
Plastic Smile

“Why I like Zitao? Why?” Sehun asked,

“Oh, nothing…” Luhan sighed

“Luhan!” a voice call out,

“Baozi!” Luhan eyes gleamed and ran to his friend.

“Hey, stop calling me Baozi.” Luhan giggled and pinched this person named Baozi’s cheek.

“But your cheek and your obsession with that food tells you otherwise.” Luhan laughs.


Sehun and Zitao was just staring at them both conversing.


“Oh. I haven’t introduce you to my friend, Xiumin this is Sehun and Sehun’s boyfriend Zitao. My friend is called Xiumin.”


This person named Xiumin extended his arm out to give a handshake to both of them. Zitao and Sehun kindly took it.


“Nice to meet you both.” Xiumin smiles, his cheeks held high gracefully. It’s cute even.

“Nice to meet you too.” Sehun smiles back as for Zitao too.

“Luhannie, can we go eat now?” Xiumin said,


“What else, its lunch breaks anyways…” Xiumin frowned. Luhan pinched Xiumin's cheeks again.

"You're so cute!" Luhan squealed.

“You guys want to come over as well?” Sehun look at Zitao asking for permission; Zitao nodded at him.






Sehun is sat next to Luhan apparently, and Zitao is sat next to Xiumin. But at least Zitao is in front of Sehun.


Luhan brings a pack of lunch. He opens in lunch box, and Sehun sees all delicious food that wasn’t on the menu for school lunch.


“Luhan. Can I have some?” Sehun begged.

“What? No! You have your own lunch.” Luhan said

“Pleaseee.” Sehun whined.



Zitao and Xiumin were eyeing their conversation. It makes both of them boiled in jealousy.


Zitao eyes are burning with flames but at the same time he feels sad. He looks at Sehun being feed from Luhan.


“Luhanniee, Thank you!” Sehun said with a mouth full.

“Don’t talk while you’re eating.” Luhan scolded.

“Only I could call Luhan, luhannie.” That is what Zitao heard from Xiumin. He acknowledges that this boy has a love feeling to Luhan.


Zitao ate his lunch peacefully even with his eyes tells sadness but of course Sehun wouldn’t realized because he is too busy being a baby to Luhan. He doesn’t to be jealous with their close comfortable friendship because after all they’re friends. Despite the weird behavior of Luhan last time…



“Sehun, you have something there.” Luhan said pointing to his mouth to show direction.


Sehun to the direction where Luhan direct but,


“No. Here let me help.” Luhan leaned closer to Sehun and swipe Sehun’s face with his thumb.


Xiumin left the table with furious heart, probably he want some more food.


Zitao was just staring at them, he look at Luhan’s eyes gazing in Sehun. He looks back Sehun, he knows that he doesn’t feel that way to Luhan but somehow it makes himself think it is possible…




“Tao?” Sehun waved his hand infront of him.

“Taotao? Are you okay?” Sehun sound worried, at least he notices.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” Well he is actually, but he doesn’t know the sense of jealousy burning inside him. It’s confusing.

“You sure? You haven’t even touched your food.” Zitao look down at his food. Oh.

“You want me to feed it to you?” Zitao shook his hand, gesturing a no.

“No. I am going to feed you, its what couple should do, right?” Sehun smile slyly.


Zitao nodded, too lazy to fight it.


Although Zitao’s lunch doesn’t need to be fed, he could use his hand instead. A sandwich is useless to be fed.


Nonetheless he opens his mouth letting Sehun feeds him.

He looks at Sehun, he was grinning. Zitao chewed.


“Hehe, you look so cute while eating.” Sehun ruffled his hair.


He took time to swallow his food,


“You’re ruining my hair.” Zitao fix back his hair although it look completely the same…

“Messy hair makes you look y.” Sehun winked. Zitao blushed.

“You guys, I’m still here.” Luhan muttered.

“What?” Sehun said, he didn’t hear what Luhan had just said.

“Ah, nevermind. You guys continue what you guys do.”

“Where is Xiumin anyways?”



Apparently Xiumin wasn't buying any lunch, they found him seated down at a bench with beautiful trees.


"Xiumin? What are you doing here?" Luhan said, while Sehun and Zitao holding hand follows.

"Huh? What am I doing here?" Xiumin ask himself.

"Hahaha. Don't become Yixing here." Luhan laugh as well as Xiumin. Zitao was wowed by how easy Xiumin could calm his nerve down, its obvious to see Xiumin was sad.

"I don't want to be that unicorn. He is going to ruin me. Ahh! He gave me his diseases." Xiumin joked, Luhan laughs loudly this time.

"Oh my god. Unicorns. Unicorns."

"Its hard to believe that he believe unicorns are real..." Luhan said.

"Who is Yixing?" Sehun asked.

"Oh? It's our friend from class. He could a forgetful person and he has the one person who sticks beside him like a gum"

"Poor him." Xiumin says.

"Yeah..." Luhan agreed.


Zitao realised he had to go to the bathroom after those unicorn talk. He told Sehun where he wanted to go, Sehun said he wanted to follow but of course Zitao says no. Because its weird.


"Were men and I don't mind seeing it" Sehun eyes were below, Zitao knock his head and went to the toilet.

"I got myself a et boyfriend." Zitao said as he leaves.




Sehun was sat down, looking awkwardly at Xiumin and Luhan. They look awfully close. It disgust him because hello please show respect to other being sadly alone here.

Luhan kept on poking and pinching Xiumin's cheek, but when Xiumin would whined at how hurt his cheek was, Luhan would hug his waist and squeal like a little girl getting a fluffy bear.


It took time for them to notice Sehun was there.


"Oh. Sehun forgot you were here. Oh uhm Baozi, can you leave us alone for a second." Xiumin eyes frowned, Sehun notice, but he leaves anyways.

"Okay, so now its me and you here." Luhan said, Sehun look at him in confusion.

"Why did you want Xiumin to leave."

"Wait. Let me talk for now, you stay quiet and please just smile kindly to me as I say this." Luhan pleaded. Sehun nodded.

"Okay so... Sehun. Ever since I've met you, you were a beautiful, playful young child. You were cute, I love spending time with you. I was sad I had to leave and since then I realised my feelings for you, so I---"

"You what?" Luhan hushed him.

"I like you. No, I love you even." Sehun stared at him bewildered. As much as Sehun wanted to just smile at this but it's too absurd to do that.

He sees Luhan moving closer towards him.

"I'm sorry, I know your relationship with him... I just wanted to let go of this heavy feeling off my chest." Sehun nodded, still surprised.

He feels a hand on both of his cheeks, his head turn to face luhan with luhan's control. Sehun stared at him nervously and Luhan leaned in.

For a kiss. Sehun was to shock to stop, he was to shock to do anything. He feels Luhan's lip moving towards his, Sehun wasn't doing anything but

He sees Zitao staring at him with as much as his. 



OMG. this i'm sorry for.

BUT i really don't know why i did this. I don't ship hunhan whatsoever (although my sister and my friends kill me because i don't ship them  lolo), it's too awkward to write this ;a; I only see Hunhan as a brotp


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Chapter 17: The date was awesome ! :D
and baby panda was so adorable with panda plushie... XD
aaaaaa... Really love this date part...
And of course I enjoying reading this fict... Authornim, thanks for made this awesome fict.. :D
Chapter 16: Aaaaaaa,,, so sweet ! :D
Chapter 15: O-o-owaaaaaaahhh !!! Zitao ! Baby panda !!! That aegyo !!! OhMyGodOhMyGodOhMyGodOhMyGod !!! >////<
Chapter 14: Awww ! Baby baozi is so cute !!! >///<
tsk! That's y mind ! Thehunahhhh XD
Chapter 13: Uniform sleeves ? So, they're a high school students ? *sigh. I'm wrong after all -_-

God! Xiumin baby,,, you slapped Luhan ! You did it ! Yeay! :D *oops.
Well, Lu-ge has to realise that he's belong to Xiumin, soon.. Kkkkkk
Chapter 12: Oh My God Oh My God Oh My God...
Baby panda saw HunHan... Zitao saw !
And damn! Xiumin shows up !!! Aaaaaaa,,, baby baoziiii.... You're here ! You're here ! You're here !!! I'm too happy because Xiumin shows up !!! >///<

and, yeah FYI, I thought it from the start that Thehun and Zitao were high school students... And the fact that they're a college students, aren't they ? That's why Xiumin and Luhan were there too right ?
Uuuhhh... It's gave me a shock too.. That Lu-ge kissed Thehun.. That's just ----unexpected!
Chapter 11: Wha-wha-what ?
How can ? How can Lu-ge's there ? Isn't he has 4 years gap with Sehun ?
And now I get why Sehun and Lu-ge know each other.. Hehe. I though Lu-ge is Sehun's ex..
Chapter 10: OhMyingGood! It's so sweet ! I can't help for being weird in the class because a creepy-smile (my classmates called that) were plastered in my face... :D
I really like this chapter.. Especially the last scene... >///<
Chapter 9: Waaaaaaa... Sehun is so cool !!! The kiss at public ?? That's just too cool !!! >///<
Chapter 8: Wo-wo-woaaaahhhhh... They're kissing ! KISSING !!! mumumumu~~~ >///<