
It's all fun and games

Sehun groaned as he woke up to a rather loud bang and whispered curses. He rubbed his eyes and opened them to see it was still pretty dark, and a look at the digital clock on his bedside table told him it was only half five in the morning.

After his eyes adjusted to the dim room, they landed on a figure moving around and pulling off clothes, throwing them left, right and center. A smile fell upon his lips as he watched Luhan - in a totally non creepy way - frantically get ready. That was until a piece of clothing landed in his face.

With a soft sigh, he closed his eyes again, not even bothering to remove whatever it was before drifting off back to sleep.

The next time he woke up, it was quater to elven, re realised after removing something from his face. It wasn't until he looked down at his hands he realised it was a pair of boxers. But when did he put boxers on his face? Then he remembered... Luhan... This morning... Oh .

Luhans worn ing boxers had been on his face for a good few hours as he slept... He didn't know whether to be horrified or amused.

Rolling his eyes he got up and gathered up the clothes Luhan had thrown everywhere before putting them in the wash basket - because he was such a lovely roommate. He then grabbed his towel and went to go for a quick shower before returning to the room, dressing and checking his phone.

One new message

From: ManlyLuhan<3

Sehunnnie, I'm so bored! Oh and I just found out that Chen
beat the out of Yoochun! Ehehehe! Are you up yet, lazy ?

Sehun chuckled lightly before changing Luhan's name - because he hadn't actually checked it last night - and replying.

To: Princess<3
I'm up, Princess ^W^ and you should be paying attention in class!
You naughty boy~
And what?! Why?!

Chen beating someone up? That had to be a joke right? The guy was a stick at best and was tiny as ...

From: Princess<3

I already know this stuff :P
Mm, maybe you should punish me ;)
From what I've heard, it's because Grease-Ball said something about Baozi :O

Sehun grinned as he grabbed his wallet and keys, shoving them in his pocket before heading out.

He made his way to the cafe he favoured on campus and ordered a Taro bubble tea and a Chocolate bubble tea.

To: Princess<3
Smart and y, I like it~
Ohoho, just you wait, you bastard!
Wow, Chen being possessive... Interesting...

He laughed to himself as he made his way over to the west building - silently thanking the cafe guy for the cup holder so he had a spare hand to text Luhan - and made his way up to Luhan's classroom.

From: Princess<3

I know you do~
I can't wait, I'm too excited ;)
I know... weird, right? ^0^

Sehun rolled his eyes, he didn't even bother to reply. Luhan's class was almost over anyway, so he just stood outside the door, leaning back against the ugly white walls as he sipped his chocolate bubble tea - because bubble tea is the - and sing The Final Countdown in his head.

Soon enough, Luhan waled out of the classroom and smiled when he saw Sehun waiting for him. He walked over to the younger and grinned as Sehun handed him the Tao bubble tea before throwing away the cup holder.

"Hey~" Luhan beamed as they walked out of the building side by side, their arms brushing against one another's, "Thanks for this" he held up his tea before taking another sip.

"Don't mention it princess, that's what fake boyfriends are f- holy , is that Yoochun?" Sehun gawped, looking over at the messed up face that was the one and only grease ball.

Luhan's eyes widened, "It is... Wow, Chen really did a number on him, huh? Anyway, I'm hungry, where are we gonna eat?" he asked, finishing the last of his drink - Sehun had already finished his - and dumping the cup in the bin.

"I know a cute little cafe just off campus, they sell the best paninis!" Sehun beamed, taking a hold of Luhan's hand and leading the way before Yoochun could spot them.

Luhan blushes slightly, thought much to his relief it went unnoticed by the younger, who was too busy chatting away about how damn good them paninis were.

It didn't take too long for them to get there and get sat down with a cheese and ham panini each - because cheese and ham paninis are legit the iest food ever - before digging in.

"Oh my god" Luhan moaned out, "this is like heaven on a plate!"

"I know" Sehun laughed, taking a huge bite of his own and munching away happily, "but you might wanna stop like you've just ed, people are looking at us like I'm tossing you off under the table or something"

"Are you offering?" Luhan smirked.


Xiumin sighed as he walked about campus, he had no idea where the he was going, or what to do, so he was just... walking.

"Ge, are you alright?"

Xiumin turned to see Tao and Baekhyun walking towards him, both of them looking slightly concerned.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Just tired" Xiumin smiled, "Why aren't you in class?"

Baekhyun raised an eyebrow at the elder, "Xiu, I'm free fridays, and Tao finished at eleven, where's your head at?" he said, slapping Xiumin sympathetically on the back, "Are you looking for Chen? Because of what happened?"

"No I'm just- Wait, what happened to Jongdae?!" Xiumin asked, suddenly worried...

"Oh, well he beat the out of Yoochun and got suspended for a week and a formal warning that if it happened again, he would be out for good" Baekhyun said, "I'm surprised you don't know, I thought he would have texted you. He texted Lay about it, and Lay told me and Lu, so I think everyone knows by now..."

Xiumin frowned as the three of them made their way to a bench by the fountain and sat down, "He and I aren't exactly speaking at the minute..." he sighed, resting his head agaist Tao's shoulder as the younger rubbed his arm soothingly.

"Why not? You guys are practically glued by the hip, what happened?" Tao asked, frowning slightly as Baekhyun coughed 'Lover's spat' which went ignored.

"Nothing important," Xiumin lied, "So why did he go after Yoochun?"

"WELL~~~~" Baekhyun grinned, cracking his knuckles as he prepared to tell the story, "What I heard is that Yoochun went up to ChenChen and started asking about Luhan and Sehun and basically trying to get Chen to put a good word in for him, but Chen, being the good yet twatish friend that he is, told him to back off basically, so then Yoochun said that he might try his luck with you because of your thighs or something like that and Chen, because we all know he's like in love with you, got all mad and told him to off or something, BUT, then Yoochun was all" Baekhyun furrowed his brows and tried to put on his best 'Yoochun' voice, "like 'I want Minseok's , blah blah blah, tap that ' or whatever and Chen freaked the out and punched the living day lights out of the guy, and so ed him up good 'n' proper, before the principal and two teachers dragged him off kicking and screaming" he finished with a nod.

Xiumin was silent for a long moment before saying, "He's not in love with me at all, he was just being a good friend"

"Seriously?" Tao said, moving back to look at Xiumin with pity.

"That's what you took from that?" Baekhyun added with a roll of his eyes, "Wow, just wow. Honestly, you're an idiot, come on, if he was just being a 'good friend' he would have done the same for Lu, but he acted like Yeol would have if he'd said something about me, or how Taozi would have if it was about Kris-"


"- So don't try and make this out to be a friend thing, now, tell Baekkie why you and him aren't talking" Baekhyun smiled, as he flipped his hair like a true diva.

Xiumin bit his lip nervously. To tell, or not to tell, that was the question...

The other two waited patiently as Xiumin nawed at his lip and lost himself in thought before finally deciding to answer.

"The other night, something happened..." he whispered, "he... he was telling me that he likes someone and then out of nowhere he kissed me and I kissed him back and then things got... you know... and I freaked out and ran out. I just, I don't want to be his way of forgetting this other person" Xiumin could feel the tears pooling in his eyes, "I can't be that person, not for him. I... I really like him, you know, and I just... I don't want to get my hopes up"

It was silent for a long time after that before Baekhyun and Tao pulled Xiumin into a warm, tight hug, whispering sweet words to him before pulling away again.

"You know, I think that you're being stupid" Baekhyun said bluntly, but softly at the same time, "You're obviously the person he was talking about. You need to talk to him though, because otherwise you're gonna lose him as a friend too. I mean, I'm sure it won't be long before he comes crawling back anyway and tries to explain that he wants you to be his wife-"

"-Baek, I have a , not a minge, I can't be a wife-"

"-and have his kids and all that shiznick" Baekhyun smiled, "So just talk to the idiot and tell him how you feel so that, for one, you'll both be happy, two, you can put the rest of us out of the misery of having to watch you toss pots ing tip toe around each other and three, you can finally get laid"

Xiumin opened his mouth to say something back, but came up with nothing, so sat just kind of gaping at the younger boy in a mix of awe and distaste.

Honestly, the idea that Chen might actually like him back never entered his mind, because , why would someone like Chen, like him? He was just the chubby kid that everyone made fun of, he was the one that got overlooked all the time in music class, he was the good hyung that always looked after everyone but was never really appreciated, whereas Chen, he was, well, perfect. He had that killer jaw, and those cheek bones, ngh, he was cute, funny, y, easy to get along with, people wanted him, so why, of all people would he like Xiumin? The eldest couldn't think of a reason... But hell, Chen had kissed him right? So maybe, just maybe, he wanted on that...

"And I can't fight this feeling anymoreeeeeee~ I've forgotten what I started fighting foooooor!"

Xiumin was snapped out of his reverie as the sound of Chanyeol's voice invaded his ears. He looked up to see the tall boy walking in their direction, his eyes closed - and how the he hadn't fallen over yet was beyond Xiumin - and his earphones on, belting out REO Speedwagon. Granted it didn't look like he realised he was singing out loud...

"It's time to bring this ship into the shoreeeeeee and throw away the oarssssss"

"Yeol, you're singing out loud!" Baekhyun laughed loudly, but it seemed as though Chanyeol didn't hear him...

"FOREVERRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!" the taller boy belted out like his life depended on it before opening his eyes and spotting Baekhyun.

A huge smile spread over the giant's face as he pulled down his earphones to hand around his neck before running the last of the distance and pulling Baekhyun up, into his arms and spinning them around, before kissing him like they'd been apart for weeks.

"As much as I'm glad you guys are in love or some , but can you like.... not..." Tao said, scrunching up his face in disgust.

Chanyeol smirked, "You know, if you don't like looking at us, Kris is in our room right now... alone... and bored... and in need of company..."

Tao paused for a second, looking over Chanyeol's face as he put Baekhyun down again, to see if he was telling the truth. After deciding that he was, he took off back to the dorm to find Kris, leaving a laughing Chanyeol in his wake.

"You were telling the truth right?" Baekhyun asked.

"Mm, I was. Kris needs to realise how perfect him and Tao would be! I won't stop until they're banging" Chanyeol announced.

"You mean together, right?" Xiumin asked, standing up and making his way back to the dorm with the happy couple - who at that moment in time he kind of wanted to punch in the nuts because... well just because, okay? Don't judge.


Luhan giggled as he held on tightly to Sehun, who was giving him a piggyback back to the dorm. Sehun held on firmly to Luhan's thighs as he ran through the streets like a mad man.

"Sehunnie!!! Slow down, oh my god, you're gonna drop me!" Luhan laughed, tightening his legs around Sehun's waist and burying his face in Sehun's neck.

Sehun laughed whole-heartedly as he slowed down to a walk, grinning from ear to ear as Luhan's breath tickled his neck.

"Calm down, Princess, I'd never drop you" Sehun chuckled.

They were near the dorms when he let Luhan down and took a hold of his hand instead, lacing their fingers together and swinging their arms between them.

"Thanks for today, I had fun" Luhan smiled as they walked up the stairs, hand in hand.

Honestly, Luhan was grateful, he hadn't had that much fun in a while. After grabbing lunch, the two of them had gone for a walk in the park then played on the swings and slide, the climbing frame, the see-saw and the tire swing. Then they met a girl who was in search of helpers to hand out flyers to a new comedy show, so the two of them agreed to help her - scaring a few old women in the process because of Luhan's "agyeo", which lead to Sehun being hit with a hang bag and being told to 'keep his twisted friend under control' - which had the two of them in a fit of laughter. Luhan then treated them to ice-cream before making Sehun piggy-back him around the near by mall before getting chased out by security and being made to leave, and that's how they ended up where they were now.

It was later than they expected, they were only meant to get lunch then go back, but one thing lead to another and well, they do what they want because they're cool like that.

"Me too, we should do it more often. Just make sure Sulli and Kai don't find out... We won't hear the end of it" Sehun grimmaced, making Luhan chuckle as they got to the second floor and walked down to their room.

"Oh god, I swear, if I didn't know any better I'd say they'd been planning all this since birth, tag-teaming us and all" Luhan groaned with a laugh, "but hey, at least it's fun"

"True..." Sehun smiled, opening their door and letting Luhan in first, reluctantly letting go of the elder's hand in the process, "Hey, Luhan... Um... about the other day... I... In the s-shower... We never really got to, uh, t-talk about it..." he said, closing the door and leaning against it as Luhan stopped dead in the middle of the room, his back to Sehun.

Luhan bit his lip nervously, glad that Sehun couldn't see the blush on his cheeks in the moment. It wasn't like he liked the kid or anything... it was just... embarrassing... yeah, that was it... That's why his heart was beating like a mother er, and why his palms were sweating and why he suddenly felt a hell of a lot hotter, like seriously, did someone turn up the heating?!

"W-What about it?" Luhan asked nervously, trying to sound casual, and failing miserably.

"Well, you were going to say something about it the other day... But then we got interrupted and yeah..." Sehun sighed, taking a couple of steps forward until Luhan was within reaching distance.

"I-" Luhan wasn't able to finish the sentence as Tao, Kris and Sulli walked in.

"Are you ing kidding me?" Sehun muttered under his breath as he and Luhan turned to face the new comers "What?" Sehun asked as Sulli and Kris sat on his bed, whilst Tao opted to sit on the floor leaning his head on Kris's knee as the elder mindlessly ran his finger's through the panda's hair.

"Movie night. All of us. Kris's room, in an hour. We're ordering pizza and chicken because we couldn't agree on one thing, so yeah, you don't have a choice" Sulli smiled a her best friend, grabbing his wrist and pulling him to sit down beside her, wrapping her arms around his waist and cuddling into him, enjoying the look of jealousy painted on Luhan's face. It was just too fun to mess with him.

Luhan glared at her as she smiled up at him before taking a seat on his own bed, trying to stop himself from pulling Sehun away from her.

"What are we watching?" Sehun asked, oblivious as ever as he hugged her back, resting his head atop of hers whilst playing with her fingers with one hand.

"Well, we thought we'd have a vote when we're all there, it's between Fracture, Sweeny Tod, The Grudge or The Nightmare Before Christmas" Sulli told Sehun as she smiled towards Luhan, only this time there was no teasing behind it, which surprised the elder - who smiled back in confusion.

"Ooo, I hope it's either Fracture or 'Nightmare before Christmas" Sehun answered happily, "I love love loooooove Jack! He's like... awesome!"

"I wanna watch Fracture" Kris said, unconsiously smiling down at Tao, who was playing angry birds on his phone, "Anthony Hopkins is legit the most amazing guy out there. He's badass"

"He was ing awesome in Silence of the Lambs" Tao commented, "He's amazing at playing psycho people"

"TRUFF!" Luhan chuckled to himself, because hey, he was funny, even if nobody else saw it...

Sulli chuckled at Luhan who was laughing at himself before looking over the her and Sehun again before turning back to being mopey.

If her plan worked, Luhan would get all jealous and claim Sehun as his own then she could rub in the their faces with a big fat 'I told you so' and celebrate with Kai - because he was helping a little, just not when Kyungsoo was around because he loves the owl boy and all that jazz. Not that the little owl seemed to care all that much, though it was obvious he fancied the pants off the tanned boy.

"Should we head over there now then? Yeol, Baekhyun, Suho, Lay and Chen are over there already, we're just waiting for Xiumin, Kai and Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo has class right now but he's coming over straight after" Kris informed them before standing up and helping Tao to his feel.

"Sehun, carry me" Sulli pouted as Sehun stood, her arms out in front of her like a todler.

Sehun rolled his eyes before picking her up and throwing her over his shoulder, earning a surprised squeak from her, making him laugh as he headed over to Kris's room.

Luhan followed behin quietly, ignoring Kris's coughs of 'jealous little ' and 'you wanna the kid'. He wasn't jealous dammit, he was just.... confused! But, only because Sehun was acting all manly and straight and ... not because of feelings or anything like that. Pfft, he was too manly for feelings...

They made it into Kris's room, where Kris, Tao, Suho and Lay sat on Kris's bed. Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Chen and Sulli sat on Chanyeol's bed. Sehun plopped down on the floor and leant back against the wall between the bedside tables and opened his legs, smiling up at Luhan as he patted the space between them, knowning that Luhan would end up there anyway.

Luhan smiled shyly as he settled there, leaning back against Sehun's chest as the younger's arms wrapped around his waist. He rested his hands on top of Sehun's as he moved his head to the side slightly, making it easier for Sehun to see and talk to people.

"So, what are we watching?" Sulli asked as she and Chen played Thumb War - which Chen was suprisingly bad at.

"I wanna watch Fracture, and so does Baek" Chanyeol announced, "So we're watching that, I asked Suho and Lay, they didn't mind and Chen will only be watching Xiumin anyways, so yeah"

"I'm cool with that" Sehun smiled, enjoying the way that Luhan was now playing with his fingers.

It wasn't long before Xiumin arrived - at which point Sulli got up, pulled him over to sit beside Chen, smirked, winked and went to sit on Kris's desk chair - and soon after Kai walked in with Kyungsoo, his arm thrown around the shorter's shoulders as he called out "PARTY'S HERE ES. LET'S DO THIS " before settling down on the floor near Luhan and Sehun - who were then in their own little world.












A/N: What's this another update?! ERMAHGERD~

Kekeke, no but I've updated again today because I won't be able to update again until next week and so being the nice author that I am,
I decided to give you guys an extra treat this week~ :P


So comment, sub, vote, y'all know what to do~
But I really do wanna know what you think anout the story so please comment and let me know!

Thanks a million for reading, you guys are the best!
Love you all~

Until next time<3

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Guise! I'm sorry, but the next update won't be until either Sunday or Monday as I won't be home until Sunday as I'm visiting family over the weekend! 06-02-14


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Chapter 7: DESTIEL
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Chapter 6: Ohmygod that mulan part though lololol
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Chapter 1: When I read kai's motto for the dorm I already knew I was going to love this story <3 ^__^
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Chapter 2: Omygawd
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