Final X'D


Kim Yukwon, is one of the owner of the flower selling near to his house. He selling different types of flowers like Sunflower, Daffodiles, Rose, Apple Blossom, Bluebells, Camelia, Daisies, Dendilions, Iris, Lantana, and all A-Z flowers. He loves to take flowers ever since he was a child, his father is the one teach him about this before he died of the car accident. Ever since Yukwon try to gain strength from the father's love in flowers. Yukwon promised that he will have a small flower shop to see what people wants or choose what flower they like.

Every ocassions, celebration, wedding or debut. His store is the one best seller of the flowers, each month or week someone will order to him a flower and he will be the one will take care of the business. Yukwon is a hearted-well person, if his flower died because of lack in love and care. He will buried it and make a new one. He is like his father, sensetive in one of caring. Yukwon will entrust his faith and promises from his father, he will earn a shop that will have a larger place to provide more flowers and teach children how to take care flowers. This is what Yukwon's want. To teach others and help them in caring a good flower by the hand of the person.


In one early morning, Yukwon was fixing a Yellow bell flower because one bloomed flower just died earler. This make him sad because he reminds it about his father's body. He cant help but rid the flower and buried it like he always did. Then, someone opened the door that makes the bell go ring. Yukwon's ears are sharp and stood up, the store will open at 8 o'clock but its only 7 in the morning. Yukwon furrow an eyebrow before asking one of the customer, "Ah Sir, what are you doing here? It's only 7 in the morning, the store will be open at 8 o'clock" it seems the man is not listening to his spoke. Yukwon just sighed and walk towards the man.

The man wear a white t-shirt and have a collar with it, dark blue pants and a black shoes. He seem a deliquent person, he might be rich that he is looking to the flower softly. Yukwon suddenly felt stop to his place, he just saw the man's eyes just sparkle to a sunflower which hs favorite flower. The way the man's eye adoring the sunflower, Yukwon felt that his heart fluttering inside it. This is the first time someone stared to a flower like that and that its favorite. Yukwon bit his lips how he watch the man looking to the flower. He blinked several times as he realized that the man was looking at him. He shook his head.

"Uhhh ser, are you new here? If you dont mind, i will guide you and tell you about my flowers here" Yukwon just blush when he spoke it. Yukwon cant help but feel butterflies flew to his stomach that not even a year someone that he will attract is a man. He cant help but blush way non-stop. The man just stared to the sunflower and glanced back to Yukwon, he nodded.

"If you dont mind, i want to know your name first." The man asked, Yukwon just felt heavy to his heart. He cant help but show a red fluffy cheeks to the man. "M-my name is Yukwon, ser. Nice to meet you" he felt embarrassed of his action, he cant deny the feelings inside of it. This is really the first time he got his heart catch to a deliquent man infront of him.

Yukwon realized that he was looking away to the man, he shook his head and look to his face. He widen his eyes as he look how the man smiled that show how deep his dimples showing up. Yukwon's heart just felt a bit heavier than before, it weight two times that before. This cant be right Yukwon thought, touching his chest infront of the man.


"Yukwon-ssi, i forgot. My name is Lee Minhyuk, nice to meet you too." Its really cant help, now Yukwon heared the man's name. He cant help but feel excited about it and feel that his heart bouncing in excitement. Minhyuk raised a hand to shake as a greetings, Yukwon quickly move his hand as they touch it. Yukwon just feel how soft and warm his hand is. He kept smiling as it likes no one could ever stop him for being a smile representative.

Minhyuk grab a pot of the sunflower, he placed it to the counter. Yukwon realized that he took something from his flower, as he notice hs favorite flower he chosen it. Yukwon blinked and feel disapponted because his flower will be taken away. Minhyuk saw his face, furrow an eyebrow but chuckled. "You look so cute when you are pouting, Yukwon-ssi" Yukwon shook his head and feel he heated up because someone called him cute. He didnt know how to react nor how to say because he only notice his heart was just fluttering inside of it. It cant help.

Minhyuk watched how the young man near to the counter blushing and daydreaming stuffs. He cant help but thought of it cute. Yukwon does look cute, he is like a cat waiting to cuddle of the owner. Minhyuk grab his wallet and knock Yukwon's daydreaming session. Yukwon woke up and realized what he has been doing.

"Are you sure ser that you will take the Sunflower?" Yukwon asked, sounds a bit disappointed. Minhyuk noticed that just nodded. Minhyuk gave the money to Yukwon, as the young man remove the stem of the flower and put it to the plastic. Yukwon heart just shuttered because his favorite flower will no longer with him anymore. The clock just ring that its already 8'oclock and Yukwon rushly opened the window and the shop that its finally open. Minhyuk, on the other hand, is inside tha car watching the young boy putting the pot of flowers infront of the store. He smiled slowly and glanced to the Sunflower he just buyed, he touched the petals how yellowish it is as he start the engine of the car and went away.


Its been a month when Minhyuk last and first visited the shop. Yukwon just waited him to comeback and buy another flowers to him but he guessed he will never comeback. In the middle of the afternoon, Yukwon watering the flowers before closing after 4 o'clock. He put some flowers inside of the store one by one and generally fixing it after.

Yukwon just humming a song while watering the flowers, he move his hips like he used to and smiling on it. He loves to do this, it felt it comfortable. While Yukwon was busy to his doing, someone suddenly poked his back of his shoulder. Yukwon stop what he was doing and turn off the hose he was holding. He turned around to is this person and as unexpected, it was Minhyuk, holding a sunflower.

Yukwon's heart suddenly flutter again but with heavy inside. Minhyuk just smiling there, scratching his back of his neck. Shy a bit to say something. Yukwon just stared to him and lightly show hs pink blush to his cheek, he felt that one month of waiting its like earlier happened. Yukwon bit his lips before asking to the man. "Minhyuk-ssi, you are back" he smiled widely. Minhyuk nodded.

"Yeah, i just want to say that i miss visiting your store." Yukwon's heart just threw a heavy beat inside. He dont know how he will do or ask next, his entire body just frozen and watch Minhyuk looked. Minhyuk saw him, putted the sunflower infront were Yukwon's standing. Little by little, he moves to Yukwon and gently putting his lips to him. As it touch it, Yukwon just realized that he was kissing Minhyuk. He blinked more than before and cut the kiss.

So soft like a petal Minhyuk thought, touching his lips. He saw Yukwon touching his lips too. He just cant believe that the man he likes a month ago just kissed him. Yukwon cant help but smile again while touching his lips again and again. He saw Minhyuk holding the sunflower again and raising to Yukwon infront of it. Yukwon furrow his eyebrow in confusion, he asked "What are you doing, Minhyuk-ssi?". Minhyuk just keeping moving the flower forward to Yukwon, he is looking away. When Yukwon grab the sunflower, Minhyuk suddenly embrace him. With a tight hug from the man, Yukwon felt the man's heart was beating too. He blush lightly and back hug to Minhyuk.

"I miss you, Yukwon. I'm sorry for not visiting you for one month because i have a hard time finding the way how to take care of a flower. I spend a day to taking care a flower, i dont know i choose this flower because its my favorite flower, i know that this is your favorite but-"

"You did what?!" Yukwon shouted then laughed harashly to Minhyuk, he laughed because how hard that he spend his time taking care of the flower. Yukwon thought that he should ask him how to take care instead searching other to know how to take care. Minhyuk just pouted and blush how embarrassed he did for one month taking care the flower. Minhyuk notice that the young man kept laughing, as a revenge, he kissed his lips once again, deeply and tenderly. Yukwon stop laughing and feel the kiss deeper, he tasted it like a flower, sofl and tastely like a petals.

They cut their kiss and Yukwon walked the sunflower with a flushing smile to his face. The sunflower is still glowing and healthy, he did great job taking care it. "Kwonggie, i know its embarrassing that i didnt ask you how to take care a flower. Its just, i am shy to ask" Minhyuk followed from behind, spoke. Yukwon just laughed while putting the flower to its original place. Yukwon glanced to the man, and smiled. "Minhyuk-ssi, somehow, please keep your mouth curve ok. I love the way you smile because of your dimples" Minhyuk blush this time. As he attacked once again to Yukwon's lips, deeper and deeper, passionately.

"Dont talk like that, Kwon or i might attack you again".


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Chapter 2: YEAHH SEQUEL!! I dont know whether to laugh or not reading the s*x scene. MINHYUK, YOU H*RNY **T OLD FART hahaha XD Your choice of words is so funny lol
"A nuclear will bomb inside the kitten's a*s."
"to declare the war has ended." and lots more XDD
aww ubomb had a sons.. the end was sad :'(