate she was hold. She pulled me into a tight hug. “Oh thank God!” She kissed my cheek.


“I want to be a family, with Yunho. And he said he'd stay.”


“I really love Jaejoong, Mrs. Kim. And I promise I'll take of him and the babies.”


Mom pulled Yunho into our hug and kissed our cheeks. “I'll call Dr. Jang in the morning you'll need to start on prenatal vitamins. I'm sure she'll want to set the date for your next appointment as well.”


I nodded. As nervous and scared as I was, I was a little excited. Mom went back to cooking, a huge smile on her face.


Yunho wrapped his arms around me and kissed me softly. He smiled against my lips. I jumped away from him when I heard the kitchen door slam against the wall.


“So. I'm going to be a grandfather?” Dad asked as he sat down.


“I'm sorry, Dad. I don't have any excuse. I'm so sorry.” I took a step closer to Dad.


“Jaejoong...” he said slowly. “I'm not angry. I'm disappointed. You're very young and to be ually active at this age... Never mind. I don't want to think about it. Your health is more important. I'll do anything to help you. I'm sorry I upset you.” Dad's voice softened as he spoke. He stood and wrapped his arms around him, hugging me tightly. I felt a few tears fall on to my shoulder.




He pulled away. “You went to the doctor's today, right?”


“Yeah. I have a print out of my ultrasound.” I handed the picture to Dad. He smiled and a tear slipped from his eye.


“Jaejoong, twins?”


“That's what Dr. Jang thinks. She said there are two amniotic sacs.” Dad kissed the top of my head.


“Dinner. Jaehwa is at a friend's house tonight. Yunho, you're joining us right?”


“Of course.”


I broke away from Dad and moved to set the table. Yunho grabbed a bottle of juice from the fridge and poured me a huge glass.


“You're eating for three. So, you need to drink more juice because it has lots of vitamins. And you need protein, so eat more meat and...”


“Yunho!” I shouted with a laugh. “I'm fine. I can take care of my self.”


“I just want my babies to be healthy.” He touched my belly.


“I'll be fine. Thank you for caring so much.” I kissed his cheek.


Mom served dinner. “Yunho's right. You need to start really watching what you eat.” She smiled. “Twins! You're going to get so round!”


I dropped my fork on to my plate. I started to cry again. I don't know why I did.


“JJ? Are you okay?” Mom ran her hand up and down my back.


“Yeah. I just... I don't want to get fat.”


“Jaejoongie, you're not going to get fat. You're going to have babies. You're gonna gain weight, but you won't be fat,” Yunho tried to be comforting. “Eat your food. Okay?”


Mom and Dad laughed.


“What's so funny?” I wiped my face. I drank my juice and tried not to think of the depressing idea of gaining a ton of weight.


“When I was pregnant with I gained close to 50 pounds. But I lost most of it. You'll gain weight Jaejoong, and with twins you're going to gain a lot.” Mom gripped my hand and gave it a quick squeeze. “But it's okay, because we all love you.”


Yunho kissed my cheek. I tried to smile a little and squeezed Mom's hand back. I picked at the rest of my dinner.


We took our dessert into the living room. Dad sat in his chair and Yunho and I huddled on the loveseat.


“I can't stay too long. I have homework and stuff. By we'll see each other at school tomorrow.”


“I don't know. I think I should stay home for the rest of the week. Mom told the school that I was really sick and it would look weird if I went back now.”


“Okay. Text me during the day. Keep me updated on how you feel.”


“Yunho, I'm only like 5 weeks pregnant. Not much is going to change in a couple days.”


“I know. I just want to make sure. I want to go to your next appointment with you. I want to be a good Daddy.”


Dad laughed loudly. “I swear, you two sound like me and your mother when we first found out we were having Jaehwa. I'm sure everything will be okay, Yunho. And Jaejoong, get used to this. Yunho is going to be freaking out about every little thing.”


I stared at Dad for a few moments. He wasn't angry at us and he was being very supportive. I felt safe knowing that everyone was supporting me.


“What was Mom like when she was pregnant?” I asked.


“Each one was really different. With Jaehwa, your mom was tired all the time and crabby and only wanted to eat sweet things. With you, she wanted bitter foods. Everything had to be bitter, like brussel sprouts and things like that. She had a lot more energy too. But she was sick a lot more too.”


I rubbed my stomach. “What do you think my pregnancy is going to be like?”


“I don't know, JJ. It's hard to say. No one in this family has dealt with this before.”


I nodded.


“Jaejoong, I gotta go. I'll be over tomorrow,” Yunho said as he stood.


“I'll walk you out.” We stood on the porch. I wrapped my arms around Yunho's neck.


“It's not as bad as it seems.” Yunho hooked his arms around my waist loosely.


“I know. It's just a big shock. Thanks for staying. I would understand if you wanted to split.”


“But I don't want to leave you,” Yunho said. “I want to stay with you and help you in anyway I can. I love you.”


“I love you, too.” I pulled him closer. He bent slightly and kissed me softly. For the first time that day I felt calm and optimistic.



Sometimes I can focus and write a chapter in a day or two. Are ya'll sick of me yet? XD

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Kattan69 #1
Chapter 17: So sweet of them....they are so mature in their thinking....but they are still young...15 or 16, right?
rotten_apple #2
Chapter 17: when they're gonna married? Please, don't make the babies without family that consists mother and father in legal terms.
I'm worried about JJ's symptoms.
monshine #3
Chapter 17: Such a caring lover...yunjae is too real to handle..uff!!:)
monshine #4
Chapter 17: Such a caring lover...yunjae is too real to handle..uff!!:)
Chapter 17: This is a cute chapter. I think I will be annoyed, too, if everyone treats me like a glass, yet thankful for their concern. Awww, Yunho has become mature because of his pending fatherhood. He is going to be a doting father, for sure.

Do you have Kakao?
Chapter 17: sit back and relax Jae..i understand your concern towards Yunho but he just doesn't want to risk anything if its about you and the babies..*now i also treat you like a fragile one here*

Thanks for the update! Looking forward for next^^
bluejay99 #7
Chapter 17: I bet yunho's gonna tear up when he sees the ultrasound....:)
He's going to be a great dad, doesn't matter if he's young.
bluejay99 #8
Chapter 17: Wow u updated!!!!
bluejay99 #9
Chapter 17: Wow u updated!!!!
I bet yunho's going to tear up when he sees the ultrasound. Haeri is really a pretty name, have u thought about the second name???
Chapter 17: Thank you for the update. Been a long time ^^