3. Reason

You and I

Author's POV


Thursday, morning.


Class has been filled with students who are ready to study. Some of them are copying her/his friend's assignment. Some of them are busy talking. Some of them still keep their eyes on naeun. Naeun's a bit late than usual. She came 5 minutes before class started.


"Hhh. Annyeong eunji-ahh hhh" She sounded like an marathon athlate.


"You come later then usual"


"Yea, I got up late"


"Btw, naeun, you promised me to tell what happened between you and him, right? I'm deadly curious" Eunji started


Naeun just nodded, preparing to tell her long story.





Ding Dong...


Naeun walked toward the monitor screen. Unfamiliar face.


"Who are you looking for?" She talked to the guest by the monitor

"I'm looking for your mom, misun" She replied


Naeun just replied with smile and ended that small talk.

'Her mom's friend', she decided to open the door.


"Annyeong, are you naeun? Can I meet your mom?"

"Ne, wait a bit, my mom's taking a bath now, come in please"


"Thank you" She smiled as she turned her head toward a guy who's searching something in their car in front of naeun's house. Naeun just can see his back.


"Jongin, ppalli" She shouted to call him.


'Jongin?' Naeun thought


That guy showed his face as he turned around. Her eyes widened. 

'Isn't he kai? Jongin's his real name?' Naeun couldn't stop staring at him while thinking those questions.


"Who's there, Naeun?" Her mom questioned from afar



"Omo, you're here already. Ah what to do, I haven't prepared, I just wanna go buy something for you after take shower"

"No need, misun-ah" She replied


The four's sitting in the small living room. Naeun and kai's moms are busy talking about their past moments. While they two just being awkward.


"Naeun-ah, make drinks for us, ne?" Her mom asked

"Ne, what would you like to drink ahjumma? Tea or coffe or else?"



She moved her sight to Kai who's playing his phone busily.


"How about you?'

"Me? Tea will be fine"


She went to the kitchen and was back in a few minutes.


"Naeunni, aren't you in the same university with jongin?"

"Eh? Oh.. ne" She replied 


"I'm sure they two don't remember anything about that" Kai's mom a bit whispered to naeun's mom

'Remember what?' Naeun thought, she can hear a bit

"Aren't they cute?" Kai's mom handed a photo making naeun more curious, she stole a glance.

"Isn't that me?" Naeun said

"Oh, yes, and this's jongin" Naeun's mom pointed at him


Their eyes met.




"Are you serious mom?"

"Do i look like kidding?"

She shooke her head.


She thought it's impossible since he is really different with he was.

He was really friendly, really different with he's now. They two were friends, but that was long long time ago before kai went abroad.


"Btw, jongin, didn't you say you wanna go to your old school?"

"Ah, about that, just forget it, eomma"

"Why? Naeun, can you accompany him to go there?"

"What? Ah i mean, ok"


They two were in their way to their ex school. Primary school.


"Where have you been for this long time? I thought we wouldn't ever meet again" She started

"As you know, I just got back from US, last year"


"Didn't you miss me?"

"Eh? What?" She chuckled



'He's weird indeed' She thought

"I didn't know it's you, you're really different"

"You too, all things change"


They two arrived there, their primary school. And that time they just walked around and chatting. But then someone took a picture of them and spread a rumour. Who is he/she?~


----end of flashback------


"Just like that, I don't know who took our picture, and in that picture, we didn't look like dating, i think"

"Nado, aish i'm curious who's the paparazzi"

"Paparazzi?" They laughed

"Btw, you're very lucky to have a friend like him, however he's popular as celebrity" Eunji grins

"He's not the same with he was, really different.





I am backkkkk!!!! Huahaha at last, mid test is ended \o/ Btw sorry for short chapter, couldnt get any idea~ Is there any confusing parts again? :D And thank you for all comments and subbies~~ <3 <3 I cant imagine that i'll get 22subbies with this creepy story of mine xD Remember to drop commentsss~~~






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Ydvvfjkch #1
Chapter 5: Please update it ..
koala_panda #2
please keep update..i really like kaien couple
datzme #3
Chapter 4: It's okay,no.pressure...i can wait for ur next update ^_^...goodluck for the exams.
update s00n . . .
author ssi . .
Chapter 3: this plot a little bit quick. so i confused to read >< why kai can date with nawn? they're stranger right? hehe ._.
ploykz-sunny #6
Chapter 3: there's nothing to criticizes about but, please update soon
Chapter 2: I like it so far :-D please update !!! ♥
ploykz-sunny #8
Chapter 1: update soon