
My Twin Headache
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Present day (December, 2012)

Beijing, China


Kevin sat bolt upright from his bed, head pounding and heart racing. He was panting too, he couldn’t breathe properly and hurriedly grabbed his inhaler from his bedside table. After 2 quick whiffs his breathing got stable and he calmed down.

The 22-yr old ran a hand through his messy, black, bed hair and shut his eyes tight. It had been sixteen years and he still had the same nightmare; the same one that’s been haunting him since he was 6.

Flinging the blanket off his bare torso, he walked across his room clad in only his boxers and splashed cold water into his face waking him up more effectively. He looked up and faced himself on the mirror. As the droplets of water trickled down his face, he stared closely at his reflection and thought about his brother. Not that he could avoid it, every time he looked in the mirror he thought of his twin brother. He would now look exactly like him, of course but he still thought curiously if anything changed.

Their mother used to give them the same haircuts but now that they were adults Kris might’ve liked a different style since he’d always been the outdoorsy one. While he, Kevin, would always be stuck with clean cut, black hair. As his father would always reiterate that it is how a future CEO would look.

Remembering his father, Kevin stormed out his bathroom and threw the face towel on his bed. A soft moan from it made him turn his head back to his bed. He noticed a small lump that slightly moved, that’s when he remembered last night. That girl he picked up at the bar. He groaned and flung the blanket, uncovering the half girl on his bed, she squinted at the bright light.

            “get up, get your things and leave.” He snapped harshly. Rather than moving she mewled and reached up to him seductively.

            “come, Kevin, get back to bed.” She traced a hand on his still bare torso. “I still can’t get enough of you.”

Kevin ignored her and pushed her off him and threw her clothes to her.

            “get dressed and get out. I have no use for s like you in the morning.” He said taking a random shirt from his drawer and a pair of sweatpants and donned them on.

With a hateful glare, the girl got dressed and stalked towards the door.

            “I hope you drop dead, .” She cussed and flung the door open but bumped into two men who were about to knock on his door.

Both guys raised their eyes at the girl who pushed her way through them. Not until the front door slammed shut did the two guys enter Kevin’s room.

            “you know there’s only two reasons why women leave here angry.” A doe-eyed blonde commented offhandedly picking up a shirt on the floor with the tips of his fingers.

            “yeah, one, you kicked them out or two, you didn’t satisfy them enough.” The one with the chocolate brown hair with dimples teased. “but since it’s the great Kevin Li we’re talking about it’s probably the first one, right Luhan?”

Luhan ignored him.

            “don’t start, Lay, I have a migraine.” He groaned sinking onto his couch.

            “a bit early for a father and son squabble don’t you think?” Luhan said. It would be the only reason why his cousin got a migraine this early.

            “no, the old man isn’t the cause of my migraine for once.” Kevin opened his eyes and stared on the ceiling.

Lay jumped onto Kevin’s bed and Luhan raised his blonde brow at him.

            “you do know Kevin got busy under those sheets last night, right?”

Lay eyes shot wide open and he jumped off the bed as if he’d been electrocuted.

            “that’s awful, man! Ugh! And to think this suit is newly made!” he squirmed as he took off his jacket and tossed it aside.

            “shut up, Lay, you’re making my headache worse.”

            “come on cheeer up.” Luhan smiled and patted his shoulder. “Lay and I just came early so he could fit you up a new suit for uncle’s birthday next week.”

Still, Kevin remained silent and he looked like he was thinking deeply about something.

Luhan and Lay looked at each other; there was also another reason why he’s like this.

            “are you thinking about your mom?” Luhan asked. They took Kevin’s silence as a yes.

Luhan and Lay just stared, at times like this they really didn’t know what to say. Kevin had always blamed himself for what happened to his parents and why his brother hated him. He wanted to see them again and that was what he wanted in the world.

            “you really need to stop blaming yourself, Kev, you’re beating yourself up for it.” Lay argued.

            “yeah, it’s been sixteen years, cuz.”

            “you guys don’t understand. I wont bother explaining but I would probably only forgive myself when I’ll get to see them again and ask for forgiveness.”

            “your mom will forgive you, Kev, I don’t even think there’s anything to forgive.” Luhan said patting him again.

            “how about Yifan gege then?” he looked up and stared at his cousin and friend. “could he really forgive me? after that misunderstanding?”

Lay looked at Luhan. Personally, he hasn’t met Kris. He didn’t know anything about him aside from the fact that he’s Kevin’s identical twin, that he is stronger, is the big brother of the two and that he was Kevin’s best friend until that fateful day.

            “I may not know him, Kev but your brother seems like a good guy so he might have already forgiven you.” He comforted but a slight doubt marred his words.

            “I won’t believe that, not until I hear it from his own mouth. I will ask for their forgiveness even if it is the last thing I ever do.” He vowed defiantly. Then he stood up and walked towards the bathroom to take his shower.

Luhan and Lay sighed staring at the closed door.

            “Does he even have an idea where in the world his mom and brother are?” Lay asked.

            “no, but he might have an idea where to start. His mother used to be a translator after all, that’s how his parents met. His mother was translating for his father.” Luhan said attempting to tidy up his cousin’s slightly messy room.

            “and where might that be?”



Seoul, South Korea


            “GE!!! GE!!! GE!!! Wake up wake up!” an 18-yr old boy who looked like a panda burst into his big brother’s room, excitement etched in his every word.

He jumped onto the bed on top of the huge lump that was his sleeping brother.

            “go away Tao, I’m sleeping.” Kris groaned in his deep growling voice and tugged his blanket closer. The cold, winter weather made him lazy. It was his only day off from work and he wanted to spend it sleeping all day.

            “oh come on, ge! It’s the first day of my holiday and you promised to teach me how to ice skate!” Tao shook Kris more vigorously. A chuckle from the doorway made the younger man turn and look at his mother with a pout.

            “it’s still early to go out, Tao, give your brother 1 more hour of sleep, ok?” she said wiping her hands with a towel. “he came home late from work last night.”

            “but, ma, he promised and it’s already 8.” He pouted.

            “and it’s freezing out. You guys can leave around 10 or 11.” She smiled and patted Tao’s head before she left.

Tao glared at the unmoving lump on the bed and hit Kris’ .

            “you better keep your promise today.” there was a slight threat to his voice but Kris ignored it as usual.

            “you heard mama now let me sleep for an hour or two more.” He kicked Tao off his bed who fell on the floor with a thump.

            “meanie.” He rubbed his sore buttocks and slammed Kris’ door shut.

            “come sit and eat your breakfast, Tao.” His mom said giving him a bowl of rice with eggs on top and stir-fried noodles.

            “thanks, ma.” He said before stuffing his mouth full of noodles.

His mother looked at him lovingly. She could still remember that dark, winter’s night 14 years ago when she saw Tao on the street alley. He had no memory of who he was or where he came from only that he was Chinese and his name was Huang ZiTao. It was the name of the small backpack he had with him with only a shirt and a few biscuits inside.

Taking pity upon the poor child, she took him in where Kris, then 8 years old, took him to the bathroom and helped him wash off the grime and mud from his face and lent him his clothes. She took him to the police but they had no idea where he came from and even with months of posting signs and notices, no one ever claimed Tao. When the police suggested she send him to an orphanage she refused and that’s when she decided to just adopt him.

            “ma, you’re staring again.” He said grumpily. Sheng came over and gave him a small hug.

            “forgive your mother, Tao. I was just thinking about when I found you on the streets.”

            “Ma, that was a long time ago.” He smiled and stood up giving his adoptive mother a hug. “but I will never get tired of thanking you for taking me in.”

            “you’re a good kid, Tao. I’m just sad you’re growing up too fast.”

            “aw, ma! Don’t be dramatic. I’m always your baby.” He cooed. “and I give you permission to hug me anytime you want.”

            “even in public?” she teased.

Tao gave it a thought.

            “hmmm…maybe on special occasions.” That made Sheng laugh and pushed Tao back down on his chair.

            “go on now and finish your breakfast before Xiumin and Chen comes.”

            “oh right!” Tao grabbed all of his food and pulled it towards him and ate as fast as he could.

5 minutes later the doorbell rang and the door opened. Sheng gave a small smile knowing that there were only 2 people who would do that.

            “eomoni! Good morning!” a bright-eyed boy with chubby cheeks appeared in the kitchen waving at Sheng.

            “good morning, Xiumin. Have you eaten breakfast yet?” she stifled a laugh seeing how Tao immediately put his arms around his food glaring at his brother’s chubby-cheeked bestfriend.

            “I ate before I came.” He said and Tao relaxed slightly and continued eating.

Xiumin saw Tao protecting his food and raised his right hand revealing a small plastic. Tao sniffed the air like a dog.

            “BUNS!!!” he shouted and grabbed the bag. “thanks, Xiumin hyung!”

Xiumin ruffled his hair.

            “you’re still the food monster, Tao. You better change your eating habits soon or you’ll get the girls turned off.”

            “tsh! If it’s him, the girls wouldn’t bother with his eating habits, if anything they might even feed him more just so he would notice them.” A snide voice came from the kitchen doorway.

            “oh hi Chen, come in.” Sheng greeted giving Xiumin a glass of juice and pouring another one for Chen.

            “good morning, eomoni.” He smiled and sat beside Tao who just managed to clean his plate and was now munching on the buns Xiumin bought for him.

            “where’s Kris hyung?” Chen asked after thanking Sheng for the juice.

            “still sleeping.” Tao sulked.

            “hmmm… it’s almost 9.” Xiumin said looking at his watch then at Kris’ mother. “eomoni you don’t mind us using the mics again do you?” he grinned.

She knew what he was talking about and just shook her head.

            “yes! Thanks!” Chen jumped and the 3 boys ran to the living room and tinkered with the videoke cds on there.

            “ohhhh Honeyyyyyy!” Xiumin started singing. Chen then grabbed the other mic and started singing Park Jin Young’s Honey, with Tao and Xiumin dancing in the background.

The trio started going crazy dancing and singing even if Tao and Xiumin get off key Chen was showing off his flawless voice. Before the second chorus started a blonde man popped into the room groaning and at the noise, his friends however didn’t stop. He dropped onto the kitchen table ran a hand into his already messy hair making it even messier.

            “can’t sleep?” Sheng teased giving him a mug of hot coffee and his preferred breakfast, peanut butter and jelly on toast.

            “no one can sleep through that racket, ma.” He croaked and sipped his coffee.

            “then you should’ve learned by now not to make a promise to your brother without setting an exact time.” She smiled kindly and left him to eat.

Kris looked over to his friends and brother who were still singing and dancing to Park Jinyoung’s songs and shook his head. Then his eyes landed on Tao who was trying to do a body wave but failed miserably. He thoughts wandered off to his brother and wondered how he

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Chapter 6: update plss this story is interesting i wonder what happen would kris forgive kevin
mychokyumintchip #2
Chapter 2: Tao makes me want to baby him too!! Hahaha! Well... I guess who wouldn't right?

I feel bad for the twins' relationship though.
Chapter 2: i am guessing too that there will be a sibling rival over Fu chen? kk
Chapter 2: so far, the start of the story is good. I like it :)
sorry to say this but JiaHeng's name found quite funny to me. hihihi x)
oh and Rain, you really make great unique stories, you know that? Something, I didn't see from others. :))
mychokyumintchip #5
Uh-oh. I don't like the vibes of that creepy old man too. :/

And what a sad parting for the twins too...
mychokyumintchip #6
Me gusta! Looking forward to this. ;) ㅋㅋㅋ the flow if your ideas is really impressive. I envy you ㅠㅠ