yup this is it

Worse than a slushie

Nothing good could ever come from two show choir groups having a Michael Jackson sing off in a dark parking garage. But, frankly, the Warblers newest member, Sebastian, was an . Kurt new they shared an equal distaste for eachother; Kurt was dating Blaine and Sebastian wanted Blaine. He also knew that Sebastian played dirty. There's wasn't anything he wouldn't do or say if it meant destroying his enemies and leading the Warblers to a win. So, when Kurt saw Sebastian pull a familiar large slushie cup out of a brown paper bag and head straight towards him, he crossed his arms and gave that bastard a smug smile. It wasn't the first time Kurt had a slushie thrown in his face and he was sure it wouldn't be his last. Something Kurt hadn't had when all those slushies had been thrown in his face: Blaine.


Everything moved in slow motion for a moment. One moment, Kurt was bracing himself to take Sebastian's slushie assault with grace and, the next moment, He was being shoved out of the way. Kurt watched in horror as his boyfriend dropped to the ground, screaming in agony, his hands over his face, the red slushie surrounding him on the concrete ground sickeningly reminding Kurt of blood.


Kurt instantly dropped to his knees beside Blaine. His heart was in his throat and he thought he might be sick from seeing the boy he loved in so much pain.


That slushie was meant for him.


For him.


Not Blaine. It never should have been Blaine.


He turned his teared filled eyes up to his fellow Glee members. They were all wearing the same mixture of expressions: Confusion, shock, horror. One thing they could all agree on is that that wasn't an ordinary slushie. All of the slushies that had been thrown in their faces in the hallways of McKinley high school, none of them had ever caused this amount of physical pain.


“Help....” Kurt finally spoke up, his voice thick with tears, “We need to help him guys! Get him to the hospital or-or-or-” he was on the verge of a break down.


“Hey,” He felt a hand on his shoulder, it was his step brother, Finn, “Kurt, it's okay. Puck, Sam, and I will help get him to the car, okay?”


Kurt nodded and looked down at Blaine, still whimpering in pain, hands looking like he wanted to claw his face off. Chocking back a sob, he stood up and let his friends help Blaine to the car. He was vaguely aware of Rachel beside him, comforting him. He tore his eyes away from Blaine just for a second and saw a figure standing in the distant shadows, Sebastian. Rage tore through Kurt's sadness and he started towards the Warbler with every intention of wringing his pretty little neck. Rachel stepped in front of him and put her hands on his chest.


“No! Kurt, Don't! Just calm down-”


“Calm down?! Rachel Berry, don't tell me that you would be calm if this had happened to Finn instead.”


She stared at him with those big, brown eyes, “This isn't what Blaine would want you to do.”


Kurt felt more tears roll down his face. She was right. And he hated her for it. He looked back to the shadows, Sebastian was gone.


“Kurt!” Kurt and Rachel turned towards Finn's voice, “He's asking for you.”


Kurt comforted Blaine the entire ride to the hospital and now, what felt like hours later, the doctor was finally letting him see Blaine.


He opened the door and saw his boyfriend sitting on a hospital bed. Staring at him with that adorable yet y face, a face that now had an eye patch covering most of it.


“Hey.” Blaine said and smiled, that smile he only got around Kurt.


“Hey.” Kurt tried to return the smile but found it hard, he stayed close to the door, “How are you feeling?”


“I've been better. The doctor said that my cornea's pretty messed up and I'm gonna need surgery but I'm still breathing-”


“God, you're so stupid, Blaine Anderson!” Blaine starred at Kurt in shock, “That slushie was obviously meant for me! Why would you get in the way? Do you know how hard it was for me to see you in so much pain?” He broke off with a sob and placed a hand over his mouth.


Blaine looked at him with sad eyes(or just one eye in this case). He shifted on the bed and invited Kurt to come sit next to hm. Once Kurt was on the bed, Blaine put his arms around him, a tight but comforting embrace.


“Did it ever occur to you..” Blaine started, “that maybe I can't stand seeing you in pain either and that's why I did it?”


“You're crazy.”


“Crazy for you.”


“Shut up.”


They both laughed for a moment and Blaine kissed the top of Kurt's head.


“I'm going to get revenge on Sebastian.” Kurt said, looking up at Blaine, “I won't let him get away with doing this to you.”


Blaine shook his head, “No, you can't do that.”


“Why not?!” Kurt untangled himself from Blaine's embrace, “He throws a slushie laced with god knows what in your face, almost blinds you, and gets away with it? Aren't you tired of having him play dirty and never getting caught? While we follow all the rules and receive all the pain?! Just so they can win regionals!”


“Kurt, I am just as mad as you. But the second we start playing dirty then we are no better than Sebastian. And we won't deserve to win regionals or nationals for that matter.”


Kurt sighed and looked up at the ceiling, “You're right. I know you're right. Playing by the rules is just so frustrating sometimes.


“I know.” Blaine took his boyfriend's hand, Kurt smiled at him and he remembered why he fell in love with this boy, “And, for the record, I would take a lot worse than a slushie to the face for you.”


Kurt's heart jumped around in his chest, “So would I, for you.”


Their lips met and Blaine's hand reached up to cup the side of Kurt's face.


Kurt broke the kiss, “Lets just make sure that neither of us get into a situation where we're threatened by worse than a slushie, deal?”


Blaine laughed slightly, “Deal.”

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Chapter 1: This is cute