“Hey, is everything okay?” Taecyeon ask as he reached them. He was panting hard.

Nickhun’s eyes roved over his face for a moment. “She’s still in the ER. The doctors were working on to removed blood clotting in her head.”  He motioned to the room. Then he looked away.

“What? Did she have an accident or what?” Taec asked, out of breath.

Top walk towards him and thump his back. “Take a breath first. Have a sit.” He led him to the empty space next to Nickhun.

“Hyung, you were in here too?” Taec asked, looking between Top and Nickhun. “What happen to Eunjung?” He clears his throat. “I mean, Nickhun.”

Top smiled. He lean his back at the wall and crossed his arm. “So, you already know are you? Looks like I’m the only one who didn’t.”

Taecyeon scratch his head. He nudge Nickhun’s arm, asking for some help, as he didn’t have any idea how to answer him.

“Yes, he already knew and the only one who knows about this until you discover it.” Nickhun says, sighing.

Taecyeon’s eyebrows furrowed. “What do you mean? Did he also know that the person in the room was not the real you?”

Nickhun nodded. “Eunjung end up in here because he’s the one who beat her.”

Taecyeon’s jaw dropped. “Why you do that, hyung?”

“I’m really sorry.” Top breathed out a deep breath. “I can explain it. He looks extremely suspicious and..”

Nickhun cut his word. “Look.” He looked at Top. “This might sound crazy, but you had seen it by yourself. Eunjung’s and mine body were exchanged, but not our soul.” He changed his view to the ER door. “She was not me.”

“Do you mean both of you had been cursed?” Top asked, a bit confused with Nickhun’s statement. “Or someone might be spelled black magic on you.” He went silent, thinking of any ways that led the incident to happen.

‘What is he thinking?’ He leaned closer to Nickhun, whisper. “He wasn’t crazy isn’t it?”

Nickhun shrugged. “I’ve told you, he was a freak.”

“Yeah, I think that spirit ritual probably can be one of the reasons.” Top added as an afterthought, almost to himself.

Taec’s mouth formed an ‘O’ shape. “I will never give you any doubt after this.” He nodded. “By the way, why your face looks completely pale?”

Top chuckled. “I bet you will laugh your off if I told you what happened before.”



Both of them were led to the room by a nurse for a blood transfer. As Nickhun watched the apparatus that will be used during the procedure, his face went pale.

“Are you okay?” Top asked him, a little worried. He’s already start with his blood transfusion. Nickhun nodded lightly.

“Ok, miss. Can you please relax a little bit? I will put this at your right arm.” the nurse says, trying to insert the IV line into his arm.

“Wait!” he shouted and standing up. The nurse and Top both was startled by his action.

“Can we use another method instead of.. a needle?” He asked, swallow hard.

The nurse stares at him. “Yeah. We do.” She nods. “If you allow me to bite your neck and your blood, then it was okay.”

Nickhun dumbfounded. “You weren’t serious aren’t you?”

“Hell no. This is not Twilight story.” The nurse starts to annoyed. “Now you want to do it or not? I don’t have all day.”

“O-of course!.” Nickhun answer in instant and quickly lays his back on the bed.

Top bite his lip, hold his laughter. “Miss, I’m sorry. But this girl had Belonephobia. So, be gentle with her will you?”

The nurse looks at Top with her eyebrows furrowed. “I’m medical student by the way.” Top says.

“Oh, okay.” The nurse nods.

End of flashback


“You blurt out even one word and I will make sure you regret it.” Nickhun put a gaze on him.

“Oh.” Top gesture a hand movement of zips his mouth. He smiled.

“Yah. What actually happen?” Taecyeon asked.

Nickhun exchange his look to Taec. “Shut up. And stop asking.”

After an hour, the ER room light turned off. As the door opened, the doctor walked out from the room and approached them whose sitting at the chairs outside the room. 3 of them jump up from their seats.

“Doctor, how is she?” Nickhun asked. But then he realized his mistake and quickly fixes them. “How is he?”

The doctor smiled. “The operation was successful and we already moved him to another room. But he’s still in unconscious state.”

“Thank you, doctor.” Top says. “Can we pay him a visit now?”

The doctor nods. “Yeah, sure.” He smiled.


Eunjung woke up with a start, gasping. She was trembling and her head ached. She felt another wave of sweat break on her forehead and she shivered. She had a bad dream! She could not recall the last fifteen hours of her life.

“Eunjung, you are awake.” Nickhun jump off from the sofa and approach her.

“E-Eunji?” Eunjung stuttered. Gently, she caressed his cheek and hair. Then she pulls him into her embrace. “I’m not dreaming.” She says, broke into tears. “I miss you so much Ji.”

“Ji?” Nickhun was surprised with her sudden action. “Eunjung-ah. Are you okay?” he asked.

She quickly shook her head. “No, I’m not. Please don’t leave me again.” A sob can be heard.

Nickhun was speechless. He didn’t know what to do. ‘Is she going insane because her head was knocked?’

Top was at the entrance door, with a bag full of clothes watching the scene in front of him silently. A huge deep breath was let out from his mouth when he walk approaching them.

“Eunjung- ah.” He says as careless her back.

She tilts her head. Eyebrow furrowed. “Top-shi?”

Top smiled with a small nod. “Your condition was not great yet. Why don’t you take some rest first?”

“But.” Eunjung was hesitated. She looks at Nickhun with glassy eyes.

“Don’t worry.” He takes a look at Nickhun. “She would not leave you.”

Nickhun gaze on him back with confused look. Top answer him with a slight nod.

Nickhun hold her hand and intertwined her fingers into him and give a peck on them. “I promise you.” He smiled. “Now, rest.” He helps her lie down on her bed and put her blanket on.

“Thanks.” A smile draws on her face. Nickhun was turning his back, when he felt someone grab his hand. He slowly looks at the owner of the hand.

“Can you stay here till I fell asleep? It’s felt like long time we didn’t sleep together. I miss that moment.” She says as she pat the empty side beside her.

“What?” Nickhun asked. ‘Is she out of her mind?’

Top leans closer to him and whisper to his ear. “Just do as she wishes. I will explain to you later.” He pats his back. “I’ll wait outside.”

Nickhun sigh but still obey with what his step brother asked for. He slowly jump up to the bed and lay beside Eunjung while Top walk out from the room.

A moment later, Nickhun come out from the room and carefully close the door. He doesn’t want Eunjung wake up.

“Is she already sleeping?” Top asked.

Nickhun nods. “She’s freaking me out.” He throws his body to the empty seat beside Top. “I feel so gay. I never think a guy would careless my face and it’s depressing more because the guy is me. Ergh. It’s disgusting. Is she crazy or what?”

Top let out a light chuckled. “No need to get emotional, brother.”

“It’s easy for you to say. You are not in my shoes.” Nickhun roll his eyes. “Now enlighten me. What was really happening in there?”

“It was normal for a person who just had their brain surgery. Due to the effect of the drug they may had the inability to recall the recent past but they will recall them back once her condition is stable.” Top paused. “But, the person that she called by name Eunji was real because the patient will only recall the long-term memories from before the event. It’s just I’m not really sure why she called herself as another person. I thought her name was Eunjung.”

They exchange their glance. Nickhun fished out Eunjung’s ID from her purse. He slowly scans her ID and read the name that written on the card. “Ham Eunjung.” He looked at Top. “That was her real name.”

“Maybe that person was her sister?” Top guessed. “Who knows.” He shrugged

Nickhun sigh. When he recall back how Eunjung stare at him. Her eyes are full of sadness that never got the chance to say. A feeling of guilt fills into him. ‘What’s wrong with me?’ he ruffles his hair.

Top looks at his brother weird action. He looks messy. “You must be tired for staying all night long.” He taps his back. “Go home and take some nap and refresh yourself. I’ll take care of her.”

“I’m okay. Don’t worry about me. I’ve grown up already, no need to take an order from someone like you.” Nickhun hissed.

Top smiled. “I thought when your physical was changed to girl then your heart will change too but it still like before. So stubborn like a rock”

Nickhun glare at him. “Don’t put your nose in other people business.”

“Okay.” He pouts. “But you really need to take some rest. Your eye bag was bigger than panda.” Top try to pull him up. “I bet you don’t want Eunjung throwing a tantrum once she looks at what you had done to her face.”

“Aish. I know. I know. Stop nagging like a granny” Nickhun says as he yanks his hand. “I can walk by my own.” He grabs his bag and walk away, stomp his foot like a child.

Top let out a chuckle. “This kid never change.” He shook his head and pulling his legs to Eunjung’s room.

The next day,

Nickhun was on his way to the hospital. It took him a whole day          to gain his energy back. After struggle about an hour preparing himself, because he want to make sure his appearance was suit enough for a girl. Laughter can be heard through the door. Nickhun smiled. It was his voice, but because of Eunjung his voice sounds cute.

‘Looks like she’s already back to normal.’ Nickhun thought.

He twisted the door knob, but when door was an inch open a question from Eunjung froze him on his way.

“Like seriously, how did you noticed that I was not him?” Eunjung asked.

“It’s simple. First, he didn’t have a car. So when I notice there’s a car at the entrance it makes me curious.”

“He doesn’t have a car? That’s mean he don’t know how to drive?”

“Erm…” Top paused. “He once was a great driver but because of some reason he decides to stops driving.”

“Oh..” Eunjung nods.

“But do you want to know what the thing that was really obvious you weren’t Nickhun?”


“Because of word ‘Hyung’,” Top laughed. “That kiddo that I knew would never call me by that name.”

“Like seriously?” Eunjung asked, disbelieve. “Why? I thought you were brothers.”

“We are step siblings. My mother married with his dad 8 years ago. When my mom announced she will get marry and I’m going to have a little brother, I was so happy. I always want a brother that I can spent my time with. Share happiness and sadness, a friend to bicker on and a brother who I can rely on. But still.” He paused. “Never mind, I’ve already perceived him as my brother.”

“Doesn’t he think you as his family too?”

“I think it’s better if you ask him by yourself. I don’t have any right to talk about him. He might cut my throat.”

Eunjung chuckled. “That was too much. He doesn’t have any guts to do something like that after all.”

“I know.” Top grins. “My little brother may look tough and strong guy but deep inside he’s just a bubbly and soft hearted child.”

Nickhun look down. He never cares about Top since they came into his life. He doesn’t hate him, but they come into his family too fast. The pains from the losses still remain. He sighs.

 “No worry. Everything will be okay.” Eunjung smiled as she holds Top hand. She gaze an encouraging smile to him as he return her the same. “Sooner or later he will realize how lucky he is to have a wonderful and handsome brother like you.”

“How I wish you were the real Nickhun.” Top smiled. “But this is enough to make me happy. Thank you.”

“Erm. Why not you just assume me as him? Well, for this time being I was him, right?”

“But, still.”

“Ah.. Please, Hyung.” Eunjung says with puppy eyes

“What did you just called me?”

“Hyung. Hyung. Hyung.” Eunjung says with aegyo.

“That was too much cute for Nickhun.” Top laughed. “Ermm. Okay. I will consider you as my brother.”

“Really?” Eunjung hug him. “I love you, hyung!”

Top was speechless. He hugs her back; imagine he was the real Nickhun. “I love you too, dongsaeng.” He says.

Nickhun look at Top. He can’t bear to stand and watch the scene in front of him. As he want turn his back, someone hold his shoulder.


Taec smiled. “Would you for once think about his feeling too?”

Nickhun sigh. He slowly nods. “I’ll try.”

He turns his eyes back to the inside of the room. Never have he realized that because of incident between him and Eunjung would change his broken relationship with Top.


P/s : I'm really sorry for late update. For Khunjung Shipper, next chapter would be lot of khunjung moment. I'm promise! but please bear a little because i was extra busy this semester. so, the update might be super late. Thank you for your constant support. Love ya!

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lialee #1
Chapter 7: update soon authornim
Princess910603 #2
Update soon.. please
ffajarr #3
Chapter 7: I'm waiting for your update authornim :)
yasminajung #4
Chapter 7: where the next chapter chingu...hehe...
update soon please...
Ramjung #5
Chapter 7: nice story *.* update soon plz ^^
1124 streak #6
Chapter 7: Aww eunjung in nickhun's body calling top hyung so cute.... Khunjung moments im waiting for it :-D
Chapter 7: hohohohoo..^^
Finally you update..
I'm waiting for you so long long time..
kekekekee.. :p

and yeii^^ TOP know they condition.. :D
xielai #8
Chapter 7: Yay... I can't wait for the next moment...

Khunjung moment..... love it..
Chapter 6: i love you authornim..update soon please.. :-D
1124 streak #10
Chapter 6: Top that hurts getting hit on the balls... Jungie in Nickhun's body i hope shes okay.... I forgot top is a weird guy thats why he figured it out quickly...