
The Second Time

"Your true first love that appeared all of a sudden,rum pum pum pum~"F(x)'s 'Rum Pum Pum Pum' finally finished its goodbye stage,the exhausted F(x) members bow together to the audience then go to the backstage together.

"I'm exhausted..."Luna says pitifully.

"Me too unnie..."Krystal says with a aegyo tone while laying her head on Victoria's shoulder.

"Krystal,you want to have korean beef for dinner right?"Sulli says in a lazy tone.

"How do you know unnie?"Krystal says while hooking her hand on Sulli's neck.

"You only does aegyo for korean beef."Sulli says with a 'everyone knows that' tone.

"Aish,unnie you are so dull."Krystal says then walks into their waiting room.

"Kids we shall pack faster and eat dinner!"Victoria walks into the waiting room last and says to the members.

"What shall we eat tonight unnie?"Krystal asks.

"Uhm...barbecue meat?"Victoria says with a smile.

"Really?Wow!!!"Krystal cheers and starts to pack her stuff quickly.

After 15 minutes the F(x) members board their car and drive away.



"It smells so nice here!"Krystal says happily.

"Yup!We can eat a lot of barbecue korean beef later."Amber says then hooks Krystal's arm and sit beside a big table.

After 20 minutes...

"Kamsahanmida!!!!!"The F(x) members say together then use their chopsticks to take the barbecue meat.

"Here,Krystallie~"Victoria picks up a piece of barbecue korean beef and sends it to Krystal's mouth.

"Ahhhhhhh~"Krystal opens happily and eats the korean beef.

"I want one too,Berber~"Luna does aegyo.

"Eeeeee~~you know you're not good at aegyo right?"Amber says then picks up a piece of beef and sends it to Luna's mouth,Luna eats it happily too.

"I want one toooooo~~~~~~~~"Sulli does a very cute aegyo and pouts.

"Okay okay~~~"Amber and Victoria pick up two pieces of beef each and sends it to Sulli's mouth,Sulli eats both pieces of beef happily.

"Unnie~!"Luna and Krystal pout.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"The F(x) members burst out of laughter.



"Hyung,can you find a table?"Zelo asks.

"I can't,it's so crowded here."Daehyun says.

"Maybe we should eat somewhere else?"Youngjae suggests.

"No,other places must be crowded too."Yongguk says.

"We have to wait for a table."Himchan pouts.

"Isn't that...F(x) sunbaenim?"Jongup suddenly says.

"Huh?"The B.A.P members look at the direction that Jongup pointed.

"Yeah,it is F(x) sunbaenim!"Himchan happily cheers.

"Can we share a table with them?"Jongup asks.

"We can't disturb them,Jongup.Let's wait for a table."Yongguk says.

"Let's go and ask them!"Youngjae says then drags Daehyun to F(x)'s table.

"Annyeonghaseyo sunbaenim!!"Youngjae and Daehyun bow to them.

"Annyeonghaseyo!!"F(x) greets them back.

"Uhm,it's crowded here,can we B.A.P members share a table with you all?"Youngjae slowly asks.

"Sure!!!"The passionate F(x) members agree happily.

"Hyung!We can share a table with F(x) sunbaenim!"Youngjae waves to Yongguk and says.

"Okay!"Himchan answers the fastest then runs to Youngjae and Daehyun.



"The beef is so delicious!!!"Himchan says.

"You like korean beef too?"Krystal asks.

"Yeah!!!Korean beef is the best!!"Himchan shows a thumbs up.

"Hey!!We have the same feeling!!!!"Krystal stretches her hand to Himchan,Himchan does a high five with Krystal.

"I want to find someone to chat too..."Amber pouts.

"You can talk to me,Berber..."Luna pouts.

"I mean I want to find a B.A.P member to talk to."Amber says.

"Hey!We can use tonight's time to know each other better,isn't it a great idea?"Krystal says.

"Yup!It's a great idea~!"Amber cheers.

"Then?Who wants to join?"Krystal asks.

All of them raises their hand except Jongup.

"Jongup you don't want to join?"Himchan asks.

"Hyung,I have an early schedule tomorrow,so I can't..."Jongup says sadly.

"Okay,then you will have to go back to our dorm yourself and sleep early,okay?"Yongguk says.

"Okay."Jongup answers.



"It's beautiful here,isn't it?"Krystal says cutely like a little kid.

"Yup~"Himchan answers happily.



"You look so charming under the moonlight~"Victoria says.

"Thank you.You're beautiful too in my eyes..."Yongguk says looking into Victoria's eyes.



"So you are the brainiac in B.A.P?"

"Yes,Luna noona."Youngjae smiles happily.



"Aigoo,you look so cute!!!"Sulli pinches Zelo's cheek.

"Jinjja?"Zelo smiles like a happy kid.





Only these two...

Amber and Daehyun...

"Can we talk?"

"Of course,s-sunbae..."

"Don't call me sunbae,call me noona."





After some time,Daehyun could say that he's attracted by Amber's boyish personality.Very attracted .



"I like you."


Amber stops for a while,then says:

"Daehyun,I believe in fate."


"I believe that if two persons are meant to be together,they will meet for the second time,and the third time,and a lot a lot of times."


"Let's stay together if we meet each other the second time,okay?"

"Okay."Daehyun is a little disappoint because not getting an immediate answer form Amber,but he's confident that they will meet the second time.

He believes that they are meant to be.



After three months...

"Jung Daehyun!!!How could you lost my expensive belt?!How could you?!"Youngjae strangles Daehyun,he's very upset with Daehyun because of his belt.

"I-I will find it back!!I promise!!"Youngjae looses his hands after hearing Daehyun's words.

"You MUST find it back,or I will..."Youngjae does the post of strangling.

"O-Okay..."Daehyun stutters after seeing Youngjae.

"Where could it be?"Daehyun looks around the floor,trying to find Youngjae's belt.

But instead of finding it,he bumps into someone.

"Oh,sorry!!"Daehyun quickly apologizes.

"It's okay.Are you finding this?"The person says.

Daehyun looks up that person,it is Youngjae's belt!!

"Ye-"Daehyun is about to say.

Wait,isnt that...

Amber noona???!!!

"N-Noo-Noona?!"Daehyun is surprised.

Amber smiles,then says:

"We met for the second time,right?"

Daehyun is so surprised and touched.



-The End-

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Chapter 1: Awwww.. so cute :)
Chapter 1: Daeber will be so cute.. hehe
In reality that is xD
redvelvetxbap #3
Chapter 1: <3 this is so perfect!
krisber_1806 #4
Chapter 1: Ow so simple and cute.