Chapter 18

My Daughter's Nanny

                "Where's Miyoung?"

                Joonmyun looked down and tried to say something but he couldn't speak; he didn't want to have to tell Yifan that he had lost their daughter but he also knew that every minute he stayed silent was another minute that could have been spent searching for Miyoung. He took a deep breath and looked up at Yifan with tears rolling down his face, "I-I lost her Yifan... I lost Miyoung... I-I'm so sorry," he whispered the last part, he didn't have enough strength to speak anymore.

                Yifan's eyes widen and for a second he stayed frozen as all the horrible things that could happen to his daughter played through his head. He shook his head and tried to make all the horrible thoughts in his head go away; he couldn't allow himself to think negatively because that would get him nowhere. He looked at Joonmyun and sighed, he was worried, sad and angry but taking his anger out on Joonmyun would not help the situation whatsoever.

                Yifan pulled the younger man into a hug and sighed, "Please clam down Joonmyun, you and I both know that Miyoung is smart, we'll find her." Joonmyun looked up at him and Yifan took the opportunity to wipe away the younger man's tears, "I'm so sorry Yifan." The older man just shushed him and gave the boy in his arms a quick peck on the lips, "I'm going to go find her, you stay here and calm down... she might came by this part of the mall so look out for her, if you find her call me immediately and if I find her, I'll call you as soon as possible too. The most important thing is to stay calm, do you understand me Joonmyun?" Yifan asked. Joonmyun took a deep breath and forced himself to stop crying, Yifan was right, they needed to stay calm if they were going to find Miyoung. The CEO smiled a bit when he saw Joonmyun finally relaxing, "I'm going to go look for her," he slowly let go of the nanny and left to look for his daughter.






                In front of Joonmyun, Yifan had acted cool and calm but deep down inside he was also very worried and freaking out, his daughter could be in danger, it was true that Miyoung was an incredibly intelligent four year old, which actually really surprised Yifan because she was around idiots like Chanyeol and Baekhyun a lot, but he also knew that there were mean people in the world. Mean people who could hurt his little girl; he couldn't allow that to happen, he had to find her before it was too late.

                He didn't know where to start or what to do with himself, so like a lunatic, he ran from store to store looking for the four year old girl while asking every person he ran into if they had seen a little four year old girl around, his heart broke every time another person would say "no."

                Yifan literally looked everywhere, the shoe stores, the accessory stores, the clothing stores, the food courts and the children stores, Miyoung's favorites. After about forty five minutes he was back to the beginning and he still hadn't found Miyoung, he felt tears come to his eyes and tried hard to blink them away, this was no time to cry and be weak, he had to find his daughter because he wouldn't be able to live with himself if something happened to her. He always blamed himself for the death of Sooyeon and he would blame himself if anything happened to his daughter, she was all he had left, she was the most important person in his life... Yifan would simply not want to live if he lost his daughter.

                As Yifan searched Miyoung's favorite princess store for the third time, he felt his phone vibrating and immediately took it out of his coat pocket without bothering to check who it was, he just hoped it was about Miyoung. Maybe Joonmyun had found her.


"Hello? Is this Wu Yifan?"

"Yes, this is he... who is this?" he asked.

"I work as a security guard at COEX Mall, do you perhaps know a young girl by the name of Miyoung?"

Yifan felt a sense of relieve take over him, "Yes, she's my daughter. Is she okay?" he asked.

"Yes, yes, she's just a bit scared but a nice young man brought her here and she gave me this number to call."

Yifan mentally thanked Luhan for teaching Miyoung Yifan's phone number (because he always said it might be needed some day) and smiled, "Okay, I'll be there to get her in a few minutes. Thank you so much."

                Yifan put his phone away and immediately ran to mall's security office, happiness and relieve took over him; his daughter was safe and that's what was most important. At that moment he realized how miserable his life would be without Miyoung, the little girl would always be always be his first priority but he also realized that he never wanted to see Joonmyun cry again, and when he did cry, Yifan wanted to be the one to wipe away his tears. Before he met Joonmyun, Yifan was a totally different person; he didn't want a relationship, but it's amazing how much had changed because now that's what Yifan wanted, to have Joonmyun as his lover... but more than that, he wanted to be a family. He smiled at the thought, wouldn't the three of them make the absolute perfect family?






                "Appa!" Miyoung jumped off the chair she was sitting on and ran over to her father with the biggest smile on her face, he bent down to her height and opened his arms up wide, she ran into his arms and sighed happily when her appa gave her a tight hug. Yifan kissed the top of Miyoung's head and smiled, "Do you know how worried I was?" he asked. The little girl smiled, "Sorry appa." He just smiled and picked her up, "Your umma is crying a lot, he is really worried Miyoung." The little girl looked down, "I'm sorry appa, I didn't mean to make my umma cry... that wasn't part of the plan," she whispred to herself. Yifan didn't hear her and reached for the cell phone inside his coat pocket, he looked through the contacts, he stopped at Joonmyun's name and called him before handing the cell phone over to his daughter, "Your umma will be more relieved to hear your voice."

"Yifan, did you find her?" Joonmyun asked as soon as he answered the cell phone

Miyoung could hear the worry in her umma's voice and felt bad for making him worry, those weren't her intentions,"Umma, it's me. I'm okay now."

Joonmyun let of a breath of relief, "I was so worried about you Miyoung. Are you sure you're okay? Are you with appa?" he asked.

"Yes umma, I'm fine... we're at the security guards office, hurry up and come here so you can see me again!"

Joonmyun chuckled, "I'll be there soon, bye Miyoung."

Miyoung smiled, "Bye umma."

                Yifan and Miyoung only waited about a minute for Joonmyun, he literally ran through the door and right to Miyoung, until he saw her safe and sound he was able to relax. He picked her up and hugged her tightly, "Miyoung, where were you?" he asked as tears of happiness come to his eyes. Miyoung holds up her teddy bear and smiles innocently, "I dropped my teddy bear and had to pick it up, when I looked back I couldn't see you." `Joonmyun tried to stop crying, "I could have bought you a new teddy bear." The little girl hugged her teddy bear tightly and shook her head, "No, uncle Jongin and uncle Kyungsoo gave me this one... it's special!" Joonmyun just smiled and hugged Miyoung's tightly, "I'm just so glad you're okay."'

                Yifan came up to the two after thanking the security officers and smiled before wiping away Joonmyun's tears, "Let's go home."






                Yifan put Miyoung down on her bed and stepped back and Joonmyun pulled the covers over her small body, they both stared at her for a while with smiles on their faces, "I'm so glad she's okay." The older man nodded in agreement, "Me too." The younger boy sighed, "Let's let her sleep," he whispers as he pulls the giant out of the bedroom and softly closes the door behind them.

                The two men make their way downstairs and to the living room, "Play for me," Yifan says while pointing at the piano. Joonmyun smiled and nodded before walking over to the piano and taking a seat, Yifan joined him and smiled, he loved listening to Joonmyun and even though he had heard him play multiple times now, it never seized to amaze him. As always, he closed his eyes as Joonmyun played and he enjoyed the music.

                Joonmyun would occasionally glance his way and smile, "Yifan," he whispered as he continued to play. The older man slowly opened his eyes and looked at him, "I think I'm in love," the nanny whispered softly. Yifan smiled and his heart beat faster, "I know I'm in love," he replied confidently, as he was; he was so in love with Kim Joonmyun. The younger boy smiled and looked back in front of him as Yifan continued to listen to the beautiful music that was being played.

                After Joonmyun finished Yifan surprised him by cupping his face and pressing his lips against the other's lips. It only took a few seconds for Joonmyun to process what was going on, and once he finally did, he immediately kissed back. They shared a long, sweet yet passionate kiss... they both felt like school girls, the butterflies in their stomachs went wild and their hearts beat faster, how cliché yet neither of them would want it any other way.

                Yifan pulled away first and rested his forehead against Joonmyun's, he smiled and caressed the younger man's cheek, "I love you." The younger boy smiled shyly and looked down, Yifan sighed, "Please... Joonmyun, give me a chance... I-I love you but I don't want to spend my whole life chasing after you, I just want us to be together. I want us to be a family, you, Miyoung and I. Just say yes." Joonmyun looked back up and Yifan and kissed him once more, he quickly pulled away and smiled, "Yes Yifan, I-I want to be with you... I want us to be a family too."

                Yifan's whole world change at that moment, Joonmyun said yes, he was willing to try and Yifan couldn't be happier. The feeling that he was feeling was indescribable, he didn't know what to do at that moment so he just hugged the younger boy tightly and thanked him over and over again while promising to make Joonmyun the happiest person on the earth. Joonmyun sighed happily and kissed Yifan again, "I love you Yifan."

                Miyoung watched the scene from upstairs and smiled happily, her plan had worked. She silently cheered before running back to her room; she was had to call everyone as soon as possible to tell them that her umma and appa were finally together.







This chapter was so lame, I was actually considering erasing it and rewriting it. But I ended up posting it.

I'm sorry everyone, I'm trying to finally add a bit more fluff and yeah, Yifan and Joonmyun are together now.

Yeah so......... I don't know if I should write a couple more chapters so you all can see how Yifan and Joonmyun's relationship blossoms and how they all kind of become a family or if I should just end it in the next chapter. Tell me what you guys think, you opinions all matter to me. :)

Anyways, no matter when this story does end, I just want to thank all of you who have stuck around this far. I really appreciate it! 

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I'm working on a new chapter, hopefully I'll have it up by today!


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Chapter 20: Finally Happy family.... Pls update more
2446 streak #2
Chapter 20: in a way, you can say that despite missing the completed tag, this story has ended since they finally got together... nvm Jun's stubbornness, he finally gave in to what he really feels abt Yifan and Miyoung... i believe we're just missing a few more moments of family fluff from these three so i still wanna thank authornim for this! was such a delight to read :)
2446 streak #3
Chapter 12: when Miyoung pointed at Jongin and blamed him for Jun leaving them, I FELT THAT!!! poor poor baby who only wanted her appa to be happy, but if only things worked as easily as a kid's dreams... Jun is being an idiot right now, yes, but still... how unfortunate that Miyoung, a very smart kid, had to witness everything first hand...
2446 streak #4
now this is definitely one of the fics i really wish we saw the end to... guess i just have to read it again for all the domestic fluff! it's been years since i last read this
kenlayyeolsoo #5
Chapter 20: Aaaaaaaahhhhh I want more....... It was so good..... Love it
Chapter 20: aah~ I miss this story ;; hope you update soon author-nin ^^
trymyluck #7
Chapter 2: I just love you after read the second chap... I love it...
Aqilah92 #8
Chapter 20: I love ur stories !! please update :-) can't wait xD
2446 streak #9
Chapter 20: this is abt to end right? we still need the finale...
please update soon :)
Chapter 20: Hope you update soon hehe ^^