
It's all fun and games

It was only eight-thirty and Sehun was already beside himself with drunkenness. Kai was in a similar state, as they both chugged down their beers, as the crowed egged them on.

“Chug chug chug chug chug!” The crowd sang as Sehun and Kai finished off their pints and slammed their glasses down on the table, the crowed erupted in cheers and whistles.

“See, didn’t I tell you this was a good idea?!” Kai laughed to Sehun, who was starting to feel a little dizzy from the alcohol.

“Yeah, yeah! Shut up and go bone your little owl boy!” Sehun rolled his eyes before yelling “Another round bar wench!”

The girl behind the bar giggled as he got Sehun and Kai another pint each and set the down on the table, bending over so to show Sehun her , in her tight little mini skirt.

Sehun, though intoxicated, rolled his eyes, “Sorry, love. You’re not my type” he deadpanned and took another sip of his drink.

“Oh baby, I can be anything you want me to be~” the girl winked sleazily.

Sehun was torn between laughing and gagging. She was a pretty girl, don’t get him wrong. She had a banging body and a pair of to die for, but she was lacking something vital. She wasn’t Luhan, “Can you grow a ?” Sehun asked.

“Um.. No?” The girl answered in confusion.

“Then you’re not my type” Sehun reiterated.

The girl cocked her brow at him, “So you’re gay? Gee, like I’ve not heard that one before...”

“You don’t believe me?” Sehun asked in amusement.

“Nope, so prove it... Kiss your buddy here, and I’ll leave you be, but if not... you give me your number and take a chance on me” the girl said with a lazy smile.

Sehun had to give her, her dues, she was determined if anything.

“Yo, Kai!” Sehun called over to his best friend who was now dancing to himself.

Kai looked up at Sehun and beamed, “Sup?” he droned out.

“I need you to make out with me...” Sehun winked.

And Kai being Kai... “Let’s do it!” he grinned and walked forward to Sehun, where he gripped on to Sehun’s hair and smashed their lips together.

It was sloppy, and kind of gross, but being as sloshed as they were, they didn’t give a flying as they made out for the girl with the big jugs – who was watching them with a lustful look in her eye. Talk about creepy – their hands roaming over one another and their tongues tangling.

It wasn’t until Sehun felt like he was gonna pass out that he broke the kiss and offered Kai a swollen lipped grin before wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. As did Kai.

They went on from there, downing more drinks – which had moved on to shots – and singing and dancing with the crowed of regulars as the juke box played.

By the time midnight rolled around, Sehun and Kai staggered out of the pub and made their way back to their dorm, giggling and tripping over nothing as they did.

It was chilly out but neither of them noticed due to the state they were in. They reached Exo dorm before long and somehow managed to get up the stairs and to their floor.

When they arrived at Sehun’s door, they had a brief hug before Sehun opened his door and fell into his room where Luhan was waiting with a look of worry on his face, which soon turned to anger as he took in Sehun’s inebriated state and Kai’s laughter ringing out from the hall way.

“Oh Sehun, do you wanna tell me where the you’ve been?! And why in God’s name you’ve not been answering your damn phone?!” Luhan seethed.

“Whoa, calm down, y~ I was just out with Kai!” Sehun laughed as he got up from the floor, flipping Kai the bird before closing the door and turning back to Luhan, “Why? Did my baby miss me?” he asked.

“You’re drunk” Luhan deadpanned, “You’re actually drunk. Just great” he huffed.

Sehun pouted and moved towards the elder, wrapping his arms around Luhan’s waist and resting their foreheads together, “Don’t be mad, Princess. I don’t like it when you’re mad at me”

Luhan sighed and rested his hands on Sehun’s shoulders, “Sehun. Stop. You’re off your face – I’ll be having ing words with that Kai tomorrow – and you need to sleep, so just go to bed, please” he said, the last word coming out as more of a whimper.

“No~” Sehun whined, “I wanna hold you, and kiss you, and just never let you go. Sleep can wait” he giggled cutely before placing a soft kiss on Luhan’s lips.

“Don’t do this...” Luhan whispered, “Sehun, please, I can’t do this. Not tonight. Not when you’re like this”

Sehun frowned and kissed Luhan again, still softly, but with more force this time until Luhan relented and finally kissed him back.

Luhan couldn’t help but wonder how Sehun could kiss so sweetly, so thoughtfully even when he was pissed off his head. He knew this would probably come back to bite him in the , but he couldn’t help himself when Sehun’s lips felt so soft against his own.

He could taste the alcohol on Sehun’s breath, a mix of beer and whiskey, but he couldn’t seem to care at the moment.

“Luhan... I really, really like you” Sehun murmured against Luhan’s lips, “A lot”

“Don’t say that” Luhan sighed into another kiss, his hands the material of Sehun’s t-shirt.

“But I do” Sehun panted, “You’re amazing, Lu. You’re smart and funny, and hot. You’re everything I want, everything I need... I just like you so much...”

Luhan smiled ruefully and pulled away from Sehun, taking a step back, “You need to sleep” he whispered sadly, “Come on.”

Sehun said nothing as Luhan pulled him over to the elder’s bed and sat him down. He watched Luhan’s face intensely as the elder walked over and pulled a clean, over sized t-shirt out of Sehun’s draw before walking back over to the younger.

Luhan bit his lips and looked down as he undid Sehun’s belt and jeans before tugging them off, along with the younger’s shoes. He then pulled off Sehun’s jacket and t-shirt before pulling on the clean t-shirt and pushing Sehun to lay down.

“You’ll sleep with me, right?” Sehun muttered sleepily as Luhan tossed his used clothes into the wash basket.

“Will that shut you up?” Luhan sighed as he flicked off the light.

“Mm” Sehun smiled and opened his arms to the elder.

Luhan, reluctantly, walked over to Sehun and crawled into bed, snuggling into Sehun’s hold as the younger buried his face in Luhan’s hair.

Oh how Luhan was not looking forward to when they woke up.


Xiumin giggled as Chen planted kissed on the back of his neck, “Jongdae, I’m trying to clean” he laughed, turning to face his boyfriend.

“Can’t you do that later?” Chen pouted, “I want you now~ Cleaning is being a block”

Xiumin raised an eyebrow, “Did you just refer to cleaning as if it were a person?” he asked in amusement...

“Maybe I did, maybe I didn’t” Chen grinned, “But really, it can wait. We have plans today, remember. We’ve got to meet up with Sehun, Luhan, Kris, Lay and Yeol in half an hour for lunch”

“Crap, is that today? I completely forgot! Ah, I need to get ready! What does my hair look like?! Do I look okay? Is there toothpaste on my face?!” Xiumin asked frantically as he made his way over to his mirror and started piecing together his outfit.

“Min, Min calm your . You’re still lookin’ fine as hell. Chill. Now, can we havea quickie before we head out?” Chen grinned, winking at Xiumin sleazily.

“Mm, let me think about that, “Xiumin smirked, moving over to Chen and pressing against him teasingly. He let his lips ghost over Chen’s before moving back with a grin, “Nope! Let’s go”

Chen groaned as he followed Xiumin out of the room and over to Kris and Chanyeol’s room. They walked in without even knocking – there was no point anyway, seeing as the two of them were just arm wrestling – and greeted the two.

“Guys, you ready?” Chen asked, nodding towards the door.

“Yeah,” Kris yawned, getting to his feet and pulling Chanyeol up too, “Let’s do it. Who’re we meeting again?”

Chen thought about it for a moment before answering, “We’ve just got the love birds - Sehun and Lulu - and Lay”

“Alright, let’s go” Chanyeol grinned, leading the way out to the hall, where Lay was walking out of his own room.

He saw them and flashed then a grin as he walked up to Chen and slung an arm around him. They walked into Sehun and Luhan’s room and Chen couldn’t help himself, he burst into a fit of laughter.

Sehun was on the floor, looking haggard as he laid with his head on Luhan’s lap. Luhan was the younger’s hair soothingly whilst the younger groaned. He was clearly hung over, and Chen seemed to find it the most amusing thing in the world.

“It’s your own fault” Luhan said softly, his tone contradicting his words, “you’re an idiot. Do you remember anything from last night?”

Sehun let out a whimper, “I remember Kai convincing me that drinking all night was a good idea, then it kind of all goes blank”

Luhan sighed. Xiumin noticed there was a hint of disappointment in Luhan’s eyes, making him curious to know what had gone down the night before.

“Um, guys?” Lay spoke up, “You coming? We had plans for lunch...”

Luhan looked up apologetically, “Can we take a rain check? Sehun’s... well a , so we can’t make it today. You guys go though, and bring me back a brownie!”

Kris grunted with a roll of his eyes, “Whatever. Have fun taking care of your boyfriend”

And with that, the five of them left Luhan and Sehun to their own devices.

“Tell me again why we’re on the floor?” Luhan asked as he ran his fingers gently through Sehun’s matted hair.

“Because I got down here somehow after I went and puked, then brushed my damn teeth because ew, and now I can’t get up” Sehun whispered hoarsely. “You could have gone, you know”

“No, I really couldn’t. You’re an idiot that needs looking after, so here I am” Luhan answered, moving his hand from Sehun’s hair to the younger’s face and gently began to his cheek.

Sehun smiled despite himself, “That feels nice” he murmured, leaning into Luhan’s touch.

“Shut up and rest” Luhan replied amusedly.

It was quiet for a long time after that, with Sehun laying on Luhan with his eyes closed and a smile playing on his lips, and Luhan the younger’s hair in a sweet, soothing manner.

The silence was becoming slightly deafening so Luhan did the only thing he could think to do. He sang.

Of all the things I’ve believed in, I just wanna get it over with. Tears form behind my eyes, but I do not cry, countin’ the days that pass me by. I’ve been searching deep down in my soul. Words that I’m hearin’ are starting to get old. Feels like I’m startin’ all over again, the last three years were just pretend. And I say, goodbye to you~ goodbye to everything, I thought I knew~ you were the one I loved, the one thing that I tried to hold on to~

The song went on, and finally drew to an end. Luhan’s voice faded out and for some reason he felt kind of stupid for singing in front of Sehun, though he was almost sure the boy was sleeping.

But, to either his surprise or embarrassment, he wasn’t, which he learnt when Sehun spoke up after a couple of seconds.

“You’ve got a really nice voice, Lu” Sehun smiled, “Why’ve you never sang to me before?” he asked cutely.

“Because you’re a pain in the ” Luhan answered, “that goes and gets drunk with idiots from across the hall when he knows he has plans the next day”

“I said I was sorry like a million times already!” Sehun whined.

“Sorry doesn’t cut it, asshat. You’re lucky I’m a good person, I could have just left you here to rot” Luhan laughed, taking Sehun’s hand in his. “So, you really don’t remember anything from last night?”

“I... I don’t know... I mean, I think most of what I remember was just a dream, I mean... it can’t have been...” Sehun sighed.

“What is it?”

“I, don’t laugh, but I remember kissing you... I think. We didn’t, did we? Or...” Sehun furrowed his brows in frustration as he tried to remember.

Luhan sighed lightly, so much so that Sehun barely heard him, “We did” he whispered, “and your mouth tasted like crap”

“You loved it” Sehun laughed, then groaned in pain thanks to the throbbing in his head – he was going to kill Kai.

“Guess you’ll never know either way” Luhan teased.

Sehun smiled and cracked an eye open to look at Luhan, “You’re really cute, you know?” he said.

“I’m not cute, for the billionth time, I’m manly, !” Luhan shot back sassily.

Sehun opened his eyes fully and looked up at the elder with a small smile, “Do you liked kissing me, Princess?”

“Yeah, I guess I do” Luhan laughed humourlessly, “Do you like kissing me then, oh wonderful prince?”

“I do, actually. A lot. You have soft lips.” Sehun said honestly, “It’s nice, and I really, really wanna kiss you again right now”

Luhan smirked teasingly, “I thought I warned you not to fall in love with me” he chuckled.

Sehun said nothing as he took a hold of the front of Luhan’s shirt and pulled him down so that their lips were a mere inch apart, “Love’s a strong word, Princess. You should be careful how you throw it around” he whispered before pulling Luhan closer to close the space between their lips.


“That was weird, right? I mean, it’s not just me that thinks so, right? Right?” Chen asked as he and the other four sat down at their table. Xiumin sat beside him, Kris sat opposite him, with Chanyeol opposite Xiumin, then Lay sat at the head of the table, next to Kris and Chen.

“No, it was totally weird. Luhan... doesn’t just... do that” Xiumin shrugged, reaching over to the menu and look down to see what food he was going to get.

Kris frowned slightly, “He’s really fallen hard, huh?” he commented, “I’ve never seen him so...”

“Whipped” Chanyeol finished for him, “Never in all the time I’ve know the kid, have I seen him so concerned over another person. Hell, after what happened the other night, I figured he’d avoid Sehun at all costs”

“Maybe something happened last night?” Lay suggested as a waiter walked over with a little note pad.

“Can I take your order?” the waiter asked with a smile.

“Mm, can I get... A slice of the blueberry pie, a small fries, in a separate basket, and a chocolate milk please” Lay smiled, closing his menu.

The waiter gave him an odd look but wrote it down before moving to Kris.

“Yeah, uh, I’ll take the bacon cheese burger, fires and a large coke” Kris said, his face as impassive as always.

“Cheese steak and an iced coffee” Chanyeol grinned.

“Oo~ It all looks so good! Okay, I’ll have... a short stack, with a side of bacon and a lilt please” Xiumin smiled up at the waiter, who sent him a wink in return.

“I’ll have the same as him” Chen snapped at the waiter, who was still looking over Xiumin, “You can go now”

With that the waiter turned back to place their order.

“What was that about?” Xiumin asked, his hand rubbing Chen’s knee under the table.

Chen huffed, “Oh please, don’t act like you weren’t loving that with his greasy little wink and his eyes practically undressing you!”

Xiumin couldn’t help but chuckle, “Oh god. Jongdae, are you jealous?!” he giggled, taking a hold of his boyfriend’s hand.

“No” Chen huffed again, his cheeks tinged pink.

“Guys, can you not? I actually wanna eat when my food gets here, and you two are making me lose my appetite” Kris said, his lip curling up in disgust.

Chen rolled his eyes before smirking at Kris. Kris raised an eyebrow at the younger, but was answered when Chen grabbed Xiumin’s face and pulled him into a passionate kiss.

Chanyeol chuckled at Kris’s reaction – his lip was curled up, his eyes were furrowed and he looked kind of like he was going to up chuck whatever was in his stomach – whilst Lay just rolled his eyes and looked around to see if his food was coming over to them yet.

A short while later, their food arrived and they set about digging in. They were all pretty quite as they ate, food seeming to rank higher in importance than the company. Occasionally, Lay would kick Chen under the table, and receive a kick back in return, which made them both smile, irritating the others, since they hadn’t a clue what was going on.

The silence, though, didn’t last too long, because Chanyeol began to laugh, out of the blue.

“What are you laughing at? Idiot” Kris asked, turning his head to look at his best friend.

Chanyeol giggled lightly before looking up, “I just remembered that time when you pissed off Kyungsoo, and he put nair in your shampoo! And, ahaaa, and then he... showed everyone that photo of you on halloween with the tutu that Tao forced you into on!” Chanyeol set himself off laughing again, as well as the others – bar Kris.

“That wasn’t even funny! I had to wear freakin’ beanies and caps all year, even in doors and I looked like a grade A douche! Kyungsoo’s freakin’ evil at heart! He hides behind those cute little eyes, but he’s a demon!” Kris huffed in annoyance.

Chen laughed like nobody’s business at that, “TRUTH!” he chuckled, “That’s why he gets away with it all, he’s cute enough to have everyone wrapped around his little finger – mainly Kai – so he can get away with all his evil doings!”

Lay rolled his eyes, “He’s not that good. If he were truly evil, he’d be able to do all these things without people even suspecting anything” he said, before finishing off his drink.

“You sound like you’re talking from experience” Xiumin raised an eyebrow at the unicorn lovin’ boy.

Lay simply shrugged and shot him a wink – he was getting a lot of winks today – before placing down some money on the table to cover his part of the bill, “Catch you later guys, I’ve got an... appointment....” he smirked before leaving.

“You know he’s just going to go and find Suho so they can bang, right?” Chen commented airily as he watched his best friend leave.

“We’re well aware” Kris rolled his eyes before finishing off his drink and pulling out a wad of cash to cover his end of the bill.

The others followed suit and got out their dosh, leaving enough for a reasonable tip then stood up and walked out of the cafe.

“So, where to?” Xiumin asked as Chen took his hand and started to swing them back and forth between them as they walked.

“I dunno, we could go piss off Kai, I’m pretty sure he’s got a raging hang over” Chen grinned evilly.

“Oh he has, Baek text me earlier and said Kai was puking his guts up in the bathroom” Chanyeol laughed, “Serves him right”

“You’ll never guess what I heard though” Kris said as the four of them walked back towards the dorms.

Chen looked up at his dragon of a friend, “What?”

“Well, last night, my friend Henry was down at the pub, the one Kai and Sehun went to... And he told me that he saw them making out... I didn’t believe him at first, because he’s a little git that likes to cause trouble, but then a few of my other friends told me the same thing, then Amber told me too so I know it must be true” Kris said, his face bleak.

Xiumin’s jaw dropped, “No way! But Sehun is totally hot for Luhannie!”

“Not to mention that Kai is freaking whipped when it comes to Kyung...” Chanyeol added, “So what’s the deal?”

“Well, Amber said something about a bar maid coming on to Sehun or something and Sehun shouting about how he was gay... and then telling Kai to help him prove it” Kris clarified, “Do you think we should tell Luhan, or...?”

“No. Definitely not!” Xiumin objected, “It’ll break his heart if we do... I’ve never seen him fall so hard for someone... And to find out that Sehun made out with Kai of all people.. Lu’ll go ape ”

“That’s true” Kris sighed as they made their way into the building and up the stairs slowly so they could still talk about it.

“I don’t get those two” Chanyeol frowned, “Why don’t they just admit they like each other and start dating. I mean, everyone thinks they are anyway, it’d make sense if they just, well, did”

Xiumin chuckled lightly and gave Chanyeol a small pat on the shoulder, “Oh Yeollie~ It’s not that simple. Luhan is, for all intents and purposes, an idiot. Yeah, he likes our little lisp boy, but he thinks it’d damage his pride if he admitted it straight out. He needs Sehun to go to him. Trouble is, Sehun knows what kind of guy Lu is, and he’s scared he’ll get blown off...” he paused and looked at Chen who was biting back a laugh, “Not like that, asshat. So really, they’re both just scared, I think”

They reached the first floor and walked across the landing to the next set of stairs before starting up them to their floor.

“I think that’s stupid” Chanyeol said, “If me and Baek were like that...”

“You and Byun aren’t like that though, are you” Kris deadpanned.

Chen and Xiumin exchanged a look of curiosity, but said nothing about Kris’s unfriendly tone. Chanyeol though, seemed annoyed at it, and didn’t stand for it.

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” he demanded.

“Nothing” Kris said, not meeting Chanyeol’s eye.

Chanyeol glared slightly, “The hell it is! Come on, don’t act all ing shy now, spit it out!”

“Fine, you wanna know what I think?! I think you can do better than that prissy little eyeliner freak!” Kris growled.

“What the hell is your problem?!” Chanyeol shouted, wheeling around and shoving Kris against a wall.

Kris said nothing as he shoved Chanyeol off of him and walked away down the hall and into their room, slamming the door behind him.

Chanyeol was about to go after him, but stopped at the sight of a red faced Baekhyun walking towards them looking horrified.

“Baek?!” Chanyeol called out, pulling his boyfriend into his arms comfortingly, “What’s wrong?”

Xiumin and Chen, who were still in shock from Kris’s little outburst, looked at Baekhyun in interest, wondering what got the small boy in such a state.

“I...” Baekhyun said looking up at chanyeol in a mix of surprise and disgust.

“What? Spit it out, oh humble Queen Baek!” Chen pushed.

Baekhyun seemed to get over his shock a little as he pulled back to glare at Chen then sighed and looked at the three of them before speaking up;

“I just killed my first spider...”

Needless to say, Chanyeol felt like smacking his head off a wall.













A/N: Yo! How's it hanging?
So, here be le next chapter, what do you think?
Sorry if there are any typos or whatnot, I'm too lazy to go back and check :D

Anyways, let me know what cha thought,
drop me a comment. Sub. Vote. You know the drill!

Much love~
Until next time<3

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Guise! I'm sorry, but the next update won't be until either Sunday or Monday as I won't be home until Sunday as I'm visiting family over the weekend! 06-02-14


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