

Sehun turned to see his Aunt Boa pulling a rolling suitcase in from the front door.

'Bee!' Mrs Oh squealed, sounding just like Luna when she greeted one of her friends. She ran over and threw her arms around her sister.

Luna laughed, and Sehun knew why. Aunt Boa was definitely not a 'Bee'.  Bee was a cute little girl with pigtails. And Aunt Boa was, well, stunning. She was short and slim, with straight brown hair that hung down her back, and big, deep brown eyes. While Sehun thought his mom was pretty, he knew Boa was the real beauty of the family. It didn’t hurt that she was wearing an all-black outfit with a knee-length trench coat and high-heeled black boots. She looked like she’d stepped out of a fashion magazine. He had no idea what label it all was, but he knew it must’ve cost a fortune. Maybe if his mom put on those boots… but Sehun couldn’t even imagine it.

‘Hey, big sis,’ Boa said, hugging Mrs Oh. She pulled away and looked her up and down. ‘You look exactly the same.’  Boa glanced over at Sehun and Luna and gave them a grin. ‘But these two have gone California on us! Sehun, I’ve never seen your hair so blond.’


He went over to kiss her hello. ‘It’s the sun,’ he said. ‘It’s always sunny here.’

‘So you like Malibu?’ she asked.


‘He fits right in,’ Luna added, coming to greet Boa. ‘He’s already learning to surf.’

Boa laughed. ‘And how about you?’ she asked Luna. ‘Are you adjusting?’

Luna shrugged. ‘I have a few friends.’

‘You have about twenty friends,’ Sehun corrected her.

‘Yeah, but who knows how long I’ll be able to keep them if I’m never allowed to leave the house!’ Luna replied, with a pointed look at their mother.

Boa raised her eyebrows. ‘Does this have anything to do with the old grannies comment?’

‘You showed up in the middle of a battle. Clash of the generations,’ Mrs Oh explained.

‘She won’t let me go to a party-’ Luna began.

‘But we’re not going to bore you with details,’ Mrs Oh interrupted. She turned to Boa. ‘How long are you in town?’

‘A week or two,’ Boa replied, taking a seat at the breakfast bar.

‘Are you going to see any movie stars?’ Luna asked.


Aunt Boa worked as a casting director and frequently dealt with big-named actors. Even though she lived in New York City, her job required her to fly back and forth to Los Angeles several times a year. She even kept an office in L.A.

‘I might,’ Boa said, her eyes twinkling. ‘In fact, it would be helpful if you could come along and act as my assistant at some of the meetings.’

‘Oh my god! I would love to,’ Luna cried. ‘Thank you.’ She threw her arms around Aunt Boa, and Sehun felt himself relax a little. Two minutes with Boa and Luna’s foul mood was already gone. Sehun was glad their aunt would be with them all weekend – it might even mean he would manage to get to Kris’ party without a major scene from his sister.

‘So when do I get a tour?’ Boa asked when Luna released her. ‘I hope you guys like the house. Yoochun always said DeVere Heights was the only place to live in Malibu.’

Mrs Oh smiled sympathetically. ‘It’s your first Thanksgiving without him,’ she said softly. ‘How are you holding up?’

Sehun knew that Boa and Yoochun had fallen in love pretty much at first sight. Sehun knew that from the few times he met Yoochun that the guy was certainly handsome, intelligent and witty and Boa had taken his death – in a nasty traffic accident – pretty hard.

Boa’s smile faltered. ‘It’s tough,’ she admitted. ‘But being here with all of you really helps.’

Mrs Oh nodded. ‘Well, let’s show you around then.’

Sehun grabbed his aunt’s suitcase. ‘I’ll put this up in the guest room,’ he said. ‘I don’t need the tour.’ What I need is some time to get over my idiotic behaviour with Yuri, he thought as he headed for the stairs. He had a feeling it wouldn’t be easy. He might have to start with a long, slow lobotomy.


‘I’m going to start you off with the worst one, just to get it over with,’ Chanyeol said after school the next day. ‘Now I want you to be prepared. It’s bad. It’s very, very bad.’

‘Then why do I have to see it all?’ Sehun asked. He swung his locker door shut and took a moment to silently appreciate the lack of textbooks to drag home. Thanksgiving weekend equalled no homework. It would be nothing but fun for the next four days. Fun and food.

‘Even the worst Kubrick is better than ninety percent of the crap that most people like,’ Chanyeol replied.

‘Besides, there’s an in Eyes Wide Shut.’

‘Why didn’t you just say so?’ Sehun joked. ‘There’s no such thing as a bad .’ He led the way out to the front courtyard. A few guys were playing Frisbee on the lawn, and there was a mini traffic jam near the gates from the parking lot to the road. Everybody wanted to get out of school and start enjoying the holiday weekend.

‘Sehun!’ Kai came charging past, smacking Sehun on the as he ran. ‘See you Friday.’

‘Kris’ birthday soiree?’ Chanyeol asked, watching Kai sprint for his Hummer. ‘You going?’

‘I guess,’ Sehun replied. ‘Luhan and Yuri both told me I had to go.’ In fact, that was the only thing Yuri said to him at all today. She hadn’t exactly avoided him, but she also hadn’t made eye contact even once. Was she thinking about their near-kiss from yesterday? Was she relieved that it hadn’t happened – or disappointed? He couldn’t tell. But if he went to Kris’ party, at least he’d have another chance to talk to her.


‘You think it’ll be a typical vampire-fest?’ Chanyeol asked, lowering his voice.

‘I’m expecting a little more from Kris.’

‘Fair enough.’ Chanyeol grinned. ‘But I don’t need anything fancy. Cold beer and hot girls, that’s it!’

Sehun knew the vampire parties could be relied upon to provide all that in style. And this being Kris’ eighteenth birthday bash, who knew what other amusements might be served up?

Although, Sehun reflected, he’d be even more psyched for the party if he didn’t know that the humans would be part of the buffet. There was something unsettling about it. Even with the whole no-harm-no-foul set-up. And even though Yuri and Kris had assured him that there were no other vampires who would succumb to bloodlust, he had a hard time letting go of his suspicion. Who knew what made a vampire cross the line? Maybe it was like becoming an alcoholic. Suddenly a couple of drinks just weren’t enough. Suddenly one little drink of blood would lead to more and more and-

‘Sehun, look out!’ Chanyeol cried.

But it was too late. A strong arm wrapped itself around Sehun’s neck.

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YulHun forever!
author_sirj-nim #2
Chapter 16: I like it when Yuri plays hard-to-get. So hot.
vanilladream #3
Chapter 16: ugh it's going to be hard for Sehun to get back on track with Yuri again.. Yuri sure giving him hard times >_<
i'm really curious to whatever happens to Baek and Kris's people in the party, i hope it's not bad..
thank you for the update ;)
Chapter 15: For christ's sake Sehun, why'd you have to go and mess things up with Yuri? I am done with you.
Chapter 13: Aww, Sehun is so cute around Yuri :3 I hope they get a moment soon XD
MinYoonYul #6
Chapter 13: Omg I love the story it's so interesting. Please update faster.
author_sirj-nim #7
Chapter 12: Kris' party on the next chap! Make it hot ;)
Chapter 11: Dude, Baek's totally high. Is he trying to scam money out of Sehun for drugs or something?
author_sirj-nim #9
Chapter 9: It would be cool if Baek was actually a werewolf and the vampires discovered him coming to their territory and they got into battle. That would explain his bruises and worn-out appearance. Hope I haven't predicted it right because it would be spoiler. lol
author_sirj-nim #10
Chapter 10: If you're planning to turn Yuri into a bloodlust vampire and Kris would end up killing her and there'd be no lovelife for Sehun, don't. I swear to God.