
The Story's Still The Same, Though.


He laid on down on the his couch and stared at the ceiling for a moment. It had been a really long day. His schedule had started at 6am and had only just ended at 2am.

He had an appointment with his girlfriend at 8am. Yoseob seemed to never get any sleep, as of late. Yoseob stared at the ceiling for what seemed like forever, when he finally lost consciousness, he honestly couldn’t tell you.

At 7:30am, as it was all clockwork, of course, His alarm went off. His body felt like lead was coursing through his veins, keeping him held against the couch. He sighed, today was his free day but he had already agreed to go out with Yaji. They were going to meet at the corner coffee shop, that he and Hyunseung lived over.

Yoseob slowly drew himself off of the couch, gaining energy from the thought of seeing his lovely girlfriend. He made his way into his bedroom, bypassing the room in which, Hyunseung, was fast asleep. He gathered his clothes for the day and tried to rush through his shower. In 5 minutes he had managed to get dressed and made his way to the corner where they usually spent their mornings together. It was a small place, but it was comfortable, for Yaji mostly. Yoseob was comfortable anywhere Yaji wanted to be, just being around her made him calm, yet he felt apprehensive when she wasn’t by his side.

A bench, a bookshelf with all sorts of books(Ranging from Harry Potter to the Gallagher Girls’ series…Yaji had fueded with the manager when he had put the Twilight series in their little corner) and a couple of tables, inhabited the little corner of the cafe’ that they so often shared.

Yoseob saw that Yaji was already there, a cup of coffee steaming hot, a second waiting for his body to consume. She held the oldest book in the shop, treasuring it, possibly reading it for the thousandth time this winter. Her hair was was pulled back slightly, hanging loosely against her back.

Yoseob quietly sat infront of her, watching as she read her favorite book, taking in her beauty. He felt his mind take over, as his hand brushed a stray strand of hair out of her eyes. She jumped slightly and her eyes darted to his as her hand reached for her pocket. Yoseob knew exactly what she’d reached for. He placed his hand over hers lightly, but securely. A sleepy half-smile crossed his face. Yaji felt herself relax as Yoseob stared into her eyes. Yaji smiled knowingly at Yoseob. She knew exactly what he was feeling. She knew that the weather wasn’t helping the fact that he was completely exhausted. It was something she picked up over the years. She patted the soft bench beside her, Yoseob quickly took her invitation. The coffee would have to wait until later.

Yoseob smiled softly and laid down, softly placing his head in Yaji’s lap. She his hair lightly and kissed his forehead.

“Sleep, My love. I’ll be here waiting for you.” Yoseob smiled, knowing that she really meant it. He closed his eyes and, in trusting Yaji to protect him from fans as he slept, fell asleep to the sound of the heavy rain outside.

Yaji knew that she could easily finish her book before Yoseob would wake. Yoseob never knew that the story on the inside was theirs…It was their fairytale that she had dreamed of as a child. The characters were not them, but time and time again she had imagined them as the fated characters. Their story was till the same, though.

And with that thought Yaji returned to her book.



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BassLover16 #1
Thanks!! ^^