♥ `plot lines;

♥ `l o v e d u s t; 「editing mode 」


below are the plotlines for the story and a brief description before and after the use of 'love dust'. to clarify;  the love interests (infinite) are not the boyfriend or crush mentioned in their description but will play a part 'after'.
the application and source code are in the foreward.




 the girl who wished for health;


    LOVE INTEREST: KIM sunggyu     

before;with her mother seriously ill and a younger brother to care for, she was too embarrassed and secretive with her home life. the secrets and lies were too much for her boyfriend who didn't get the answers he wanted, leaving her single. after; after opening up entirely to the new junior doctor on her mother's ward, she begins to lean on him emotionally more and more.









 the girl who wished for beauty;



before; if being the new girl wasn't hard enough, having a sister with stunning looks made her confidence drop even more. when she finds out her crush is dating her sister, she tries harder to be noticed. after; what starts with a compliment leads to a friendship between her and her new desk buddy who agrees to help her achieve her goal in winning her crush's heart.









 the girl who wished for brains;



before; she spent all of her time with her boyfriend, neglecting her studies and doesn't notice how badly she's failing until their sudden break-up. after; her teacher assigns her a tutor to try and rectify her grades. he works hard to put in more effort than she to make sure she passes. she sees this as an opportunity to focus on studying in order to get over her heartache.









 the girl who wished for revenge;


    love interest: lee howon   

before; what she thinks is a happy relationship is soon destroyed when she finds out her boyfriend has been unfaithful. after; when the 'other woman' makes herself known she is overcome with the need to get revenge. her morals become clouded in her quest to hurt to girl who hurt her and she creates a plan of getting closer to her brother in order to break his heart.








 the girl who wished for freedom;


    love interest: lee sungyeol   

before; her parents are so strict and controlling that once they found out she had a boyfriend they made every effort to scare him away and keep her on a tighter leash. after; when she gets into the habit of sneaking out late at night she runs into the neighbour's son on more than one occaision and they form a secret and unlikely friendship.









 the girl who wished for money;


    love interest: kim myungsoo   

before; her once wealthy family lose their fortune and her boyfriend suddenly deems her as useless. her parents see arranging her marriage as a way to get their riches back. after; determined to rebel against them and their plans, she takes up a part-time job with the hope she won't have to marry someone she doesn't love and begins telling her worries to her new co-worker.









 the girl who wished for redemption;


    love interest: lee sungjong    

before; despite having a boyfriend who loved her she saw herself having an affair, splitting up a once happy couple and losing her own boyfriend. after; desperately seeking some kind of forgiveness she joins an advice column to confess what she had done and ask for advice. after some harsh and hurtful criticism from one particular user, they begin an online friendship.










hello! finally I have gotten around to publishing this. there will be an application and cheatsheet added very shortly and it will shed a lot more light on what this story is about but if you have any questions please feel free to comment below or message me personally and I'll get back to you asap! I hope that this will receive a lot of love!


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♥ `l o v e d u s t; teaser may be posted any time soon... what do you think?;) 04/10


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Chapter 3: happy welcome to you :333
was Korea good? agh you're so lucky! :333
nah, we can wait for it so take your time
and reminisce Korea times hahaha :))
though i look forward to it... <3
toukyo #2
Chapter 3: Welcome back! Was korea fun? I hv never been there before T.T
Seems like ur tired though, so don't force urself You write for urself so update anytime u want. We don't want an author falling sick :)
Chapter 3: Welcome back!! :-))
How's your trip my dear?
Chapter 3: welcome back! o/ I'm sure Korea was fun, yes. c:
Good luck with this, author-nim! ^^
Chapter 3: HOW DID I FORGET TO APPLY OMFG. Ah well, I'll still continue supporting and reading this story; all the best with choosing and writing! < 3
jimeulk #6
Chapter 3: Oh welcome back o/
Hope you had fun c:
Can't wait for the story to start /flails/
Chapter 3: im sad i didnt apply. ugh, stupid school and curricular activities. :/
oh well, im excited to just read it~!! hwaiting author-nim, and good luck choosing the applicants.
brokenwings1232 #8
Chapter 3: I hope you had a good time in Korea!!
I can't wait to see the chosen applicants!
yeolsock #9
Chapter 3: how was your trip to korea? c:
i'm glad you're back and will choose the girls soon, but don't rush yourself huhu, if you have work then it's a lot more important than an applyfic ;u; anyways le me is excited for this o/
Chapter 3: Are you back from Korea author-nim? Is this applyfic close already? Since the dateline should be 4th november right?