Would You Like a Lemon Drop

Fly With Me

*Bonus Sequel*

Because of a lack of romance in the oneshot, I'm making this a twoshot. I know, realistically, this isn't probable, but I can dream right?

Warning: boys kissing, cursing

The first time Jongdae visits Joonmyun's house, he's horribly confused. It's fu, but staying with Joonmyun's family is like living in the most horribly upside-down, twisted, inverse world that drives Jongdae crazy. Every joke he makes falls flat; every conversation starter brings confusion. Being surrounded by the muggle world is even worse than by a language he doesn't understand, Jongdae decides. But Joonmyun's face lights up just so every time he sees Jongdae getting rowdy with his siblings or complimenting his mother's cake, and Jongdae can't help but try a little harder each day to get him smile.

The second time, they get there by a boat and train ride rather than Floo. It's oddly exhilariting to be on the streets of Seoul by themselves, buying tteokbokki and noodles as they go and falling asleep on the bus. They take a couple detours, when Jongdae accidentally reveals that he's never visited the royal palace (his father doesn't care for history and is far too overprotective to let him out alone) and Joonmyun feigns shocked outrage. An afternoon is spent mocking the elaborate palace and the horriblly-cliched historical dramas on television, both in the wizarding and muggle world.

"Oh no," Jongdae wails, "I'm about to be beheaded for soiling the Minister's robes! Whatever shall I do?" He punctuates the cry with a fake sob.

Joonmyun covers his chuckle with a hand and jumps down from the steps, his eyes twinkling.

"Never fear for I am here: the great prince of Korea! We shall get married today, thus saving you from your terrible fate!"

Other tourists shoot them dirty looks, but that doesn't stop the gaffaws. By the time they've made it to Joonmyun's neighborhood, they have "Chen" and Lord Suho" fully fleshed out, backstory and everything, and come barging through Joonmyun's front door still in laughter.

That night, he's downstairs helping Joonmyun's mother put sheets over the spare matress.

She chuckles. "You're really in deep with him, aren't you?"

"What?" Jongdae asks, his voice steady.

"Oh you know what." Her voice is light but her eyes are steady, watching over his face, judging.

"I have to use the bathroom, excuse me." Jongdae rushes out of the room faster than if someone had Accio'd him.

The couple days are horrible. He falls down the stairs, spills coffee over his shirt, and his hands won't stop shaking. He's so nervous that it hurts because is it really that obvious? Is that what everyone thinks?

"Oh golly," Joonmyun's mother clucks her tongue, taking his shirt to the laundry room, "I really shouldn't have said anything, shouldn't I?"

Jongdae follows dutifully, his face dusting slightly.

"I-It's not like that!" he stammers, "We're friends!"

"Ah yes, of course." She chuckles comfortably, like she's in on some joke and Jongdae hates the feeling of being out of the loop.

Maybe he does like Joonmyun that way. No he doesn't. Yes he does. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes.

Maybe he wants to keep Joonmyun smiling for the rest of his life.

Maybe he scared of ruining a friendship.

Maybe he's a coward.

Jongdae has never been great at unknowns.

Jongdae always blames the stress of finals week for addling his brains. Joonmyun helping him study. Little notes and treats left in his bag after stressful tests. Joonmyun's smiles and jokes and keeping from stressing over getting a perfect Outstanding grade and what he father might say if he's not the top of the class. Joonmyun. Joonmyun. Everywhere. It's intoxicating and easy and Joonmyun's scent beings to wrap around him like a security blanket every night and Jongdae feels himself falling into a pattern that he can't stop himself from plummeting into.

That Wednesday, they're studying for the History of Magic exam and Joonmyun leans over him to point at a section of the notes, and Jongdae looks up to see his face right there.

His brain must be dead because he's leaning forward and - all of a sudden his brain is ringing alarms and all he can think shitshitshit because Joonmyun is pulling away and Jongdae's body is halfway between hyperventilating and jumping off a cliff, so he does the only reasonable thing he can think of: run.

It's only a few minutes later, huddled on the bathroom floor and shaking, does Jongdae realize how much he just messed everything up

Unfortunately, as much as Jongdae would have liked, he can't actually stay on the bathroom floor forever (the first-years have been giving him odd looks) and he needs to pass his exams to keep his father happy for the time being.

Unfortunately, Joonmyun seems to be waiting for him outside the classroom, or maybe he's just standing there waiting for the teacher to arrive, or maybe he's just standing for fun. Jongdae's heart short-circuits the closer he gets and he sincerely hopes that the dates of the Goblin Revolution are so firmly engraved on his brain that he'll be able to recall them even as his brain is mushroom soup.

"Hello Chen Chen," Joonmyun greets softly.

Jongdae hesitates, glancing at his eyes for any sign of- what? Anger? Sadness? Confusion? But Joonmyun's guarded, cautious, or maybe Jongdae is and he's just projecting because he's never quite sure how he managed to crack Joonmyun or if he ever did.


"Are you ready for the test?"

Jongdae hesitates, not sure whether no because I spent the last two hours crying on the bathroom floor because you suck is an acceptable response before mumbling, "Ready enough."

"I'm sure you'll do fine"

Joonmyun smiles his half-smile and Jongdae believes for just a split second that everything will end up alright.

That night, they're curled up against the huge comfy chairs next to fire in the common room. Joonmyun strokes his hand through his hair.

"You're an idiot, Kim Jongdae. How you managed to ace your finals, I never know."

"Hey," Jongdae protests, "who are you calling an idiot?"

"You kissed me," Joonmyun replies, "and ran. Who the heck runs after kissing someone?"

"Well," Jongdae scrambles for a retort, "you were pulling away!"

"Because it was out of nowhere!"

Joonmyun pauses.

"Why did you?" He asks, quietly, staring at Jongdae's face.

I don't know is only half answer, but that's all Jongdae can think of. But Joonmyun deserves more than that, Jongdae knows, and all of a sudden, everything's flooding out.

"Because you don't like me that way and I know and I'm sorry, and it was so stupid of me, like I couldn't stop myself. Let's go back to the way we were before, okay? Because I really wanna keep you as my friend and I know I screwed up-"

"Wait, wait" Joonmyun holds his hands up, "Slow down."

Jongdae peeks around his bangs and Joonmyun doesn't look particularly annoyed- amused even.

"I never said no, okay." Joonmyun's eyes are soft and brown and vaguely apologetic, and Jongdae barely hears the rest of his sentence before crawling over and connecting their lips and tucking himself underneath Joonmyun's arms.

The third vacation is the most fun. He turn's Joonmyun's angelic siblings into complete brats and Joonmyun's parents already loved him.

The fifth is moderately worse, because Jongdae comes out to his father who throws a fit but he can't disown the favorite son, the most promising student in Hogswart, already recieving offers from not only the most prestiged establishments in Korea and China both, but also international Quidditch teams. Jongdae never was so happy as when all his father could do is grit his teeth and throw a grimace towards Joonmyun.

"You taste like lemon drops."

"You taste like home."

Before Joonmyun can make fun of him for the sappiness, Jongdae presses their lips together and smiles.

Wow that is the fluffieset sappiest thing I've ever written. I aplogize for any burning eyes or cavities.

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Chapter 3: this is so cute and sweet ;; <3
Chapter 1: this is cute, warm and cozy...
Chapter 3: Aw so cute :) I really enjoyed this!
cxxarpexxd #4
Chapter 3: This is definitely the best Hogwarts!AU I've read! Not just because it's suchen, but because it's si warm and sweet and cute ... ;3; thank you so much for writing this!
Chapter 3: One of the cutest Hogwarts!au I've read <3
D_S_H_ #6
Chapter 1: This was very sweet and I like their emotions and wish that you will make it longer.
Chapter 1: Hey~ I read it, and I understand you want to edit over it again, but I just couldn't wait. I'll judge your final version. But I liked it quite a lot. Chen's impatient personality and Suho's motherly angelicness (?) are characterizations I like a lot. Great work!