

Silver light on sleek black hair. Beautifully golden, perfect, sun-kissed skin that can be seen even in the moonlight. All luminescent in the darkness. Yuri.

Sehun threw open the window and leaned out.

‘Hey, Michigan,’ Yuri called quietly. ‘Can I come up?’

Yuri was at his house, asking to climb up to his room. Sehun felt as if he had died and gone to heaven.

Yeah, he thought. If heaven’s like an episode of Dawson’s Creek! He glanced at the vine-covered trellis that rose from the back deck up to the top of the house. It ran about a foot to the left of the window and it would be pretty easy to climb up now that he thought about it.

‘Sure. Come on up. As long as you don’t call me Dawson,’ he told Yuri.

She just gave him that slow, sly smile of hers, then put one slim hand on the bottom of the trellis and gracefully pulled herself up, shimmying her way toward him as if she’d done it a million times. Before Sehun knew it, she was level with his window.


‘Want to give me a hand?’ she asked, her voice husky.

Sehun put his hands on her waist to steady her as she edged sideways and slide one long leg over his windowsill. Then the other leg.

‘What are you doing here?’ he asked, forcing himself to let go of her. ‘Not that I’m not pleased to see you.’

‘I need to talk to you.’ She raised one eyebrow. ‘But, er, is your cell turned off this time?’

Her question brought him right back to that moment in the car. When they’d been about to kiss.

Yuri moved closer. Almost as close as she’d been that day.

‘I threw the thing away,’ Sehun joked.

He waited for Yuri to start talking; instead, she reached out and cupper his face in her hands, her body leaning into his.


Sehun’s brain was trying to tell him something – something about Luhan, about vampires, about Yuri being off-limits. But his body overpowered it. He had to kiss her. Now. He leaned in, wrapping his arms around her.

Yuri tilted his head to one side and sunk her teeth in to his neck. Electric pain shot through Sehun as he felt her begin to feed. He pushed her away, forced to use all his strength.

Yuri stumbled backwards. Her dark eyes had turned yellow-ish and they gleamed with desire. But not desire for Sehun, just for his blood. And he’d seen that look before – in the eyes of Suho.

Yuri laughed as she reached for Sehun again. Her fangs gleamed white and sharp in the moonlight and her gaze was focused on his throat. There was no sign of the girl he knew within those animal eyes. There was only the bloodlust.

And Sehun knew she was about to drink from him until he was dead.

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YulHun forever!
author_sirj-nim #2
Chapter 16: I like it when Yuri plays hard-to-get. So hot.
vanilladream #3
Chapter 16: ugh it's going to be hard for Sehun to get back on track with Yuri again.. Yuri sure giving him hard times >_<
i'm really curious to whatever happens to Baek and Kris's people in the party, i hope it's not bad..
thank you for the update ;)
Chapter 15: For christ's sake Sehun, why'd you have to go and mess things up with Yuri? I am done with you.
Chapter 13: Aww, Sehun is so cute around Yuri :3 I hope they get a moment soon XD
MinYoonYul #6
Chapter 13: Omg I love the story it's so interesting. Please update faster.
author_sirj-nim #7
Chapter 12: Kris' party on the next chap! Make it hot ;)
Chapter 11: Dude, Baek's totally high. Is he trying to scam money out of Sehun for drugs or something?
author_sirj-nim #9
Chapter 9: It would be cool if Baek was actually a werewolf and the vampires discovered him coming to their territory and they got into battle. That would explain his bruises and worn-out appearance. Hope I haven't predicted it right because it would be spoiler. lol
author_sirj-nim #10
Chapter 10: If you're planning to turn Yuri into a bloodlust vampire and Kris would end up killing her and there'd be no lovelife for Sehun, don't. I swear to God.