I dropped my suitcases and fumbled with my key, pushing it into the lock and twisting before pressing the four digit code in as well. Itclicked and I bumped it open with my hip before dragging my luggage in after me.

"Unnie's back!" I dropped the bags just in time to catch a blur and black and glonde hair obscured my vision as Sunmi wrapped her arms and legs around me. "How was America? I missed you. And your hair's blonde!" I laughed and hugged her back before she climbed off. Sunmi is one of six new members, instead of the originally planned four, after R3D was reformed. Her and I actually had several classes back when I was a trainee at CC and we went to the same high school, so when she was put into WILD, both her and I quickly attached ourselves to each other.

"America was fun, I got to go to Disneyland with manager-hyung and the coordi unnies and a bunch of people asked for photos and autographs." I said as the rest of the girls came out. "I saw mom and dad again, they've moved back into the old house, and Na In started seventh grade. Jonguk's got a job as a dance teacher with a hip hop studio in Los Angeles."

"Re In! I missed you!" Daemi launched herself at and began to strangle me in a hug as I laughed.

"It wasn't that long!" I replied as Eunji pulled her off me. "Good to see you too Eunji."

"We did miss you." She said, hugging me. "Now go shower, you stink. You got the text about the premiere right?" I nodded and collected my bags, Sunmi trailing after me as she babbled on about the movie premiere we were attending. To be honest, after a long flight and fans at both ends of it, I just wanted to sleep. But WILD had been invited to attend the premiere of a new action movie, because Sookyung's cousin was in it, so I had to go.

As soon as I unlocked the door, Sunmi charged inside, doing her dress up at the back.

"Theme is black, red and gold." Sunmi explained, digging through the drawers to find her makeup. I nodded and began to dig through my wardrobe, cursing at every dress. After a few minutes, I finally found a dress that didn't make me cringe and a couple of accessories and a jacket.

"Yah, unnie! Hurry up and change." Sunmi complained. "I need to do your hair and make up." I laughed and threw my towel at her as I walked out. "Okay, how is it you hate dresses yet you look like the hottest thing ever." She stomped her foot on the ground and I giggled before sitting on the bed. She ran her straightener through my hair quickly before pinning it out of my face.

"Sunmi, Rei. You guys got three minutes!" Daemi called through the door.

"I'll only need two." Sunmi replied before starting to apply my makeup as I lace up my ankle boots. "I envy you sometimes, you look older with makeup."

"That's not a good thing." I replied, giggling as the makeup brush tickled my face. "Am I done?"

"Hnag on." She instructed me to close my eyes before spraying my face lightly with hairspray. She unpinned my hair and quickly styled it before I opened my eyes.

"I officially dub this the Rei Red Carpet Hair." She said before we hurried out. The rest fo the girls were in the living room, dressed in various golds, reds and blacks. Sunmi stopped and pushed me forward, making me stumble slightly.

"Is anyone else upset over how gorgeous she looks?" She asked, causing the rest of the girls to giggle.

"Whatever, let's go. Manager's got a limo waiting outside for us." Eunji said, leading us out.

"Hey Rei-ah. How was America?" Hyomin asked as we headed outside. The gates of the dorm were shut but fans were outside, and began screaming as we walked out. Sunmi magically appeared at my side and all the pairs teamed up. Fans squealed as I linked my fingers with Sunmi and she bent her head towards me, and the same happened with Eunji and Jaena and the maknae trio. We hurried into the limo and the door shut behind us, locking. The locked doors were necessary, after some fans once tried to force entry into our van after a signing, and they managed to bruise Jaena's arm.

"America was pretty good. Manager-hyung let me go to the beach after my first concert with a couple of coordi unnies and a body guard, and I didn't get mobbed like we do here." I said, sitting back. "The concerts were fun, did they televise it here?" Hyomin shook her head and I sighed. "Well, for Electricity, I started under the stage hooked into a harness and when the song starts, I literally get launched into the air with a laser light show."

"Omo, do you reckon we could see it sometime soon?" Yumi asked and I shrugged. "It's on Youtube. I think it was professionally filmed as well as fancammed." Everyone nodded and I sat back, looking out the window. Seoul at nighttime was amazing and I voiced this to the other members, who laughed.

"You've been Americanised." Sunmi teased, poking at my arm. I batted her away before suddenly cheering as our manager flicked on the radio, which suddenly filled the limo with SHINee.

"DREAM GIRL!" I shouted, bursting into laughter at the end.

"Yah, you didn't even finish it!" Eunji scolded, giggling. I shrugged and continued yelling 'Dream Girl' whenever it was on.

"Hey manager-hyung! When do we get there?" I called out before suddenly yelping as we slid to a smooth stop.

"We're here." Manager said dryly, looking over his seat. I stuck my tongue out and he rolled his eyes.

"Right, Miss CEO wants fanservice to be at an all time high for this, because of Rei's return." He said. "So when you go out there, you become skinship monsters with each other and you give those fans what they want. If they ask for aegyo, you give them aegyo." He stared pointedly at Yumi, our resident Aegyo Hater,a nd she shuddered before reluctantly agreeing. Manager nodded and the doors unlocked. The screams hit us as soon as the door was opened and we all schooled our features in expressions ranging from flirty - Sunmi, Jaena, Eunji - to cocky - Me and Hyomin - and various other expressions. We waited until everyone was out before casually posing for the initial cameras.

"Alright, let's go." Eunji said before starting forward. "Keep an eye out for Entertainment Tonight, they sent a reporter to cover this movie. And apparently, the normal news will be here and if any fans get touchy just walk away. Jaena, you're with me." We all nodded and split up, but never straying more than five or six feet away.

"Rei! Rei! Sunmi-ssi!" 

"SunRei! SunRei!" We grinned and linked fingers, prompting squeals and we headed over to where a few fans were holding up signs.

"Annyeong!" Sunmi greeted them cheerfully and they jiggled on the spot before requesting a photo. "Oh of course." I offered to hold the camera first and Sunmi leaned back, holding up the V sign. The fans all crowded around and grinned before we switched. I held a thumb up and pointed my first and secon finger down a bit, like how Chanyeol from EXO does it, and they all copied me.

"Thank you! We really love you guys." One of them said. "I just came back from America too Rei-ssi. I saw your solo concert."

"Oh really?" I asked, pleased. "Which one?"

"The New York one."

"Ah, thank you very much for the support." I said, bowing.

"You look really pretty tonight, both of you." We thanked them again before walking farther up the carpet to where Hyomin and Yumi were.

"You caused quite a stir tonight Rei." Yumi said, grinning as we reaced them. "Fans have been asking if you're actually here, and when we said you are, they just squealed."

"It's because she just came home." Hyomin chimed in. "It's a big thing to be back here after America. Remember B.A.P's Hurricane?" I nodded in agreement before we all looked up as our names were called.

"Hey, I'm part of the Red Carpet crew tonight." She said. "Lee Ye Jin. All I'm going to do is ask about your clothes and basic stuff. Your manager wants us to promote you guys individually." We all agreed and she turned to the camera crew, beaming brightly. The cameraman cued her in and the red light switched on.

"Yes Soohyun, I'm here on the red carpet with four out of nine gorgeous girls that belong to CC's girl group WILD." She said and we all bowed. "With me, I have Wild's lead and main rappers, their lead dancer and main vocalists with me, and can I say, you girls look stunning tonight. Can you introduce yourselves?"

"Ah thank you." I took lead, since I'm one of the originals. "We are WILD! Annyeonghasaeyo!" We all saluted before individually bowing.

"I'm Rei, WILD's lead rapper."

"I'm Sunmi, WILD's main rapper."

"Hyomin, WILD's lead dancer."

"My name is Yumi, WILD's main vocalist." Yejin beamed.

"So did your stylist unnies pick these out for you?" She asked, holding the microphone out.

"Actually no." Yumi said. "Unless it's for a concert or fansign, we tend to dress ourselves and do each other's hair and makeup. It's more girly bonding time for us as well." We all laughed.

"So who does whose appearances in the dorm?" I pointed at Sunmi and Yumi pointed at Hyomin.

"Sunmi attacked me when I got in the dorm this evening." I said. "I chose my outfit but she did my hair and makeup." Yejin nodded in understanding.

"I noticed you've gone blonde Rei-ssi." She said, gesturing to it. "And it's all short now." I nodded and touched my hair.

"Yeah, it was cut short for my Electricity Tour and then dyed blonde for our WILD promotions." I explained.

"Ah, well thank you for your time tonight girls, you all look gorgeous."


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Ihateeveryonearoundm #1
suhohubby #2
Kai_Wei #3
Chapter 2: this sounds like the real thing!
Beep_beep_she #5
I love this... ♡♡♡