Not an update

You and I

Hi guys :D 


I'm really happy that i got 8subbies now, thank you very very much <3

But this week, i think i couldn't update, in saturday i'll have 2 exams, and in sunday, i really need to take rest because i really lack of sleeping currently, i got many many many homeworks OTL I'm sorry :c

Hope you'll be patient to wait for the next update, I'll really try to do double updateu next week~~ :D 

And the last, I really need your comments c: You can criticize me in a good way ofc, give me advice, or anything you'd, I'll really love it. And and thank you for anyone who gave comments <3 You're my moodbooster, really~~ <3 <3

Thank you very much~~ <3 <3



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Ydvvfjkch #1
Chapter 5: Please update it ..
koala_panda #2
please keep update..i really like kaien couple
datzme #3
Chapter 4: It's okay,no.pressure...i can wait for ur next update ^_^...goodluck for the exams.
update s00n . . .
author ssi . .
Chapter 3: this plot a little bit quick. so i confused to read >< why kai can date with nawn? they're stranger right? hehe ._.
ploykz-sunny #6
Chapter 3: there's nothing to criticizes about but, please update soon
Chapter 2: I like it so far :-D please update !!! ♥
ploykz-sunny #8
Chapter 1: update soon