2 weeks later….


“Nickhun, where do you want to go?”

I was on my way to walk out the house when manly voices stop me. He was simply and solely was my only one annoying stepbrother, Choi Seung Hyun a.k.a TOP. 

I turn my head over my shoulder, looking at him who lay at the sofa reading Asian Witchcraft. It really doesn’t make any sense physiological student related with that kind of book. What a weirdo.

“I’m going to the mall.” I answer him shortly.

He closed his book and put them on the table and change to sit position.

“With whom?”

“Does that concern you?” Well, I meant it.

“Absolutely yes! You don’t have any idea how hard to be an older brother for such a handsome and charming little brother. Who know someone will put on spell upon you because of their jealousy over you.”

What the hell that he was saying? I bet he was too obsessed with that magic thing until he can’t think properly. Beside, this is not the Stone Age anymore.

“No offense, but you should take my advice. You should stop reading such a nonsense book because you become freakier day by day. And one more thing, to be clear you are not my brother. So, no need to act like one.” 

“Okay. But no offense, do remember sooner or later you may need my help.”  He said as he takes a sip of his salty coffee.

Even his taste was also weird. Like who drink black coffee with salt? Now he acts like a witch who can predict the future.

“Tch. Such a freak. Do you think you were Professor Albus Dumbledore? It’s okay then, I’ll wait for you to save me with flying broom.” I said as I pulling my leg towards the car.

 I can hear he laugh out loud over my words. The longer I stay with him, the sooner I will lose my sanity.

“I don’t know you were one of Harry Potter’s fans. But Khun ah, nobody use broom in this century anymore.” He said as he standing at the front door.

I just rolling my eyes and hop into Taecyeon’s car. This guy really pisses me off.

“What’s up hyung?” Taec greet Top with a wide smile on his face.

“Hey, Taec! Please take care of my little brother okay?” Top greet Taec back and with stupid reminder at the end. I’m not 6 years old!


“You can count on me hyung.” Taec said with a chuckle. This guy really wants to die.

“Thanks a lot Taec! By the way Khun, did you know Ham Eunjung?”

Is that a character in some movie? Now he drags me to the other topic of Witch World. Sigh~

“Jung what? I’m not into witch movie. So, don’t bother to ask me about their role in such a nonsense film.” I said as I give Taec signal to leave.

“Hyung, is that Eunjung who have long hair with pretty face and y lip that you meant?” Taec ask Top back.

Now, both of them trying to give me head ache. There is nothing I can do anymore, so I just leaning my back to the seat and let both if this alien talk with each other.

“Yes, that girl. If u meets her, please send her my regard. Thanks!”

“Okay Hyung! See you later, bye!”

Both of them waving with each other and after a minute, Taec’s were moving on the road.

“Yah! Want to die?” I ask Taecyeon who act like nothing happen. Doesn’t he know I don’t like Top?

“Chill bro. It was fun. You were so lucky to have him as a brother. He was kind so though. And cute.” Taec said with chuckle that make him deserves to get a smack at the head.

“What was that for?” he ask in disbelieve look.

“Stop talking nonsense. Where are we heading for?”

“To the Paradigm Mall. I want to show you my new music store.” He said with proud face. To be honest, in our group he was a very hardworking person.

“Really? Congratulations! So, we need to celebrate it then. Is Chansung in?”

“Of course! He’s already there. Btw Khun, when you want to get your own car?”

This boy was never get bored to ask same question.

“Why? Are you bored to fetch me up?”

“I didn’t mean that. But sometimes the fact that you don’t have a car even though you can afford more than one really bothering me. Don’t say that it was because of the past accident?”

Yes Taec. It was true. But should I say that I’m afraid to drive because of the incident that happens 5 years ago? It was the accident that takes both of my father and brother’s life in one day.

“We can't be afraid of change. You may feel very secure in the pond that you are in, but if you never venture out of it, you will never know that there is such a thing as an ocean, a sea. Holding onto something that is good for you now, may be the very reason why you don't have something better.”

“Now you sound like Alfred Tennyson to me.” but he has a sense though.

“I know. I just pick that word from some quote. Haha!” geez, that kid.

“Whatever. Thanks btw.” I said as my edge of the lip curved.

You can count on me like 1, 2, 3

I'll be there

And I know when I need it

I can count on you like 4, 3, 2

You'll be there

'Cause that's what friends are supposed to do, oh yeah

Ooooooh, oooohhh yeah, yeah” Taecyeon singing Count On Me by Bruno Mars. This guy was really knows how to make me better.

“Stop it. You give me a goose bump.” I said with chuckle.

“Come on. Sing with me. I know you want it!” he said while move his upper part of body like dancing.


“Yah! Focus on your driving dude!”

“You were so not romantic Nickhun shi.” Taecyeon pout and stop dancing.

“Whatever. I’m not into fashion terrorist person.” I said as we burst into laughter.




Today, I invite Eunjung into my house. Although we know with each other only in 2 weeks, but we’ve got some chemistry that make us comfortable with each other. She’s not like some kind of snobbish rich girl.

“Welcome to my house. I’m sorry if this house wasn’t same like yours.”

“Please don’t say like that. I’m okay with this house. It looks warm.” She said as she takes a look at the surrounding.

“Unnie, I’m home!” I search for Hyomin but she wasn’t in her bedroom.

Where is she?

“Jiyeonnie, I’m here.” I heard her voice from living room.

As I reach there, I saw both Hyomin and Eunjung were talking with each other.

“Is she Eunjung who you always talked about?” Hyomin asked me.

“Yes, unnie.” I answer her as I take a spot beside Eunjung.

Hyomin softly touch Eunjung’s face and caresses her hair with smiling on her face.

“You must be pretty Eunjung shi.” Hyomin’s word makes Eunjung blushing.

“Yes, Unnie. She was beautiful like an angel.” I said to Hyomin make Eunjung chuckle. She hit me lightly.

“Stop teasing me. Unnie, don’t believe in Jiyeon. She was kidding.”

“I didn’t. I’m saying the truth. She was pretty, unnie.” Still I want to tease Eunjung. It was fun to .

“Unnie..Look at Park Ji. She bullies me.” Eunjung complains to Hyomin with cute voice. I was giggling over her action.

“Ji.. Stop teasing her.” Hyomin said with serious face.

“Okay2. I’m sorry.” I give up.

“Hehe. I love you unnie.” Eunjung said as she gives a peck at Hyomin’s cheek.

“Unnie, have you eaten your medicine yet?”

Hyomin’s smile turns into frown after listening to my question. This sister was really hard stubborn.


“You skip it again? You know I was working so hard to get them. Why don’t you appreciate what I’ve done to you?” I didn’t mean to release anger to her but sometimes she really behaves like a little kid.

“I didn’t ask you to buy them! You know the fact that I will never able to get my vision back although I eat a ton of medicine. I’m blind Jiyeon, not short sighted!” Hyomin yell to me. She burst into tears.

I don’t have any idea how much tears she waste over her blindness. But I’m sick of this anymore. Why doesn’t she try to make it easier?

“I’m..” before I could finish my word, Eunjung cut me off.

She laid her hand on my shoulder, and shook her head. Her lip drawing a smile as she give ‘leave it to me’ sign.

 I watch she pull Hyomin into her embrace and caresses Hyomin’s hair.

“It’s okay Unnie. It’s okay. ” She was acting like a mother who was trying to consoling her crying daughter. Hyomin tighten their hug.

 “Life is a struggle. Life wills through curveballs at you, it will humble you, it will attempt to break you down. And just when you think things are starting to look up, life will smack you back down with ruthless indifference.

The reason most people never achieve their dreams is because they simply give up. Life was never meant to be easy. It’s a constant struggle, with extreme lows and extreme highs. Remember that the times when it’s most important to persevere are the times that you will be most tested.

Never give up on what you really want to do. The person with big dreams is more powerful than one with all the facts. Don’t give up. There are too many nay-sayers out there who will try to discourage you. Don’t listen to them. The only one who can make you give up is yourself. Winners never quit, and quitters never win. And we believe in you, Unnie.” Eunjung said while pat Hyomin’s back.

“Gomawo.” Hyomin release the hug, still sobbing.

“Now, I want you take your medicine because I want to take you out later.”

When did we plan to go out? And I’m pretty sure Hyomin don’t want to follow us. She never goes out from this house since she’s blind.

 “Don’t worry. I can be your eyes and your stick. Please Unnie, I’m begging you. And I promise you that I will be fun. Right, Jiyeonnie? ” Eunjung wink.

“Yes. Sure.” I nod. Like Hyomin can see. Sigh~

“Okay.” Hyomin agreed.

“Really? I love you Unnie!” Eunjung said as she hug and kiss Hyomin.


I look at Hyomin Unnie face. She was smiling brightly. Why should I jealous over them?

“Unnie, you sit here and don’t go anywhere okay? Park Ji, where’s unnie’s medicine? Can you show me?” Eunjung ask me.

“In the kitchen.” Hyomin said. I never seen she was this excited.

“Can you help me Park Ji? Eunjung ask as she grab my hand and drag me to the kitchen.

The kitchen’s room was conquering with silence. Both of us standing with our back facing with each other.

“Jungie, I’m sorry bout earlier. Before this, she never that sensitive, but after the incident, we sometimes had a fight because I can’t control my temper.” I said to Eunjung.

“I’m envious of you.” Eunjung’s word makes me turn my back and facing her.


“A sister is someone who listens when you talk, Laughs when you laugh, and holds your hand when you cry. Having a sister is like having a best friend you can’t get rid of.  You know whatever you do, they’ll still be there. You’re lucky to have one.” She said with a weak smile.

“Hey. If she’s my sister, than she is yours too.”

“Really?” her face turns to bright.

“Yes.” I nod.

“Thanks Park Ji. Saranghae!” she said as she hugs me. I was giggle over her action.

“Ji, can you give Unnie’s medical prescription to me?”

“What for?”

“From today, if you need anything just tell me okay?” she said with okay hand gesture.

“But you don’t have to do that.”

“I want to. Hyomin unnie was my sister too.” And she walks out the kitchen.

Aish, what should I do with this friend?


We were having our dinner when 3 girls were walking into the restaurant that we are in. All of them were laughing happily, but I think one of them was blind since both two girls led her way. What a waste, because she is hot.

“Taec, is she the new girl that day?” Chansung said as he pointed to the girls that I see earlier. They know them?

“You are right. Look like her. Wait, is that Hyomin? I’ve never see her after she quit her study.” Taecyeon say while he takes a sip of his juice.

“Her life sure turns bad since she’s blind. But it wasn’t her fault.” Both of them were talking with each other.

“How you know all of them?” I ask taec.

“They are our college mate. But Hyomin was ex. She is in our batch while the two was our junior.” Taec explain to me.

“What happen to her?”

“Her eyes were sensitive. She joins The Musical Club and they take part in International Musical Competition at USA but during the rehearsal she was trying too hard and were exposing to too much light. After a month, she lost her sight.”

Well, it’s kind of unfair to her. But in this world, nothing is fair.

“Who’s the other two?.” I ask Chansung. The blonde one was pretty though.

“The blonde one was Jiyeon. Hot in and out. Pretty face but bad tempered. The other one was transfer student from German. What was her name, Taec?”

“Eunjung. Ham Eunjung. Wait, Eunjung shi!” Taec called the girls.

Ham Eunjung? Her name was familiar. But where I heard that name before? The tallest long hair girl diverts her attention towards our table. Her lip curving a smile as she saw Taec wave to her. After talking with other two, she came towards us.

“Hey, I never thought I'd see you here. How are you?” She greets Taec as both of them had a handshake.

“Me too. I think you already know this guy, Chansung and he is Nickhun.” Taec introduce us to her. Does he have to? I’m not interested with this plain girl.

“Oh, nice to meet both of you.” She said as she extends her hand for a shake.

“My pleasure Eunjung shi.” I never know they were so friendly.


I was on my way to eat when Taec nudge my arm.


Taec just give me eye signal to that girl. Oh, she was waiting for me to accept her shake.

“Hi.” I said with greet hand gesture. She drops her hand and replies me back with a nod and smile.

“I've got to go first, they are waiting for me. See you later.” She said as she bid a good bye.

“Eunjung shi.” Taec call her back. She turns over her back.


“Before I’m forgot, Top ask me to send his regard to you.” Taec said.

Okay. Now I remember! So that psycho likes this girl? He got no taste at all.

“Top? Owh.. Thanks a lot. Say my hello back to him.”

Doesn’t she know now we use messaging? Taec was a cupid or what?

“Alright.” And she walks away.

“Yah! Do you really have to do what Top say? Am I your friend or him?” I ask taec

“Chill bro.. And don’t forget to deliver the message to your brother. He must be happy.” Taec said as he chuckle.

“Do you think I don’t have any better job to do?” i said as I stand up.

“Hey, take it easy. Where you want to go?” chansung ask me.

“Toilet. Why? Want to accompany me?”

“Not interested.” Chansung said emotionless.

Because of the toilet was uni, so I have to wait for my turn. Once the girl was out, I realize that she was one of the girls. And she was smiling when she passed beside me.  

As I enter the room, something shiny attract my attention. It was a unique earring. Not a pair, just one of them.



Should I take it? But it was not mine. Never mind, I was the one who found it then this earring will be mine. 

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lialee #1
Chapter 7: update soon authornim
Princess910603 #2
Update soon.. please
ffajarr #3
Chapter 7: I'm waiting for your update authornim :)
yasminajung #4
Chapter 7: where the next chapter chingu...hehe...
update soon please...
Ramjung #5
Chapter 7: nice story *.* update soon plz ^^
1126 streak #6
Chapter 7: Aww eunjung in nickhun's body calling top hyung so cute.... Khunjung moments im waiting for it :-D
Chapter 7: hohohohoo..^^
Finally you update..
I'm waiting for you so long long time..
kekekekee.. :p

and yeii^^ TOP know they condition.. :D
xielai #8
Chapter 7: Yay... I can't wait for the next moment...

Khunjung moment..... love it..
Chapter 6: i love you authornim..update soon please.. :-D
1126 streak #10
Chapter 6: Top that hurts getting hit on the balls... Jungie in Nickhun's body i hope shes okay.... I forgot top is a weird guy thats why he figured it out quickly...