
The Map Back Home


It happened during my second year in junior high. I was spending summer break at my grandparent’s home in the country. My grandmother had sent me out on an errand at the local market. I was riding my bicycle back through the sunflower fields. The summer sun was making the field burn bright yellow. My bike rattled as I rode through the dirt path back home. The soft breeze cooled my sweaty body which had become tanned from my visit to the nearby beach a few days prior.

My eyes scanned through the field of yellow. I stopped paddling when a figure caught my eye among the tall yellow flowers. No one really came to the field at this time of the day. I let my bicycle fall sideways on the dirt and stood near the edge of the field.

“Oi!” My voice clearly startled the person. I couldn’t decide if it was a he or a she. The stranger ducked among the sunflowers. I felt like I had scared who ever it was.

“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to scare you, but people usually don’t enter the field at this time of the day.” I said loudly and didn’t realize at first that I had entered the field.

“Hello? Please say something.” Maybe it was plain curiosity or just the need to know who ever it was, but I was undoubtedly eager to make conversation with this stranger.

“Hello?”I tried again. I heard the sound of shuffling feet, the stranger was moving away from me or rather running away. My heart felt frantic and I chased the person, moving away stalks of sunflowers in my path.

“Please wait! Talk to me, please.” My voice came out desperate. We both stopped moving and I waited for a positive reply. I knew we were only metres apart and the tall stalks were the only things blocking my view.

I held my breath waiting for a reply. A sudden gush of wind hit us and the stalks swayed to the side bringing us in each other’s sights. My heart made an uncomfortable leap inside my chest. This person was a young boy with the silkiest raven locks I had ever seen, with a milky complexion and deep dark eyes. He was breathtaking and I doubted that he was a boy, but his clothes gave him away none the less.

His shiny orbs were staring into mine with such emotion that I felt exposed for a moment until he shrunk away a little. For the first time in my life, I felt like making someone smile like my life depended on it. I was never one for pleasing people who were strangers to me. But there was something in me that desperately wanted to see this person smile. I wanted him to feel safe with me and make him smile.

“I promise I won’t hurt you. Please talk to me.” I tried again. It seemed like he was contemplating wether he should trust me or not. I swear I had never felt so nervous about anything in my fourteen years on this planet. But all my nerves calmed as soon as the boy smiled at me. I felt excitement brewing inside me.

I didn’t wait another second and shot questions at him. “I’m Kyuhyun, what’s your name? Where are you from? Why are you here? At this time of the day, too.” I bit my lower lip feeling embarrassed after seeing his taken aback expression. I laughed nervously. “Sorry I got excited like that.” I said blushing and ruffled my brunette mop of hair.

“Cloud.” I blinked surprised and stupidly stared at him. “My name is Cloud.”

A stupid grin formed on my face and I approached Cloud. Extending my hand I stared expectantly at him. He stared at my hand, cutely blinking.

“I don’t bite.” I assured him. He giggled and placed his hand in mine. “Let’s be friends.” I said and he nodded with a happy smile.

I didn’t waste a second and pulled him out of the sunflower field. I held his hand firmly in mine and took him to my bike. He fidgeted a little as I let go of his hand. I pushed my bike through the dirt path with Cloud beside me. It seemed that he was getting comfortable with me and the thought made me smile.

“I’ve never seen you around, are you visiting?” I asked him. He seemed hesitant and his sad eyes stared into mine.

“I don’t know where I am. I’m lost.” His insecure voice made me stop dead in my tracks. My hands slipped from the handles of my bike and I found myself hugging him close to my chest.

“Don’t worry, Cloud. We’ll find your family.” I let him go hesitantly and propped my bike up, motioning him to climb on. “Come on, we’ll go to my grandma.”

I felt him clutching the back of my shirt as we rode back to my place. I took us a few minutes to reach. I held his hand in mine as I led him through the gate and to the usual place my grandmother spent her time.

I knocked twice on the door of the room and slid it open. The intrusion did startle her since she had never seen me so agitated. She blinked in surprise finding someone with me.

“Ah, Kyu, you have a guest?” She asked surprised.

I didn’t answer her question, but started my own rant. “Grandma, grandma, Cloud is lost. We have to help him and take him to the station. And while they look for his family, he can stay with us. I’ll share a room with him so no worries. So, grandma, help Cloud!”

She stared speechless at me and strained her head trying to take a look at Cloud. Cloud was hiding behind me. So, I pulled him to my side and held his waist.

“Cloud…?” She asked and he nodded shyly. “Ah, your quite beautiful for a boy.” She teased making him squirm uncomfortably.

Upset that she was making Cloud feel uncomfortable, I scolded her. “You’re making him uncomfortable, stop teasing Cloud! We have to help him.”

She chuckled and poked my forehead. “Wipe that sour look off your face, Kyu.” She bent down to meet Cloud’s eyes. My grandmother was a tall plump woman, she had wrinkles, but she was still young looking.

“Cloud… Hmm… You have an English name. Are you from abroad?” She enquired.

Being impatient I replied the question before Cloud could part his lips. “Grandma, he’s lost! He doesn’t know where he is. How do you think he’ll know if he’s abroad or not?”

She gave me a sting eyed look and ignored me. “Don’t mind him, honey. Tell grandma what you think.”

Cloud bit his lower lip and stared at grandmother through his long eye lashes making her coo a little. “I’m from abroad. A place far away, but I don’t know this place.” He replied.

She quickly ushered us to sit down as she brewed some tea. “You should have something before we continue. Kyu…” I rolled my eyes and made Cloud take a seat and sat beside him.

As grandmother busied herself over the tea preparation, I assured Cloud that my grandmother will help him even though she was very disagreeable. He giggled and shook his head saying that he liked my grandmother. I pouted and asked him if he liked me.

“Well, do you?” I asked hopefully. He blushed cherry red and looked everywhere but me. I kept pestering him for an answer until grandmother arrived with the tea and a plate of colourful rice cakes.

“Here, help your self to the rice cakes while I pour the tea. So, Cloud… Ah, no. Jongwoon. Yes, Jongwoon should be correct.” She mumbled to herself making me irritated.

“Grandma, what are you mumbling about?” I asked impatient with her.

“Your friend’s name should be Jongwoon. It’s convenient for us old ladies as well. Do you like it, Cloud?” she asked him without even looking at me. I swear my grandmother was a being a Lolita.

“Yes. It’s nice.” I said nothing in protest knowing Cloud, no, Jongwoon liked it.

Jongwoon nibbled cutely on a pink coloured rice cake looking extremely adorable. Before I could say anything, my grandmother started gushing at him. She pinched his cheeks and cooed sweet nothings at him making me snap and slap away her hands. She looked offended and flicked my forehead.

“You possessive little monkey, learn to share.” She reprimanded me while I ignored her. “Isn’t he a monkey, Jongwoon?” She asked him and he giggled.

“Woonie, she’s bad influence! Don’t listen to her!” I whined. He laughed and I felt giddy just listening to him.

After the snacks were over and the tea pot was empty, grandmother started asking Jongwoon about himself.

“So, Jongwoon, how did you get lost?” She asked.

Jongwoon played with his fingers. “I don’t know. I was going somewhere with my family and then I woke up in a field of sunflowers. I can’t remember what happened to me or why I ended up here.”

My grandmother sighed. “Well then, there’s nothing left to do but visit the station and file a report.” She patted his head and asked us to follow her.



We returned from the station after two hours. The sun was setting, making the sky turn different shades of red. I watched Jongwoon stare longingly at the sky and sigh to himself. I hugged his side feeling helpless. All we could do was wait now. The chief had said that Jongwoon may have been drugged by bad people trying to kidnap him, therefore, the vague memory. I understood nothing, but just nodded along.

All that went inside my head was that Jongwoon was almost kidnapped by erted old men. I don’t know how my brain deduced that, but it was the only logical reason I could come up with. Seeing how beautiful he was, it was a plausible reason.

Night came and I lay next to a silent Jongwoon feeling my heart beat erratically inside my chest.

“Hey…” I called. Jongwoon replied with a hum.

“Are you sad?” I felt Jongwoon shift and I also turned to face him.

“I miss my family, but I’m not sad.” He replied. “Because I'm with people who care about me.”

I smiled hearing his words. “You know, I’ll make you a map, a map back home. And it’ll be a map that you can use to get back home from anywhere in the world.”

“Really?” He smiled excitedly at me.

“Really.” I replied.







Here's the first update. I hope you liked it.

Kyusung alone time coming up next. 

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393 streak #1
Chapter 3: Oh! There's a sequel! I thought you left me hanging 😭
Chapter 2: Omg this is so beautiful.

I Cho Kyuhyun am jealous over a bottle of jelly?! Hahahahaha... So funny. And equal parts cute and beautiful. Ughhh... Thanks for this authornim!
Wow, this was so cute and beautiful. <3
Yesung was such a cutie in this, I just wanted to pinch his cheeks like all of the old ladies. :3
I wish these two would have had a happy ending thought! ;-;
Either way, fantastic job on this. <3
KcuLL22 #4
Chapter 2: wowww seriously this is so beautiful :')
Avidforkyusung #5
Chapter 2: Hellllllll!!!! I'm crying!!! T.T
Yesung leave kyuhyun! Nooo! T.T
It's cute! But, sad ending! T.T
Avidforkyusung #6
Chapter 2: Hellllllll!!!! I'm crying!!! T.T
Yesung leave kyuhyun! Nooo! T.T
It's cute! But, sad ending! T.T
Chapter 2: so cuuteeee!! I love it! I want a sequel! Jongwoonie came back for Kyunnie? ;-;
Chapter 2: The first song is EXO, of course. XDD The second, I'm totally unsure of. ^^;
justaweirdisho #9
Chapter 2: I really didn't expect Yesung to be an angel, and for him to leave kyu and to give it such a sad ending.
It was beautiful. Please go through with the sequel.