Oh My Pretty Pretty Boy

Pretty Boy



"Your name?" He asked, leaning on the counter asking me.


"Kyuhyun. Cho Kyuhyun." I said, managed to not embarrassed myself by stuttering. I was a shopomore, and it was my first time in this kind of meet-and-greet-the-shopomore ceremony, which I actually had been in this hall for half an hours, walking everywhere idiotly because I can't find this line. 


"Cho.. Its a C...C.. C..." He said while his hand busy browsing through the plate card file with our name with it. "Here is it. Cho Kyuhyun." He said, taking out my file and read the profile. "Have all the honour to get in art class, didn't you?" He asked, smiling. I glanced at the pass hung on his neck, Lee Hyukjae, second year. Committe of Dance Club. 


I just nodded, slightly bit taken by his beauty, especially when he was showing me this kind of gummy smiles. So cute... I cooed inside.


"Great. Got English lesson tomorrow?" He asked, suddenly interested.


I nodded. "At Hall Two." Praising myself because I had remembered all my schedule perfectly. At least I'm not suttered. Not now. 


"Sweet." He grinned. "That mean we are in the same class." He said. "Mind if we get there together?" He asked, eyes charming me.


I nodded enthuastically, later cleared my throat when I realized that I was too over-excited here. "I don't know where the hall was, so its good to have someone to go with me." Liar, Kyuhyun. Such a big fat liar. Okay, I may not that fat, but still I'm a liar. Of course I know perfectly where is it.


"Great! Class start at two, so how about I come to your dorm around 1? It will take times to be there. Since shopomore dorm quite bit, far away?" He said, rubbing his neck nervously. 


Oh, if he know that I was beaming inside. "Don't you mind walking? I know that senior dorm was close to the hall, but not to sophomore's dorm." I asked, feeling unsatisfied because we have been separate by seniority. 


"Nah, I will take it as an exercise." He said and fish his phone out from his pocket. "Punch in your number and I'll call you once I get there." He said, handed me his phone. I clumsly punch my number on his phone screen and passed back to him. 


Suddenly, there was a ringing on my phone. I look out the screen and see unknown number. 


"My number. You better save it." He said, grinning. I nodded and save the number under Hyukjae, being watched by him. "Quite sharp, aren't you?" He asked and I looked at him in confused. "I haven't told you my name yet, but you already knew it." He said and I showed him the pass that hung on his name. He make an 'Ah...' sound and hid his pass inside his trousers' pocket. "So, see you tomorrow at 1?" He asked, confirming once again.


"Yeah." I nodded and took my file that he had been holding since before and walked away from the line. I could heard people behind me muttering 'finally'. I was hesitated to looked back, afraid that he was not looking at me, but I did. And he was looking at me back, and waving his hand to me. I waved back and blushed, unconcern how the person behind me before was looking at him dangerously, because he had been waiting to take his file ever since before.




I didn't focused on the lesson my lecturer was given in front, because I was busy replied to Hyukjae's handwriting on my book. Since this is the only class we have together, Hyukjae and I make full used to catch up thing happened to us in this class, like now. He was asking me if I was free after class, saying he wanted to show me around the campus.


I replied back to him. "Sorry , got class at 5."


He draw a pout face on my notebook. I looked at him to apologized, but was welcome by his cute face pouting. I smiled at him and turned down to replied to him. "Tomorrow, at 9. Is it okay?"


I passed the note to him back. And he smiled while nodded. "Deal." And passed back the note to me. Suddenly, the lesson was interrupt by our other lecturer calling for him.


"Hyukjae, I did told you that you're excused from all classes so that you can concentrate on your competition." I heard the lecturer lectured him. Yeah, Hyukjae's name was up for dance competition organized by nation. Its a big competition and our Uni relied a big hope on him.


He just shrugged and winked at me. "See you at 9 tomorrow, Kyuhyun." He said and I nodded. he followed the lecturer out, whom I assumed was his dance instructor or sort. 


Since there no Hyukjae around anymore, I concentrate on the lesson back. Suprisingly, at the end of the lesson, when I looked back at the note, I could see his name and my name all over my notes. Kyuhyun... Hyukjae.... Kyuhyun and Hyukjae... Hyukjae and Kyuhyun... It was all over my notes. I must have gone crazy. Very crazy. 




Its been a while since I being best friend with Hyukjae. Huh. I didn't have any other friends here besides him. And the feeling I was feeling when I'm besides him or thinking of him, I know it wasn't a thing that a friend should have to his friend.


I was feeling giddy when he was besides me. When he cracked a joke at me, though it was the most silliest thing I ever heard, I laugh. I was feeling proud when everyone clapped for him from winning the competition, slighlty getting jealous when everyone tried to get his attention. What is happening to me? I don't know myself anymore.


I coughed badly. Today was my bad day, caught in fever and no one to attend me. I don't have energy to even called someone, probably Hyukjae, to inform him my condition. I was lying on the bed, and I thought I must have gone crazy when I think I can hear Hyukjae called for me for outside.


I didn't have energy to check whether I was daydreaming or Hyukjae really did called me. And worst, my roomate had been out since morning, not bothered to check on me. I shut my eyes, thinking that I just dreaming about it and tried to catch a sleep. I need one instead of keep thinking about Hyukjae.


I stirred in my sleep when I felt some cold substance on my forehead. I tried hardly to open my eyes, and was greet by worried looking Hyukjae.


"Are you okay?" he asked me.


My voice cracked when I told him I was fine and he hand me a glass of water. I gulped down the water, thinking hard how he got inside my room.


"How did you get inside?" I asked weakly. "Sungmin wasn't here since morning."


"I tried to reach your phone but no answer since morning. I go here, and the door was locked. So, I looked for Sungmin the whole campus and he lend me his key." He said and wiggling the key on his hand. "And I found you lying here, with high temperature and no one actually take care of you." He said and changing the towel to a new one. "You should have tell me."


"I tried, but I don't have energy." I said in defeat. I tried to apologize when he stopped me.


"Don't say sorry. It wasn't your fault. I'm just being worried. Everything could happen to you if I decided to walk away earlier. Luckily I was stubborn enough." He said and flashed his gummy smile that I loved the most. "Don't worry, I will be your doctor for today."


He said and I smiled in happiness. "Did you have license for it?" I said in tease manner. He pouted and showed his adorable side to me. And he was not joking when he said he going to take care of me. 


Hyukjae had been running up and down, back and fro to fulfill my wishes. I couldn't help to always wanted to eat this and that when I was sick. That's why I loved it when my mum was there when I was sick. She always know what to do. 


I rose from the bed, stumbling to get to the toilet. I threw everything I ate before, I squish my stomach, wanted to throw more even it had empty. My eyes went teary, and my body was literally shaking because of the pain I had to bear while throwing up. I felt a hand gently rubbing my back, soothing me. 


"I hate to get sick, Hyukjae." I said wearily, after finished throwing up. "I don't want to get sick anymore." 


"No, you won't. I'll take care of you after this." He said, encouraged me. 


"I want my mum." I said almost crying. "She will know what to do."


Hyukjae sighed. "What will your mum usually do at this time?"


I sighed. "I don't know. Maybe a lemonade and warm hug?" 


Hyukjae smiled. "Lemonade will come afterwards." He said and pulled me into his hug. 


I was so shocked than I even forgot how to breathe. "You will make the best mum." I commented, not knowing how should I compliment him. 


"Glad to hear that." Hyukjae said and rubbing my back, letting me fall asleep in his embrace. 


"Mum.. I think I had fallen to this person that trying to be you." I secretly said in my heart and closed my eyes smelling his scent.




"What is you and Kyuhyun?" Donghae, Hyukjae's best friend had asked him. I was there and listening to it. My stomach scrunched, half anticipating half afraid of what Hyukjae's answer would be. 


"Its not me, Hae." He said, stirring his drink with straw. "Its what Kyuhyun wanted us to be." He said and everyone turned to look at me. 


I gulped nervously. "Well, we are best friend, aren't we?" I said. My inner self was screaming and shouting at me, practically. Idiot! Why don't you just admit that you have huge crush on him? I can imagined Sungmin's ghost was yelling at me, because yeah, he knew that I had fallen to Hyukjae. After threating me to admit and all the coaxing he need to do because I was crying while admitting it.


I was having my head down while saying that, probably missing Hyukjae's expression at that time. Because all I could heard was Hyukjae saying "If you said so" and when I lifted my head, he was no longer at the table with us. And I can see that our friends, Donghae, Siwon, Ryeowook and Yesung was looking at me pitily.


"What?" I asked them, suddenly felt irritated.


Yesung patted my back and all of them leave me alone at the table, a gesture I couldn't understand. But later, Sungmin saw me and joined me at the table.


"You know." He said starting his -oh-I'm-your-mother-here conversation. "I overheard your friends conversation and I think I needed to tell you this." He said and I looking at him intenly. "They are saying that 'poor Hyuk, he thought he could ask Kyuhyun out before he decided to take Mr. Wong's offer to teach in China.' and then your small friend with loud shrieked voice said in worried tone 'gosh, Hyukjae must be devastated right now. He did told me that he would turn down the offer if Kyuhyun agreed to go out with him.' Sungmin said and I gasped.


"Wait, did you mean..."


Sungmin give me are-you-kidding-me look. "He had been hinted to you that he did have special spot for you all this three years." He asked irritatedly. "Can't you see it?"


"But... But.." I stuttered. "Hyukjae was like everyone crush, the heartrobe here. And I was no one." I said and all my confident went to zero degree down.


"Yeah, and that everyone crush only had crush on a no one you this three years." Sungmin said. "Kyuhyun, you should at least tell him before he made decision to left you forever." He said and patting my back. "Have a little confident." And then he left me alone, thinking.


I thought of it, deep and hard, that if I sprinted to Hyukjae's dorm, maybe, just maybe, I could stop him for going to China. But regretfully, I didn't.


And here I was, stucking at my thirty years old, desperately looking for someone to actually date with. Its been nine years after Hyukjae leave me. And it has been nine years that our feeling buried. I'm not sure about him, though, he probably had married and have kids at this moment, but me, yes, still stucked here with no one to loved, except Hyukjae. Hyukjae, the dancer that I was madly in love with, my only pretty boy.


I was having a weird smile on my face, when suddenly someone was sitting in front of me. Gosh, it was embarassing. He must have seeing my goofy smile. I cleared my throat to actually scolded the person because interupting my daydreaming in the heavy rain inside this coozy warm cafe when all my words swollen back down my throat


"Hyukjae." It was all I could muttered. I studied the person in front of me, that was smilling, grinning like an idiot. He had pale skin, but glowing, those gummy smile he still have, with a wrinkle at the corner of his eyes, and also he had become prettier than before.


"Hi, Kyuhyun." He said shyly, laughing at my stunned look.


"You're not aging." I commented, still amused that he was here in front of me.


He was taken aback at first, then laughed. "Haha, Kyu. You're so funny. I might be thirty two, but that doesn't mean I have grey hair already."


"No, I was serious. You're not aging from the last time I saw you." I said and added. "And you become even prettier than before."


Hyukjae was blushing red to my comments. He look away shyly and muttering in low breath. "Thanks. You look handsome too."


"Married?" I asked him, noticing the ring on his left finger. "With how many kids?" My heart was breaking when I asked him that.


"I didn't.." He said and before he could continued, I pointed to his finger with my mouth. "Oh my, you silly boy. Don't you remember this?" He asked and wear off the ring, showing it to me. I shook my head. Did I forget about anything?


"You're the one who gave me this? On the arcade remember?" He said in frustration and my mind flew back to when it happened. Yeah, I did give him that ring. Why would he still wearing it?


"God, I thought  that since my fail confession, maybe you could confess to me instead. Or maybe, I was being delusional. Rejecting the fact that you only look at me as friend all this years." He mumbled, shaking his head in disbelief. "I thought I might have the chance this time." He said and ready to walked away. "I guess I don't." He said, bowing to me, and muttered silent good bye.


My heart sank when Hyukjae walked away for second time in my life. No, this time I couldn't let it happen. I must have him. I must.


I ran after him, ignoring that I bumped to several people before managed to grasp his hand. He was crying when I turned him around to look at me.


"Hyuk..." I called his name softly. "I'm sorry for being the blind one. I did love you, Hyukjae."


"You don't mean it." He said and tried to release his hand from mine.


"No, I did." I said and held his hand tighter. "Hyukjae, I love you."


He was smiling when he heard it. "Took you almost twelve years to admit it." He said and hugged me. "I love you too, silly."


"Oh my..." I said, releasing the hug. Hyukjae pouted.


"Why?" He asked me.


"We should write a book about our love story." I susggested. "And we should inherit it to our grandchild. About their handsome grandfather with his pretty grandfather. It would be awesome."


"And where should we start?" He asked, laughing.


"Must be start at the Uni." I said and kissed my pretty boy. My only pretty boy.



Okay. Its kinda weird. Too girlish I guess, and the ending kinda rush. Whatever, enjoy everyone.  





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Chapter 1: cute~ took Kyu 12 long years before he said it.. tsktsk.. kkk but nevertheless, it still worth reading ^^ nice one Author-nim! jjang!! <3
emma13 #2
Chapter 1: Oohhh ami dear..I just found it,and i'm bad to you that i'm not make a comment yet. Will you forgive me? *bows

Well,i thought it's not weird,or too girlish, and you're not in rush at all. It's great,i'm glad if you willing to make sequel of it kkkkk.. *i'm asking too much right?

I'm waiting your another story to be update ^.~
Chapter 1: Oh My, pretty pretty story! I love the song, I knew the group after hearing them sang some op in pokemon movie hehe, and plus a cute story makes and awesome song. Thanks for sharing your story, when you use pokemon, or westlife or groups like m2m, brings a lot of memories of my young days.

ps/ I'm not that old yet, well, you get me -maybe?- I love you~
heyitstheduff #4
Chapter 1: Cute!!^^ love it so much!^^
heyitstheduff #5
Hwaiting dear^^