Tale 2

A Tale to Tell

Choi, Park and Kwon,


Three of the most powerful names in South Korea region.


Just the mere names at the tip of tongues, could probably left zillions of mouth gaping and mind wonder in awe.


How amazing their names can be?


Media, papers and magazines love them so much. Not even a single second left those names not covered by the media.


Who knows, they might even have their own version of ‘True Hollywood Story by E!’.


Though they are not idols or A-list actors, just mere bussiness moguls, it won't stop from their names being look up by the world.


Sometimes,even one news could shake the ground beneath us, sending in roar and roar of vibration, bouncing from the wall of trees and skies.


How epic can it be?


So, truly, totally epic.



Choi, Park and Kwon, set and built their own empire from the scratch by themselves. Fought among each other to rise to the top, proving who are the greatest of all. 




The Kwon.


They carved their own name to be one of the most oldest ‘royal’ families in Korea.


The blue blood of Korea. It was said, their family came long from the golden days; back when Korea was just a strand of land without the split of North and South.


Part of the Kwons had governed the nation at one point and some had battled out in the war just to safe their beloved country. 


21st century of Kwon's generation; however was a different story.


Kwon Dam Soo, married and hence the birth of a beautiful sole successor, Kwon Mi Ra.


Her teenage life was a disaster.


You could only imagine the life of a teenager who’s neglected by her parents can be. In the end, all the events can summed up into one thing, the birth of the sole male heir; Kwon Ji Yong.


It was quite a big scandal.


Kwon Mi Ra, the successor of Kwon's empire is 19 and pregnant.


It was the nation most 'highlighted' story of the year. Some said, it was out of wedlock and Kwon Mi Ra herself doesn't know who the father was. Some said she got married in secret and the husband died even before he could see his son. And they won't name who is he.


So as a safety purpose, the Kwon clan name the heir as one their own.In a way, he could still carry the family's name.


Kwon Ji Yong.


The Seoul's very own Prince Harry.


And then came


the Choi.


Their family was rather the normal family – very traditional, very conservative and very classy. They valued tradition and family. No matter what happens, family comes first and then business.


Choi Bak Goo raised and shaped his family to be one of the most influential family ever exist in South Korea.


Second generation of the Choi.


He was the one who brought Choi into who they are today and being friends with Kwon Dam Soo, pretty much tell us where he stand.


3 of his child were the precious diamonds of his life.


Choi Gook Kwa; being the eldest was brought up to take over the business. He was prepared at a very young age but sadly, died on a car accident.


That brings the second line in throne to take over the empire; Choi Hoo Kwang.


The common aspect of Hoo Kwang and Mi Ra is they are a pair of socialite acquaintance that made the front pages with their rebellious acts and at some point; the world concluded these two would be the grave of their family.


Choi Bak Goo finally gave an ultimatum; own or disown.


And he chooses to own. So he settled down with his father’s choice of in laws and owns the empire.


Hence, the birth of the Korea’s very own Prince William; Choi Seunghyun.




In the end, there is

the Park.


Where to begin?


They were the unknown. Rose to fame out of nowhere. Silently creeping their ways into the respective industries.


Published by the media; Park Hae Tah was one of Korea's most succesfull bussiness mogul abroad. Born and raised in Europe, he continued the legacy his great-grandfather; a migrate from Korea during the first World War left behind.




10 years ago, sudden annoucement of Choi Hoo Kwang and Kwon Mi Ra brought the country a great shocked.


Not even 5 months after the death of his wife, which was a big scandal, both of the respectives names came to a decision to get married.


It happened in a blink of an eye and suddenly Kwon Jiyong and Choi Seunghyun were brothers.


7 years old Prince Harry and 13 years old Prince William.


How ironic fate was; to bring two different soul and the only sons to be brothers.


And then,

one summer,

the marriage agreement between Choi Seunghyun and Park Bom

would change the entire course of four different figures.




"Ji dear, can you help me with something?"


"Yes noona, what is it?"


"Can you pick up someone from the airport?"


The teenage boy look at his gorgeous soon-to-be sister with an irritated face.


"Why me? The driver can do it."


"I know, but I'm not comfortable to have a stranger picking up my sister from the aiport."






"Noona, I didn't know you have a sister."


"Oh. Well, technically she isn't my sister, but still a sister."




"She is my cousin Jiyong."


"Oh. But still noona, why me? I don't want to go."


"Awwh come on Jiyong. Just one ride back and forth then its done."


"Awwh come on noona. Its such a troublesome. You know I hate to step foot outside of this house. The frantic media is such a P.I.T.A!"




"Pain in the ."


Her laughter filled the room. A sweet voice never failed to cease his heart. He smiled at her, realizing the fact how much he adore that laugh. 



Park Bom was an important figure in his life.


He rarely got to feel the warmth of a woman's touch either love, because his mother - well, you can simply put she was too busy.


And there was Choi Seunghyun, his beloved step-brother.


They were not like those 'Cinderella step-sisters' kind of brotherhood.


He was a small child, it was hard to cope up with the sudden foreign life he had to live. But Lord had mercy on him, he made Choi Seunghyun such an endearing brother. He helped him a lot in so many ways; ways that only male could understand it. 


A strong brotherhood. 


When Seunghyun announced one day that he was bethroath to be married, Jiyong was shocked.


Never he heard of a special person in his brother's life. Yes, he knows about those flings and one-night stands he had but not a special one.




Then he heard of the marriage agreement between his step-father and the Park had made. In the world he lives in, such thing was a common event.


Feeling sceptical over the fact, he had a hard time accepting it. Not knowing this new figure ,which soon would be added into his life, well enough.


But it changed the day he met her.


They hit it right away. Even Choi Seunghyun was jealous at first, at the sight of the new, hot bonding between his brother and fiance.


Kwon Jiyong was a growing teenager. Who knows what will happen if you left a gorgeous female with a hot, raging hormones lad?


But Park Bom had soothed and comforted Choi Seunghyun.


'He is just a brother to me, Seunghyun.'


In a short amount of time, Park Bom managed to leave a deep impression within the young boy. She was everything wrapped up in a figure. 




Laughter replaced by her coughs, bringing him back from the train of thoughts.


"Now, can you do it or not? Please, Jiyong. For me." 


He smiled at her. How can he possibly turn her down? Her wedding was in a few days and he would not let her stress over small matters. Even though he would have to swim across the sea of camera flashs and questions, he would.


"Fine. But I'm not driving. I won't even step out of the car."


"Oh! Thank you, thank you, thank you Jiyong!"


He lunged her arms to embrace him, only to stop mid-air.


"Woa! Not with the hugs noona! Not with that-" a finger pointed at her, "hugs. Seriously." 


"Is it that bad? Even Seunghyun doesn't want it these days." Picture perfect of a bunny pouting plastered her face.


"Well, noona, I don't know about him, but you are killing me with it."


He swore her glares could bore a hole in his head.  He flashed her his million dollar innocent grin, that too never failed to cease her heart just like her laughter to him.


"You better get going now before I hug you. "


"Okie dokie noona. See you later." 



Step by step he made, leaving the grand staircase behind. 


Accompanied by his constant companions,


With a light heart free from any worries or doubts.


Little did he know,


once the tyres started to roll, it was rolling into what soon to be the journey of his life.

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kpopavid17 #1
Chapter 1: I like the way you wrote this story, please tell me dara is not gonna be some damsel in distress type of character cause I am so done reading that type of character on her, it seem like it's in every story
daragonfever09 #2
wooahhh! interesting ^^ <3
browneyesmouse04 #3
YAH! don't be a troll and update this now unnie:)) I'll be an annoying reader:D
Iheartlife #4
new reader! This is so good! Update soon :D
caliee #5
this is fantastic.. i love it =) <br />
i hope you'll continue to update this...
can you please please continue with this story~~~??<br />
i really really love this <3<br />
love how you portray bom and seunghyun realtionship <3 <3<br />
love how you decribe jiyoung presonality~~<br />
and i look forward to jiyoung and dara first meeting!! *wink*
caliee #7
aw.. i thought there was an update so i read everything again only to find out, when i arrived at chapter 3, that it was not an update.. lol<br />
<br />
anyways, i forgot how great this is.. when i read everything again, it's amazing.. i hope you would soon be inspired enough to continue and regularly update this.. =)