Filming for a Drama Show

A Love That Will Never Fade

(6 months later)

You have been working as a model for 6 months now and you have become more and more popular as the months progressed.  You have even been on a few TV variety shows and last month you had auditioned for a role in a drama show, which you still weren’t sure if you were picked for.  Every time you were assigned work you had the slightest hope that you might see Sho-kun, but the closest you had managed to get to be able to see Sho-kun was when you were a guest on the variety show Tensai! Shimura Doubutsuen and you got to talk a little with Aiba Masaki.

♪Sou bokura wa zutto matteru~♪

♪Itsumade datte matteru~♪


You reached for your phone as you heard your Arashi ringtone.  You looked at your phone screen and realized that the call was from your manager Momo-chan.


“Moshi moshi”  You said on the phone.


“Konichiwa.  Momo desu.  I just got a call from Fujiterebi, and they said that you got the part for the drama show!”  Momo-chan said excitedly.


“Hontouni!? Sugoi!” I said jumping up and down in excitement. 


“Un.  The drama is called ‘I Fell in Love with My Girlfriend’s sister.’  It’s a romance comedy, and you get to play the little sister who the lead guy falls in love with”


“Wow! That seems like a pretty big role for my first drama.”  You said surprised.


“Yeah.  The producer of the show thought you were perfect for the role.  He said you needed to work on your acting skills though.  I signed you up for acting lessons all next week so you will be more prepared for the drama show filming.” Momo-chan said.


Aww. Not more lessons…  You thought as you remembered the days when you had to take model lessons that were extremely challenging.  Oh well.  It’s for my own good.  I don’t want to look bad in front of the other actors…


“Hey, do you happen to know who the actors are that I’m going to be working with in this drama?”  I asked Momo-chan.


“Un.  The lead is played by Sakurai Sho, your big sister character is played by Horikita Maki, and your best friend character is played by Tegoshi Yuya.”


“Sugoi! They are all such elite actors!”  You said surprised.  Sakurai Sho… his name repeated in your head over and over again I can finally meet you again Sho-kun…


“Jyaa, Tomorrow I’ll come by and drop off the script so you can start studying.”


“Un. Arigatou.”  You said, still processing the fact that you were going to be acting with Sho-kun.


“I’ll see you tomorrow then ~~~~~.”


“Un bye bye Momo-chan.”  You said, and turned off your phone.


You put your phone down, and looked up at your Arashi poster on your wall.  You remembered a quote from one of your favorite drama shows Akai Ito, and thought to yourself…


‘If the first meeting is by chance then the second meeting is fate…’ Sho-kun, do you believe in fate?


(Two weeks later)

You reread your script as you waited for filming to start.  The character you play is Amano Sakura, A third-year high school student.  Your big sister Amano Haru, played by Horikita Maki, is a second year college student, and Haru’s boyfriend, Yamamoto Kazuya, played by Sakurai Sho, is also a second year college student.  Today was your first day of filming, and you were super nervous.  For today’s filming schedule, you don’t get to see Sho-kun until the last scene to be filmed today, and your first two hours of filming are scenes of just you and Tegoshi Yuya, who plays your best friend character Seto Ryosuke.  In the first few scenes filmed, it was important to be able to act as if Tegoshi-kun was a friend you’ve known for your whole life.  How am I going to be able to act like I’ve known Tegoshi-kun forever if I’m meeting him for the first time today?  You thought worriedly. 

“ ~~~~~!  It’s time to go to the set to get ready for filming the first scene!”  Momo-chan said, opening the door to the changing room that I was waiting in.

“Wakatta.”  I said to Momo-chan, and walked out to the set.  Tegoshi-kun was already there, and he walked over to me as soon as I got to the set.

“ Konnichiwa.  Tegoshi Yuya desu.  You’re ~~~~~ right?”  Tegoshi-kun said, showing a beautiful smile.

Wow he is really cute…  You thought, looking into his big puppy-dog like eyes.

“Hai.  Yoroshiku onegaishimasu.”  You said.

“Un. Yoroshiku.  This is your first drama filming right?  If you need help with anything, feel free to ask me.”  Tegoshi-kun said smiling.

“Hai. Arigatou gozaimasu.” You said, smiling back.

Wow Tegoshi-kun is really nice… you thought. I might be able to become real friends with him instead of just friends in the drama show…


(A/N)   Yay! Finished another chapter!  Tegoshi finally appeared, and Sho and Maki will appear in the next chapter~Please comment to tell me how my writing is~and if you tell me your ichiban then I might be able to make them a new character in the fanfic :)  Thanks for reading :)

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Totiturtle #1
Chapter 5: I love your writing so much!! Pliz update soon. I'm excited to read it! Gambatte, author-san!
Aww! I love it. There must be something when he remembered her <3 Wonder how things going to be between them. Update soon! :)
XxSoshiSunnyxX #3
Plz Plz Plz Update
hanmie7227 #4
yaay!!! first to comment!!!<br />
this sound interesting!!<br />
gonna read this<br />
please update!!<br />