Meant to be

Love that Left

“…Yoona.. you need to go out..” Yuri said worriedly.

It’s been almost a week since Sooyoung left, and Yoona hasn’t leave the house ever since.

Yoona missed the tall brunette badly, it ache her heart, and it hurts so, so bad.

Yoona wants Sooyoung here.

Sooyoung is the only one who can heal her bleeding heart, and she needs Sooyoung just so bad.

Yuri is sitting on the edge of the bed, and Seohyun on the other’s side.

“..unnie.. it’s been almost a week..” Seohyun coaxed “ need fresh air..” she said, considering how long Yoona has been locking herself inside her room.

“This is not good for yourself..” Tiffany who is standing near the bed said, just as worried.

“…we’re going out..” Yuri said “go with us, please?”

The room falls in a deafening silence, except for Yoona sobs.

Yoona’s eyes still all red, looking miserably in pain.

Yoona eats less, and it worried every one of them even more. Other than that, the only time Yoona stepped out from the bed only when she need the bathroom, and even so, her broken sobs can still be heard time to time.

“..will Sooyoung be there?” Yoona brokenly whispered.

Yuri sighed, glancing on her other sister, to Tiffany and Hyoyeon in turn before she shifted back on her heartbroken sister.

“..I won’t lie to you..” Yuri said “we’re just trying to get you out from this—this dark, small room of yours..” she added desperately.

“..I want Sooyoung..” Yoona mumbled, buried her face on the pillow, hiding under the blanket.

Yuri heaved another sigh “Yoona..”

“…I—I shouldn’t messes this up..” Yoona cried.

“It was my fault that she left!!”

“It was my fault that she went back to Japan earlier than she planned!!”

“I shouldn’t upset her!!”

“Yoona..” Yuri called tiredly “you need to stop this.. stop blaming yourself..”

“It was all my fault!!” Yoona rises, sitting on the bed, her face drenched in tears.

“I shouldn’t have done that!! I should stop when she asked me to!!”


“I knew she was upset but I didn’t stop!! I—..”

“Yoona!!” Yuri yelled, hint of anger can be hear from her stern voice.

Yoona went silent “..I miss her..” she whispered brokenly “..I miss her so bad..”

Seohyun said nothing as she wrapped her arms around her sister.

“…we will be here, unnie..”

Yuri glanced on her girlfriend, and Tiffany gave a soft reassuring smile, mouthed ‘she will be okay..’

Yeah.. Yoona will be okay..

Yoona’s cry turned into soft sobs in a moment on her sister embrace when Yuri spoke.

“..Yoona.. we’re going for a walk..” Yuri said softly, gently running her fingers on her sister’s hairs “go with us, please?”

Seohyun unwrapped her arms around Yoona so that the tall brunette can sit properly, facing straight to front before she turned to their elder sister.

Yoona is surely not in the mood for a walk or whatever it is. But Yuri’s pleading eyes made it so hard to reject.

Yoona realized that it whatever she did doing nothing but hurting people by her side either.

Forcing a smile with a light nod, Yoona whispered a faint “yes..”

Yuri replied with a relieved sigh, because for whatever they planned, Yoona must go with them “we will wait in the living room, okay?”

With a light nod from Yoona, they’re all leaving the tall woman to get herself ready.



It was the very first sincere smile Yoona gives after a miserable week she has.

And it was definitely the best decision ever Yuri has made to bring her sister to the playground where she works at.

And of course Kahi is thoughtful enough to give weeks off for Yoona to cope up with whatever problem she has.

Yuri talked to the headmaster, and instead of letting a frowning teacher to teach, it’s definitely better to let Yoona took a little time off.

All that little kids laughs, cheers, loudness, and all that follow has been the best things ever to lightened Yoona’s bleeding heart.

At least for a while she can forget all that pain, even if there is no doubt that the moment she comes back to the dark small room of hers, she will cry herself to sleep again, and again, and again.

But for now, it’s enough.

Yuri, Seohyun, and Tiffany are standing by the playground’s side, watching Yoona plays with her little students there.

Until one by one from the little kids start being picked up by their parents.

There three other woman sharing secret glances, talking in no words like they’re waiting for something.

The right time.

With no student left, Yoona sits on the swing, just taking her time before she went home.

It was a light nod from Tiffany in between their secret glances when Yuri heaved a sigh, walking closer to her sister.

Standing just by her sister’s side, Yuri spoke “..we’re going to have something eat…” she said “..we will come back in minutes, okay?”

“..umm..” Yoona nodded, taking it as Yuri’s way to give her time for herself.

Maybe it will calm her more.

Maybe she can finally let that tears she has been holding down.

“..we will buy something for you to..” she said “do you want anything in particular?”

“Anything will be okay…” Yoona said, giving a weak smile.

Having another sigh, Yuri took it as Yoona  is not in the mood for any form of conversation.

Giving a smile, Yuri walked to where Seohyun and Tiffany are standing.

The two others woman gave a smile to Yoona which responded with another weak smile before they left.

With her eyes staring on the back of the Yuri, Seohyun, and Tiffany, Yoona had a small grateful smile on her face.

She is so lucky to have sisters and friends who are kind and care for her.

She was just blinked when tears falling.

But now, she wants someone else.

As much as she grateful over her sisters and friends, Yoona wants Sooyoung. Here, with her, on her arms.

What should Sooyoung is doing right now?

A weak smile in between her tears falling by the thought.

Yoona has her head bended down, staring on her feet which keep kicking that not guilty small pebbles all around her.

How is Sooyoung now?

Is the latter okay?

Is she eating just fine?

Is Sooyoung--..

Yoona’s thought disturbed by a small pair of shoes just right on her eyes, just in front of hers.

What? there is still another kid who is not going home?

Yoona hastily wiped her tears before she lifted her head, trying to put the best smile she could give at the moment.

“Hey, did your par--..”

But she was so surprised.

Yoona’s eyes wide open, and opened for she already lost her words.

Is she dreaming?

But that little kid, the familiar little kid give a sweet smile, the same sweet smile she grows to love, and missed ever second of her life in these past week.


Little Sulli with the sweet smile still lifted her hands, with her tiny fingers gripping to a notebook, each on the side of the notebook.

“..please say yes..” little Sulli said cutely, sweetly.

“” but Yoona is too confused to register whatever happened right now.

With her tiny hand, little Sulli handed the book which seem more like a kid’s drawing book to Yoona.

“Daddy, I miss you..” little Sulli wrapped her arms around the slightly bended Yoona which holding the book by now.

Giving a peck on Yoona’s cheek, little Sulli pulled with another sweet smile when she said “I will go now, dad, please open the book..” she said “aunt Yuri promised me ice cream now..” she ended with light excited chuckle “I will come back here after I get my ice cream..” she giggled, and before Yoona can voiced even a word, Sulli left.

With confuse written all over her face, Yoona turned to sides, looking and trying to find the one and only person who can bring Sulli here.

That woman she is in love with.

With no anyone come into her sight, Yoona turned the big drawing book.

“I was being stupid” it was in the first page.

“I miss you so bad that I can’s sleep” in the second page with childish drawing of a stickman sitting lonely on a chair.

“And for the first time, food can’t cheer me up” in the next page with all kinds of food in a circle with an X mark in the center of each.

“Never once I am craving for someone this bad” it was accompanied by another childish drawing of two tall stickman with a short stickman with hands connected “we do”

Yoona thought that she is done crying.

She was wrong.

It was even harder than before. Silly, she missed the silly woman who made this.

“I miss you, so, so, so, so….. bad” it was another three stickman “we do”

“Thinking about leaving without a word, I know I don’t deserve this” it followed with a sad expression.

“And hurting you that enough to kill me doing nothing better”

“But I swear.. no one in this world will love you more that we do”

Yoona’s smile widened, tears keep falling, but it’s not hurt anymore.

She is not bleeding any longer.

“That’s why.. despite asking too much for you to consider..”

“And hurting you so bad that deserve no forgiveness..”

“…Im Yoona..” it was a childish drawing, not stickman anymore, seems like kid’s drawing though, and with little Sulli’s cute face comes into her mind, a big smile appeared on her face.

“..Choi Sulli..” and another face, still mostly seem like Sulli’s drawing.

“..And Choi Sooyoung..” it was another face, on nearly the end of the book.

“ about being a part of our family?” a ring, really, a ring glued on the paper with a short notice beside the ring “P.S how does Choi Yoona sounds to you?”

Yoona’s body shook, tears keep falling greatly, endlessly, as she lifted her head, a tall woman is already standing there.

It was a sweet smile when Sooyoung leaned, bending slightly to meet Yoona’s eyes, kissing Yoona’s eyes in turn “..what have I done to you..” she whispered a she rested her temple on Yoona’s.

“..and because you still deserve options to choose and consider..” Sooyoung whispered, brushing the tip of her nose on Yoona’s, eyes meets.

Yoona’s body trembling, shivering with that little touch from the tall woman she misses so much. She loves so much.

“I am going to give you two..” Sooyoung said as husky while she brushes her lips instead on Yoona’s, gently, and gently moving to Yoona’s cheek, jaw to the stunned and stiffen Yoona’s ear.

By Sooyoung’s warm breath, Yoona’s mind shut, heart beating wildly, face going to crimson red, and really, standing shouldn’t be something to do because she can’t feel her legs, not now.

“ Im Yoona.. how about being Sulli’s daddy sound for you?” Sooyoung asked, and Yoona can feel that pair of lips turns into a naughty smile.

Only by that smile Yoona feels on her ear can do ridiculously so bad for her heart, mind, and body.

And Sooyoung pulled slightly, meeting their eyes with their temples connected.

Yoona can even see that sweet naughty smile that she would never tired to see.

And it was the best feeling she has ever had.

And going still best when Sooyoung added “..or how about being my hubby?”



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Yoonaya05 #1
Chapter 24: Re-reading your completed stories every year, hoping you will comeback and continue the other stories author-nim :)))))
babavivi #2
Chapter 24: Even this fic was done 2 years ago...
Thank you Author.
Thanks for writing this, I enjoy reading it.
babavivi #3
Chapter 21: T_T
I can't... this is so sad...
Tissue please...
Chapter 22: d e s p e r a t e for love. Haist.
Chapter 21: Ouch.
Chapter 17: And that's it. New story tk be featured on my wall. Haist.
Chapter 11: Goshhh