
It's all fun and games


Kai turned around to see Kyungsoo standing awkwardly in the door way, his eyes on the floor and his arms wrapped protectively around himself. The younger of the two sighed as he ran a hand through his tousled hair.

“Oh, um, hi... D-Did you want something?” Kai asked, shifting his weight from one foot to another awkwardly.

Kyungsoo sighed, “I... No, no it doesn’t matter. I’ll... I’ll see you around, Jongin” he said before turning back around and heading back into his room, closing the door softly behind him, leaving Kai standing alone in the hallway.

With a sigh, Kai headed over to the vending machine and bought himself a drifter. He felt he needed, hell, he deserved, the chocolate-y goodness.

“Howdy there, little lady” came a voice from behind him, he turned to see Chen stood with a smirk on his face, dressed head to toe as a cowboy.

“Okay, there are so many things wrong with this situation, that I don’t even know where to start” Kai said, raising an eyebrow at Chen, whilst pocketing his chocolate bar, “First off, why are you dressed as a cowboy? Secondly, what in God’s name possessed you to call me ‘little lady?!’ Do I look like a woman to you?” he lifted a finger, “Don’t answer that... And finally... Just... WHAT EVEN?!”

Chen chuckled slightly, “Oh Kai... Kai, Kai, Kai... Don’t get into the big boy’s business!”

“Did you jus-”

“Shhhh!” Chen said, putting a finger to Kai’s lips, “You don’t need to know. Now, if you don’t mind, I’ve got a hella fine boy in my room that I need to go and up”

Kai rolled his eyes as he pushed Chen’s hand away from his face, “What about Xiumin hyung?” he asked lamely.

“You’re an idiot. Fine, I’ll put it simply for you; I’m going to go and bang my boyfriend now, and he likes to role play. Only instead of a horse, he’ll be riding me. Better?” Chen raised a brow before walking off and into his and Xiumin’s room.

Kai scoffed as he turned around and made his way to the staircase, pushing open the door and making his way down them. As he walked outside the building he turned right and started to walk, only to stop when he heard voices coming closer.

He recognised them as Luhan’s and Sehun’s, so quickly ducked behind a bush, out of sight and peaked through the leaves at the two of them.

“How long do you think it’ll take them?” Luhan asked in an amused voice.

Sehun chuckled, “Please, I doubt they’ll ever realise, they are kind of, well, dense...” he said, pulling Luhan into him and wrapping his arms around the elder’s waist, whilst Luhan gripped onto Sehun’s shoulders in return.

Kai placed is fist in his mouth to stop from gagging.

“True, but Eli and Kiseop know. Sulli knows. What’s to say the others won’t figure out?” Luhan pouted, “Then our fun goes away...”

Sehun chuckled again, pressing a soft kiss to Luhan’s lips, “Mm, Princess, I can think of a lot of fun we can have” he said teasingly. “We almost did have it yesterday, it’s a shame we were interrupted.”

Kai bit back a gasp, they were... a... a thing?! Those deceitful little bastards!

“I know. Kai’s a ” Luhan groaned, before pulling Sehun back into a kiss.

Sehun pulled back slightly to rest his forehead against the elder’s, “You know, Baek was there too...” he laughed, sliding his hands into the back pockets of Luhan’s jeans and pulling him closer.

“Doesn’t mean that my point wasn’t valid...” Luhan pointed out with a smirk.

Kai glared at the unknowing boy, payback’s a , deer-boy!

“Give him a break, Princess, he’s going through a tough time right now...” Sehun warned without malice.

Luhan pouted, “I’m starting to think you like Kai more than me...”

“Never” Sehun smiled, “You know I only love you, Princess” he gave Luhan one last kiss before pulling back and taking the elder’s hand, leading him into the dorm room.

Kai watched through the leaves with wide eyes as they walked inside. Ever so slowly, he made his way out from behind the bush and dusted himself off mindlessly.

“Well... What do you know?” he smirked.


Close your eyes, make a wish, and turn out the candle light. For tonight is just your night. We’re gonna celebrate, all through the night. Pour the wine, light the fire, girl your wish is my command. I’ll submit to your demands, I will do anything, girl you need only ask.

I’ll make love to you, like you want me to. And I’ll hold you tight, baby, all thought the night. I’ll make love to you, when you want me to, and I will not let go ‘til you tell me to~

Music filled the room, thought it was only quiet. Through it, the sounds of Xiumin’s and Chen’s soft pants coloured the air.

“That...” Xiumin panted, “Was amazing”

Chen laughed airily, “You’re telling me...”

“How did you even... I just... Wow...” Xiumin chuckled breathlessly.

Chen hummed as he pulled Xiumin’s , sweaty body closer to him under the covers, wrapping his arms around the elder. Xiumin smiled as he latched on to Chen’s torso and threw a leg over the younger’s hips.

“Jongdae?” Xiumin asked after a moment or two of listening to the sound of Boys to Men fill the room.

Chen hummed in acknowledgement, waiting for the elder to continue.

“Can I ask you something?”

“Sure, go for it” Chen smiled, tracing patterns over Xiumin’s bare chest with his finger.

Xiumin closed his eyes, enjoying the feeling of Chen’s body pressed up against his, “Well, I was just thinking, did you ever think that we’d end up like this? Me and you, a couple? I just... I always thought if you found out how much I liked you, how much I... I love you, then you’d freak out and not want to be my friend anymore...”

Chen scoffed, “You’re stupid” he said before softening his tone, “But no, I didn’t think we’d ever get to this place. One where I could call you mine. Where I could get to touch you, feel you, make you feel good whenever I wanted to. To be the person that makes you smile and gets to see you at your best, and your worst. I didn’t plan on falling in love with my closet, best friend, it just happened and honestly, I’m glad it did, because I don’t know where I’d be without you, I don’t know what I’d do without you, Min.

 “Hell, I’d probably be sleeping on a park bench and shouting at the pigeons... Or something like that... Oh, and believe me, if you’d have told me you liked me however long ago that started, then I would have probably broke into song and made the day into a musical... Just ‘cause I could” he smiled, pressing his lips to Xiumin’s temple.

“Yeah, you’d be a weird hobo that stalks Chanyeol” Xiumin laughed, “I mean, no... You would totally find another guy who would put up with you”

“Put up with me? Ouch, Min, you wound me so!” Chen gasped in mock hurt.

Xiumin laughed again before pressing a quick kiss to Chen’s shoulder, “Love you~”

“Yeah yeah” Chen chuckled, “You’re lucky you’re cute”

Xiumin smiled and looked up though his eyelashes at Chen, “The CD’s stopped... I’m gonna turn the CD player off” he said, untangling himself from the younger and walking across the room to turn off the device.

“Well now, you can’t just go showing off an like that and expect me to just sit here” Chen said, getting up and walking over to Xiumin, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend’s waist from behind.

Xiumin bit his lip as he tilited his head to the side to look at the younger, “Oh? And what are you going to do about it?”

“I’ll tell you, shall I? I’m gon-”

Chen was cut off as the door flew open and Lay walked in. Xiumin let out a girlish squeal before diving at the bed and covering himself with the blanket, whilst Chen just stood there as though he wasn’t in the , a hand on his hip.

“Can I help you?” he asked, raising an eyebrow at his best friend, who was eyeing him with a smirk.

Lay finally looked up from Chen’s body and met the boy’s eye, “Ah, you’re not busy then” he smiled innocently, “I need you to help me with something...”

“What?” Chen asked as Lay’s eyes dropped again to look over his ness. The dimpled boy’s tongue poking out from between his lips ever-so-slightly.

“It’s a secret...” Lay said, his eyes still wondering over Chen.

“Um, Lay? Can you like, stop checking out my boyfriend?” Xiumin glared at the aforementioned boy, holding the covers tightly against himself as he did.

Lay simply scoffed, “Puh-lease” he said, looking over at Xiumin, “Like I’ve not seen all of this before” he rolled his eyes before turning back to Chen, “Okay, I’ve got a surprised for Junmyeon and I need you to help me set it all up. You know I wouldn’t ask you if I had any other choice, ChenChen~” he pouted cutely.

Chen groaned, knowing right away he couldn’t say no to Lay when the elder had used both the cute pout – which showed his dimples to the fullest – and the use of his nickname.

“Fine, just let me get dressed, okay?” Chen said, looking around the room for some clothes.

“And put on some deodorant, you smell like a pig” Lay said, scrunching up his nose in disgust.

Chen scoffed, “Oh, but the smell’s okay when you’re checking me out? Or when you’re causing it?” he asked, pulling on a fresh pair of boxers, followed by a pair of jeans.

“Yup” Lay beamed, blowing Chen a teasing kiss.

“What? Wait? So you were checking him out?! And what do you mean ‘causing it’? What the hell?!” Xiumin stuttered out from his place on the bed, “And you’re leaving now?! What?!”

Chen pulled on a t-shirt, a pair of socks and lastly his shoes before walking over to Xiumin and pecking him on the lips, “Yeah, long story, high school stuff, all in the past, nothing big. Gotta go, see you later, babe!” he grinned before escaping with Lay, leaving Xiumin utterly confused, and slightly , on his lonesome.


“So you’ve not told him yet, huh?” Lay asked as he and Chen made their way over to the former’s room to go over Lay’s surprise for Suho.

“What? That we used to fool around a little? Nah, it’s not a big deal. It was never anything serious. I don’t ask about his... you know... old ual partners...” Chen shrugged, “Why, do you think I should?”

Lay shrugged back, “S’up to you, I guess. But I didn’t keep it from Junmyeon. He knows what happened, and that it was nothing big, but does Minseok?”

Chen sighed, “Well, can’t say I ever thought this would come back to bite me in the ...”

“I thought you liked that...” Lay smirked, earning himself a laugh and a shove from Chen as they walked through the door of Lay’s room.

“You’re an idiot, and come now, don’t even get me started on some of the weird I know you like...” Chen laughed, “What’re we doing anyways, ChenChen is here to help!”

“I like what I like” Lay shrugged nonchalantly, “And it’s nothing big, it’s our anniversary tomorrow, so I need you to keep him distracted whilst I set up the room and stuff...”

“Oo~ What are you gonna do?” the younger asked, setting himself down on Lay’s bed.

Lay smiled sweetly, “Rose petals, candles, music, dinner, red silk sheets, y me, the whole nine yards, besides, I got him the best present ever” he giggled.

“What’d you get him?” Chen asked, growing evermore curious.

Lay smiled again, “Well, I got him a few things. Chocolates, because he knows I always get him chocolates, which I end up eating. It’s like a tradition. I got him a custom made wallet, which I know he’ll love because he’s been hinting at needing a new one. But the real present, is a collage of photos of the two of us from the day we met up until yesterday with an engraved silver frame with our names on and the date we met. Oh and a scrap book with photos of all us and some of you guys, as well as some of the letters he wrote to me way back when”

Chen looked over Lay in awe, “How is everyone we know not in love with you?” he asked seriously, “You’re honestly amazing, Xing... Hell, if I didn’t love Minnie so much, I think I’d make a pass at you”

Lay couldn’t help but laugh as he dived at Chen and pulled him into a hug, “Aww, when did my wittle ChenChen get so sweet?” he beamed before letting go and pinching Chen’s cheeks, only to be shoved away with a laugh.

“You’re still an idiot” Chen rolled his eyes, “Ooh, do you know what he’s got you yet?”

Lay shook his head, “No, we always keep it a surprise, but we said that we’d keep it simple and un-costly this year”

“And how much did you spend on him?” Chen raised an eyebrow...

“Um... A little more than the agreed budget?” Lay coughed awkward, as Chen just looked at him, “Okay, a lot more than we agreed, but he’s worth it, you know? He’s the love of my life, and if I want to spoil him, I will”

“Speaking of which,” Chen glared, “I’m still mad at you for not telling me about you guys”

Lay laughed, “It... uh, slipped my mind?”

Chen hummed before rolling his eyes, “Shall we go buy the crap for the room?”

“We shall~” Lay sang, latching onto Chen’s hand and leading the way out of the door to go shopping for the needed items.


Tao frowned as he looked at all the coins in the water fountain, what was up with people wasting their money like that? On wishes that would never come true. What, they thought just because they threw a penny in some water, they would live all happily ever after?

He sighed dramatically before pulling out a penny, he would prove that didn’t work.

Closing his eyes tightly, he threw the penny into the fountain, “I wish Kris was here with me, right now” he whispered, hearing the coin make a plop noise as it landed in the water.

He opened his eyes and glanced around, and surprise, surprise, no Kris.

Then, out of the blue, he felt a pair of arms wrap around him from behind. Without so much as a second thought, he let his elbow back into the unknown person’s stomach, then he felt them let go as they groaned.

Turning around, he saw the person on the floor, clutching their stomach, a duffle bag off to the side of them, and then it hit him that he knew them. He knew them very damn well.

“Oh my god! Kris!” he called out in panic, “Are you okay?! I am so, so sorry! I thought you were an attacker!”

“Since when do attackers hug you?” Kris groaned, accepting Tao’s help and getting back to his feet.

Tao tutted, “You don’t know! It could have been a tactic!” he defended himself, still feeling a little guilty.

Kris rolled his eyes, but dropped the matter. He opened his mouth to speak, but Tao beat him to it;

“ERMAHGERD! I WAS WRONG ALL ALONG! MAGIC IS REAL! THE FOUNTAIN WORKS! OH EM GEE... I CAN’T WITH THIS. SO HOGWARTS MUST BE REAL!! I KNEW IT! Aw, damn, that means I’m just a stinkin’ muggle. No wonder Dumbledore hates me...” Tao sighed, sticking out his bottom lip in a pout.

Kris watched him with a look that was somewhere between disbelief and amusement, “Are you done?” he asked, picking his bag up from the floor.

“Can you let me have a moment?! My life if a lie!” Tao huffed.

“Well, Mr. My-Life-Is-A-Lie, do you want to go get something to eat? My treat?” Kris chuckled.

Tao perked up almost instantly, “Food?!” he beamed, “You couldn’t have started with that? Let’s go!” he grabbed Kris’s hand and pulled the taller to the closest place that sold the kind of food he liked, which just so happened to be pizza.

And after they ordered, Kris was starting to regret offering to pay...

“So, you wanna tell me what the hell you were freaking out over before?” Kris asked, taking a large bite of his pizza.

Tao looked around awkwardly before shoving more food in his mouth with a shrug. Kris waited as the younger boy chewed and finally swallowed his food.

“Well... I just... my wish came true, so ahaa, yeah... magic...” Tao laughed nervously.

Kris smirked, raising an eyebrow as he did, “Magic, huh? I could show you a little magic, if you want”

Tao rolled his eyes, “If you’re talking about , can it wait? I’m eating...” he said, emphasizing his point by taking another large bite of his pizza.

“Wow, Taozi. Way to make a man feel like you want him...” Kris glared playfully, “And here I was thinking we had a connection”

“And here I was thinking that the only connection we had was that one time your connected with my ” Tao shot back with a smirk and a wink, ripping off another hunk of pizza with his teeth.

Kris scoffed, “And I suppose you think you’re being funny?”

“I don’t think I’m being funny... I know I am” Tao grinned, “But I’m only kidding, don’t get too huffy, big boy”

“Big boy?” Kris laughed, resting his chin in his hand and watching Tao finish off the rest of the pizza.

Tao couldn’t help but chuckle, “Don’t let your ego inflate any more than it already has, Kris, I was being playful”

“Hey now, you have to admit, I’m pretty well endowed” Kris grinned, “Eh? Eh?” he wiggled his brows.

Tao said nothing as he shot a wink at Kris and wiped his mouth with a napkin before standing up and walking away, waggling his as he did.

Kris rolled his eyes but let out a soft chuckle as he placed some money on the table to cover their bill then got up and went to catch up with the younger.

Thankfully, he didn’t have to go too far, seeing as Tao was just outside the restaurant talking to someone. Someone that turned out to be Kyungsoo.

“Yeah, then he got all huffy about it” Tao giggled, “He’s so cute sometimes”

Kyungsoo laughed, “Well, can’t say I expected that, but um, if it’s all true, then you’re a lucky boy, TaoTao” he shook his head.

“Oh, it’s true, believe me” Tao grinned.

“Did I miss something?” Kris asked, walking over and wrapping an arm around Tao’s shoulders.

Tao smiled up at him and accepted the soft kiss that Kris offered him, “Not a thing. We were just talking about... um...”

“GIRL STUFF” Kyungsoo shouted out in a panic, then scratched the back of his next nervously, “I mean, um, stuff you’d find girly? Ahaa, you know me and Tao. We’re down with the, um, pink and uh, frills and stuff...”

“Riiiiiight...” Kris nodded, “So, erm, Taozi, are you ready to go? I have basketball practice soon and you said you were gonna come and watch?”

Tao nodded with a cute little smile, “Yeah,” he turned to Kyungsoo, “You want to come too, Kyung-ge?”

“Sure, TaoTao~ Let’s go” Kyungsoo beamed, taking a hold of Tao’s hand as the two of them skipped off towards the basket ball court, leaving Kris stood behind watching after them with a look of disbelief on his face...

“I wanted to walk with Tao...” he huffed before walking along after the two of them, his duffle slung over his shoulder.


“Okay, okay, one more time!” Chanyeol beamed, re-starting the song as he and Baekhyun grabbed a hairbrush each and got into a pose;

Baekhyun nodded, bringing the hairbrush to his face and taking a deep breath;

“They say we’re young and we don’t know, we won’t find out until we’re grown!”

Chanyeol laughed and brought up his brush, “Well I don’t know if all that’s true, ‘cause you got me and baby, I got you”

They both looked at each other and sang;

“Babe. I got you babe, I got you babe”

Baekhyun giggled as Chanyeol started up again, “They say our love won’t pay the rent, before it’s earned, our money’s all been spent. Take it away Baek!”

“I guess that’s so, we don’t have a lot, but at least I’m sure of all the things we got!” Baekhyun sang, biting back a laugh, “Sing with me now, Channie!”

“Babe, I got you babe. I got you babe~”

Both of them were so caught up in the song and giggling at one another that they didn’t notice Suho standing in the door watching them, looking slightly. Without so much as a word, Suho backed slowly out of the door and closed it softly behind him before walking back down to his own room.

“I got you baaaaaaaabe~” he sang in a whisper to himself as he walked the short distance, “Dammit.... LAY! I NEED YOU TO GET SOMETHING ELSE IN MY HEAD! STRIP FOR ME!”








A/N: So that just happened...
I'm not even sure what happened here, it just kind of did, which goes to show that I write like a when I'm bored and sleep deprived~
Even so, I hope you liked this chapter, despite the randomness :')
And ooo~ Look, more insight into their pasts~ ChenLay (My guilty pleasure)

So, comment and lemme know what you though~
Sub, Vote, you know the drill!

Feel free to Friend me too~ I don't bite~ kekeke~

Much love~
Until next time<3


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Guise! I'm sorry, but the next update won't be until either Sunday or Monday as I won't be home until Sunday as I'm visiting family over the weekend! 06-02-14


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