Chapter 19

The Other Way Around

"Hyung, he's back!""who's back?" Taeng asked Yoong while he was on the phone with him.


"Nichkhun is! Jessica saw him just now and her condition is back again." 


"What?! He's been missing for a very long time already. Why suddenly he appear again? He's not that stupid to expose himself since he should know that the police are searching for him and his gang." 


"I know! That's why I'm puzzled that Jessica said she saw him"


"Are you sure she saw him or use was actually hallucinating?"

"What do you mean by hallucinating? Are you trying to say she's crazy or something!?" Yoong sounded really angry because he thought Taeng thought Jessica was crazy.


"No no. Don't get me wrong. I didntn mean to make you think I thought use was crazy. I mean, did you see him with your own eyes?"


"Erm... No but I totally trust Jessica. She's my girlfriend and I believe her!" 


"Of course you do. I'm just trying to make sure. Since we're searching for that Nichkhun and his gang too, anytime you spot him or Jessica does please quickly give me a call or tell me his location and we'll try to capture him!" 


"Alright. Sigh. It's a good thing to have a police as a friend. I hope Jessica is fine. I'm so worried for her."

"Anytime bro. Jessica is Tiffany's best friend and also my friend so it's also part of my responsibility to take care of her. You're with her?"


"Yeah. You don't expect me to leave her in this state do you? It's been a long time since I had to spend my nights at her place."


"You know what I realize, after you confessed your feelings to her, she got so much better. So this time please do the same. Be patient with her and never leave her alright?"


"I won't. I love her. I'll do anything to protect her. Please hurry up and catch Nichkhun okay? Sorry for the trouble."


"Not at all. We're such good friends it's not even a trouble to me. Since I need to hurry up and catch him, I gotta go! See you soon!"


"Okay. Take care and be careful! Bye."


*end call*


"Hey, you're out from the shower already?" Yoong smiled at Jessica while she came out with her towel wrapping her head.


"Yeah. It feels so nice after a long bath." Jessica smiled while unwrapping the towel on her head and drying her hair with it.


"Come over here and sit on he bed. I'll dry your hair for you." Yoong took over the drying job from Jessica.


"You know I really saw him right? I'm not lying."


"Don't worry baby. I believe you. Even if the world don't believe you I will." Yoong wanted to assure Jessica so he gave her a hug from the back while carassing her shoulders.


"Thank you Yoongie. I'm really scared. I don't like Nichkhun I don't like what he put me into. I don't link what he did to Yuri either."


"Neither do I! But let's trust Taeng and his team okay? I'm sure they'll catch him real soon. Wherever you want to go, called and I'll go with you so you won't be alone. You don't have to thank me because I'm your boyfriend. It's my responsibility to keep you save."


"I love you, yoongie! I don't know what will I do without you."


"I love you too."



Hi guys, sorry for abandoning this story for a very long time. I've been really busy with school and Christmas! Not forgetting I'm experiencing writers block already. But thank you guys who still support my story despite my slow updates. Keep the comments coming and I'll try to finish this story as soon as possible. Thank you, subscribers! (:

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Iminthezone #1
allayjadhule #2
Chapter 22: Yoonsic :)
Chapter 22: it is a nice chapter
please write more
minachan #4
Chapter 21: yeah.....finally yoonsic get married...
HunterSecretive #5
Chapter 21: Yayy~~ finally they get married ~~ ><
Chapter 21: the ending is sweet hehe <3
FeliciA530 #7
Chapter 21: Ooh the ending is sweet hehe
722DolDeer #8
Chapter 21: awww so sweet....
minachan #9
Chapter 20: yoong always protect sica...
722DolDeer #10
Chapter 20: owww.......
I'll wait for the last chapter...

Hope you can make another good story...