Special Note

Through the Eyes of Your Heart

This is not decimo27, but one of her friends. I am sure that some of you have seen that her profile was deactivated for a short time. Truth is that she actually passed away quite unexpectedly just last week. We are still trying to cope with it and I took the liberty to deactivate her account in case some of you were waiting for updates. Sadly there will be no more updates from her. However her close friends that knew about her hobby on this site have decided to leave her profile activated so you can still read her wonderful stories. Please do enjoy them and share them, because she absolutely loved writing them and put all her effort into them.

As for ungoing and incomplete stories… they will remain this way. If there is someone that would like to finish them, please message me in the next two weeks on this account. After that I will no longer login into this account as the loss is very hard on all of us.

I hope you all can understand. Thank you and God bless.

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Mistermind #1
Chapter 5: I'm sorry for your loss. May decimo rest in peace.
yoonabeauty #2
Chapter 4: rest in peace decimo i hope that you are in heaven
leesonekyu #3
Chapter 6: aw.. im sorry for your loss ..it is such a wonderful story..
RIP decimo27 eonni i love all your stories and i will miss you even though i dont even know you..as a reader to a great author be happy wherever you are:]
Chapter 4: Gone too soon but your stories will live on

Rest in peace
Chapter 5: Oh my gosh. Why. The fanfic made me so happy then suddenly..

Rest in peace. You left us something memorable
FeliciA530 #6
Rest in peace decimo27.
I really love reading you fics.
NeyryAki #7
Chapter 5: omg.. so sad :( eventho i dont know her more than just an author
i will miss her...im so sorry to hear that...
this really surprised me :(
Chapter 5: Rest In Peace decimo27, I'll miss you :(
I really love all of your story :(
ameeroslan #9
Chapter 5: Rest in peace decimo.
BrandonPikachu #10
Chapter 5: OMG..really unexpected..i really love her stories..may her soul rest in peace..