
Any of a class of sedative and sleep-inducing drugs derived from barbituric acid











The mixed of neon lights and smoke welcomed Jongin as he slowly open his eyes. He groaned as the smell of burned woods welcomed his nose. It was a minute later when he realized he was lying on the floor, arms and feet spread apart. He sat up and almost instantly, his whole body ached.



He clinched both of his hands into a fist and flinched. On his right hand was a small rectangular object with certain red spots on them and on his left hand was a crumpled picture; a Polaroid picture with the date “2011123” written on it.



Jongin squinted his eyes and observed the picture. On the Polaroid picture where two man; him with a frown visible on his face and a boy, smiling too widely while looking at him. Even though both of them looked pale in the picture, he can somehow feel the happiness coming from the picture, especially the other guy.



He sighed and without any warning, tears flow down on his face. He sobbed on the floor uncontrollably while clenching the picture to his chest. He tried calming down but it wasn’t working. After several minutes, he finally calm down. He stood up slowly, bearing the pain shooting every part of his body and checked his surroundings. The small room was a mess; pieces of broken glasses were on the floor, pictures and clothes were scattered everywhere. But between the messes was a small Christmas tree near the fireplace, decorated with different origami and underneath it was a small yellow box.



He cursed under his breath. It was already March, three months after that happened but he was still a mess. He still can’t move on. He can’t even remove the Christmas decorations all over the room. Though it only gave him pain every time he saw them, he just can’t remove them. He can’t. He won’t. It was the only memory he has of him and it’ll stay like that until he can be with him again.





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